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Good evening all!

DSS7: Cheers fella!

Dorns Fist: And to you brother!

MagicMan: Really glad you like it chap!

Argent: Always appreciated!


Sorry, caps was on and too tired to re-type!

Basically this week was vehicles week.

Much painting led to this:


Which consequently led to this







And indeed this




Still need to do all the eagles and skulls in the usual stone, but will bulk that later.

So, now all we have left are:

5 marines

1 Centurian

1 standard bearer

The whole board.

Have taken Friday off (oh what we do for the plastic crack) so fingers crossed may yet get all done for Saturday!


Cheers all!


Edited by NightHunters

Excellent work!

Could you tell us (after the weekend. I dare day you haven't the time before) how you did the weathering?


I love the bits of colour: the red and white on the sides at the front, plus great lenses and visions blocks.

Greetings brethren!

So, after many very late nights, and an entire days Holiday taken to finish the blasted board, yours truly rocked up at the local GW with the following:


As per usual, I woefully ran out of time, so there are many things I would have liked to do differently but all in all I was happy with the concept.

Now on to a different angle for y'all


and two closer ones of the squads at the front



As some of the eagle eyed amongst you have no doubt already noticed, it was not the big gold for the Night Hunters, but a lowly silver.

So, lessons learnt, less is not necessarily more, there is a lot to be said for quantity, bright colours and height.

At least height I will be able to work on! :biggrin.:

DSS7: Cheers fella!

geektom: Yeah the weathering is a route I decided to take with my last Landraider and I have to be honest I am loving it, taking a lot of inspiration from the military modelling scene. Those boys truly do some ridiculous stuff!

Argent Aquila: Thanks chap, so there you have it, your thoughts?

Kierdale: Well met brother! On the weathering which part is it, or just the general look? Let me know!

Cheers all!


Brilliant! Well done on the Silver - the Gold must have been even more impressive!


 Now, a question if you would; I can see that the missile pack on the side of the Predator/Vanquisher turret is the FW Valk pod cut in half, but where are the hydraulic struts from?

Edited by Paladin7221

absolutely love it, in my opinion, there'd be a bright Gehenna's' gold award slapped on that piece of work!:biggrin.:


I plan on attempting to make a burnt forest display base for my humble little Tundaran knights sometime in the future, most likely next summer:wacko.: 

seeing that, i've got an ocean of ideas swimming about in my little adamantium covered cranium... very inspiring indeed!!!





now for the real question though...... what's next for the night Hunters?!? (fingers crossed for some dreadnought shenanigans:biggrin.: )

Excellent work!

Congratulations on getting silver! Gold must have been quite something to beat that.


I'd love to hear anything you can tell us about the weathering, really. The staining running down from rivets, for one.

Paladin7221: Cheers Fella, twas a nice bright board full of colour, Wood Elves vs Beastmen and to be fair, very nice. And the Struts are from the various gaurd heavy weapon team supports.

Sockwithaticket: Cheers mate, gutted not to take the gold but has been grate for my paiting and completion of miniatures that have needed paiting for, well, years in some cases.

Argent Aquila: Cheers mate, look forward to seeing that! Re whats next, well, need to work on the centurions and got sidetracked.....

DSS7: Ha, i wish, but thank you!

Kierdale: Thanks brother, on the weathering, I basically paint everthing until it is perfect and factory fresh. Then I wash the whole thing with really watered down, I want to say baneblade brown, but will check! whilst drying I drag a damp brush in the direction "the Weather" would most affect that panel.

Then pick out the bolts with a mix of orange and Snake bite leather, again, hugely watered down and done to taste.

The same rust wash is applied to the treads before and or after a heavy wash of Agrax Earth with a little Nuln oil mixed in. Then a light dry brush of Leadbelcher of graphite pencil.

TO be fair, probs best if a do a guide when I paint up the below so I don't miss any steps!

And now the distraction - thought of a way I might like a whirlwind.



Just wainting on an ebay order to get this guy on to the next level and move to paint!

Again cheers all for your support, greatly appreciated!


Yeah, I'm liking that Whirlwind design. I may just have to loot it.:cool.:

Beautiful stuff as always, mate!


No.  Just...no.  I'm getting ill just thinking what kind of nastiness your pestilent mind will do with this kind of design.  :sick:


Oh, who am I kidding.  It'll be awesome.  Vile, stomach-turning awesome.

Evening all!

Paladin: Ha, cheers fella!

ChromeZephyr: Fear not chap, still love the compensator and have the parts to build another together finally so we may see that soon!

Togusa-san: Long time brother! And as ever, steal away!

redneckboss: You steal it, and you make it pretty in that nurgly way only you can!

Kierdale: Pleasure mate, as mentioned will do a step by step when i paint this bad boy up to give you a little more info!

ChromeZephyr: Agreed!

So the bits arrived thus allowing more work on the whirlwind


and then I was having such fun that i decided to go a little Blackadder on it with pistons and such like. I made 4. It took forever, and i still need to work more on them, A whole Titan, the man is mental!!


Fine detailing still to go along with the usual packs etc and still debating whether or not to hinge the central section as i can fit another 4 missiles in......

Decisions decisions!

Cheers all!


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