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You know you're a Black Templar when....


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you still have 4 points left after that. FRAG AND KRAK GRENADES GO!


You know when you're a Black Templar when you still have to pay for frag and krak grenades, and your marshal's best gun is a krak grenade.

Edited by Urkh
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...you come to the new realization that you can't have too many Storm Ravens.



oh the times when this was only said about our LRC's...


Why not both?

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...you come to the new realization that you can't have too many Storm Ravens.



oh the times when this was only said about our LRC's...


Why not both?


Even though the stormraven is something we needed, i feel tainted by it. i don't know why, i just do.

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...you come to the new realization that you can't have too many Storm Ravens.



oh the times when this was only said about our LRC's...


Why not both?

FOC and point limits brother, still.. 3+ a match or death!

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... you can tear apart a Stormtalon with your bare hands!


(No but seriously, I had the rip off the rear wing off a Stormtalon because I noticed I had glued in on backwards - which is why I don't like gluing things to begin with, in my absent-mindedness something always goes wrong! - and it was an utter pain to get it off now, of course. I was worried I'd break the entire damn model, had to use such brute force.)

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How about when the first thing I noticed when I went in to my then-to-be workplace was the Templar cross necklace my "main contact person" there was wearing.


Plus I still twitch at the thought of using a Librarian for my C:SM lists, despite how effective they are and how nice the DV Libby model is :pinch: To date I've still not used a single psyker on the table, though I have the DV libby, three Rogue Trader libbys and a C:CSM Thousand Sons sorcerer dude.

I have never fielded a filthy witch in almost 26 years of playing 40k. I've been playing templars for less than 3 years.


Conclusion? I was a templar before I even knew it myself :-D

A Templar named Harry Potter? The boy known as one of the most powerful magical beings ever known?  Hmmm.


Guess you know you're a Dark Angel when you have to point out the traitor in another Chapter's midst..........



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...this is what you wear on your first ever drop pod...er, skydive...



For the Glory of the Emperor!

It was an amazing time. My oldest son and I celebrated his 18th birthday, which made for an especially memorable event.

I'm still giddy.

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...this is what you wear on your first ever drop pod...er, skydive...



For the Glory of the Emperor!

It was an amazing time. My oldest son and I celebrated his 18th birthday, which made for an especially memorable event.

I'm still giddy.

You will sell me one of these shirts in a very very large size immediately :-D

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Alas, if only I could. This shirt was a gift from a very good friend who I believe acquired it at a Games Day back when our codex was released.


However, it would be interesting to see if we as a community could come up with something better.

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Oh, coming up with a nice design isn't the problem, it's more about not making it too explicitly Black Templars in the sense that GW would send the Inquisition after us :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

you refuse to take a librarian in DoW when you play online over tungle. despite the fact it makes your infantry amazing.


You see the word "Libr*ri*n" and feel your self-control ebbing away.

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....after having been missing from the hobby for 4 years (stationed overseas/new wife/life, etc.) and returning to my LGS and hearing "What army are you going to build now that your codex is broken?"  and your only answer "The only thing broken is my actual codex, I'll take this new copy please, heretic" (Pages were falling out).

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..you are sick of all the "we are getting rolled into blabla" .. at the end of the day there is only one thing that matters: we are HIS champions. the choosen ones no matter wich book cover.


or as a old guy once sang: PAINT(ed) IT  BLACK.

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You play against your friend's IG with DA allies, and rather than take strategic shots towards key targets, you spam all your missile templates at the TDA Librarian first turn.  Just to prove a point.


And still win.

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You play against your friend's IG with DA allies, and rather than take strategic shots towards key targets, you spam all your missile templates at the TDA Librarian first turn.  Just to prove a point.


You sir, win the  Internet today!

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