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You know you're a Black Templar when....


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You know you're a Black Templar when ...


... you play Black Templars not because you want to, but because you have to.


Being a Templar player isn't about a Codex or a ruleset, it's about a mindset.

That's the exact reason I started playing them. Even my marines knew they were Black Templar before I did. Explains the Librarians constant suicide.

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You know you're a Black Templar when ...


... you play Black Templars not because you want to, but because you have to.


Being a Templar player isn't about a Codex or a ruleset, it's about a mindset.


This. +1

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You know you're a Black Templar when ...


... you play Black Templars not because you want to, but because you have to.


Being a Templar player isn't about a Codex or a ruleset, it's about a mindset.



I have always said that we Templar players are a special breed.

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When you're doing your dissertation on the role and influence of the Knights of St. John in the Kingdom of Jerusalem because the Black Templars got you interesting in the Crusades, which got you interested in Medival History, which you did at university etc. 

Edited by Arachnid99
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How about when the first thing I noticed when I went in to my then-to-be workplace was the Templar cross necklace my "main contact person" there was wearing.

Plus I still twitch at the thought of using a Librarian for my C:SM lists, despite how effective they are and how nice the DV Libby model is :pinch: To date I've still not used a single psyker on the table, though I have the DV libby, three Rogue Trader libbys and a C:CSM Thousand Sons sorcerer dude.

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How about when the first thing I noticed when I went in to my then-to-be workplace was the Templar cross necklace my "main contact person" there was wearing.


Plus I still twitch at the thought of using a Librarian for my C:SM lists, despite how effective they are and how nice the DV Libby model is :pinch: To date I've still not used a single psyker on the table, though I have the DV libby, three Rogue Trader libbys and a C:CSM Thousand Sons sorcerer dude.

I have never fielded a filthy witch in almost 26 years of playing 40k. I've been playing templars for less than 3 years.


Conclusion? I was a templar before I even knew it myself :-D

Edited by Harrypotter
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When you're doing your dissertation on the role and influence of the Knights of St. John in the Kingdom of Jerusalem because the Black Templars got you interesting in the Crusades, which got you interested in Medival History, which you did at university etc. 


I hope the opposite counts too? I started out with a healthy interest in the Medieval era, especially the Crusades, and my attention later diverted towards WWII, which got me into Guard.

And slowly my Medieval preferences started to take over, and when two events collided (getting sick of my Guard getting beat up in CC repeatedly and the finding of my long lost Templar shield amulet.) I decided it was time to pick up some Templars. I have not regretted my decision since then, and I'll probably never will.


(Useless note: The amulet was relevant as I used it as my Crusade badge. Kite shield with 3 swords engraved in it.)


So I guess I too was a Templar long before I got the army. The Emperor works in mysterious ways!:thumbsup:

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You know you're a black templar when:

Playing Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past, and you catch a fairy in your net getting the

You caught a fairy? What do you do?
Keep it in a bottle.
Set it free.

You want a third option: KILL THE FOUL XENOS WITCH!

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You know your Black Templar when...


... Your army suddenly advances when they hear the enemy has a Psyker.


... When your tanks are so Zealous they become part of that advance.


... When your Land Raider Crusaders have taken enough damage to make Greater Daemons run, and they keep on going.


... When you take a vow other than Accept Any Challenge no Matter the odds because your worried that your troops would do to well in your own assault phase.


... When even after changing vows you feel the close combat squads will still too much damage on the charge.


... When a first turn charge out of a Land Raider Crusader is both possible as well as legal, while going first.


... When the you relish the idea of them trying to stop said charge with melta guns.


... When the base cost of your Land Raider Crusader is 295 points every time.


... When your Las Cannons magically make Ork Truks come closer so your Emperor's Champion doesn't have to wait a turn to kill something.

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You know your Black Templar when...




... When you take a vow other than Accept Any Challenge no Matter the odds because your worried that your troops would do to well in your own assault phase.


Haha absolutely love it!!


In the tournament I played in today I was actually right, I had three different assaults end in their phase because I didn't quite wipe them, but some assault were still brutally one sided.


[Edit]: Also you know your Black Templar when your 12 man Crusader Squad with attached Emperor's Champion and Chaplain can slay a Daemon Prince and a Blood Thirster in 2 Turns, with no casualties, or wounds, and this is considered an average game.


When your Emperor's Champion slew the Daemon Prince in single combat.

Edited by Lysere
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You know you're a Black Templar when for a lack of fliers you chase your opponent's Vendetta and Vulture around the table with your 2 LRCs taking the Vulture down and leaving the other with only one hull point at game's end.

...Queue the Benny Hill theme? 


Honestly, No matter how I picture that, I still laugh. That would be great to witness, hahaha

I still don't have any fliers at this point in time (lining up a Talon in the future, don't need/want a raven I have 4 LRCs). But last weekend I went in the local GW for our Righteous Fury Tourney (how aptly named heheh) and went 3 LRCs for 1750pts, enemy Ravens may have been nasty but taking down both the new DA fliers was a cinch (one with the TL AssCans on one LRC the other went down to the single AssCan on my Tornado.


On topic:


You know you're a Black Templar when you field one LRC for roughly every 600pts you play.


You know you're a Black Templar when people cringe visibly when they play you as they know what's coming.


You know you're a Black Templar when people ask how many LRCs they have to deal with today.



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You know you're a Black Templar when you field one LRC for roughly every 600pts you play.



On a series note, is an LRC actually viable in a 600 point game? I may try it for the luls.


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On a series note, is an LRC actually viable in a 600 point game? I may try it for the luls.

Only if you're playing Black Templars. :wink:


You know you're a Blood Angel when you're actually jealous of the Black Templars' ability to fight and learn to fly just to make up for that shortcoming. You even make your Land Raiders fly, but that somehow never works the way you want it to....

Edited by Erasmus of Baal
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On a series note, is an LRC actually viable in a 600 point game? I may try it for the luls.

Only if you're playing Black Templars. :wink:

You know you're a Blood Angel when you're actually jealous of the Black Templars' ability to fight and learn to fly just to make up for that shortcoming. You even make your Land Raiders fly, but that somehow never works the way you want it to....

Black Templars-


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On a series note, is an LRC actually viable in a 600 point game? I may try it for the luls.

Only if you're playing Black Templars. :wink:

You know you're a Blood Angel when you're actually jealous of the Black Templars' ability to fight and learn to fly just to make up for that shortcoming. You even make your Land Raiders fly, but that somehow never works the way you want it to....

Black Templars-


This is currently my dreadnoughts legitimate tactic. So far it's worked out quite well!

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You know you're a Black Templar when you field one LRC for roughly every 600pts you play.



On a series note, is an LRC actually viable in a 600 point game? I may try it for the luls.

Yes, but you need to make your 5-man squad first or you'll mess up your points SO FAST lol... Its something like 5-man, 5/5 I/N w/PW, LRC, Chaplain with BP. There usually isn't enough anti-tank for you to even worry about your LRC hahahaha.

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