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Apparently Stormravens for all


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My brother was just at the Vernon Hills, Illinois Gamesworkshop and the manager there said their direction from corperate was that any SM player can field them right now just by grabbing the rules from the new White Dwarf or from our codex. He was encouraging my brother to pick one up for his Dark Angels Successor Chapter (which is getting shelved the second the new Grey Knights codex comes out). My brother questioned him further since everything he or I had heard said just BA, and Grey Knights when their new codex comes out. Has anyone else run into this, or is this just one shop running its own program?
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This is just your LGS trying to sell stuff. If you show up at a tournament with your Dark Angels with a Storm Raven it will be illegal as it is not in your codex. It is ok for friendly games as all you have to do is ask your opponent. In the WD It does not say anywhere in the Raven's entry that all Marine Codexes can take it.
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My brother was just at the Vernon Hills, Illinois Gamesworkshop and the manager there said their direction from corperate was that any SM player can field them right now just by grabbing the rules from the new White Dwarf or from our codex. He was encouraging my brother to pick one up for his Dark Angels Successor Chapter (which is getting shelved the second the new Grey Knights codex comes out). My brother questioned him further since everything he or I had heard said just BA, and Grey Knights when their new codex comes out. Has anyone else run into this, or is this just one shop running its own program?

I've seen this rumor several times. As for now, there is nothing official to allow non-BA to use the Raven.

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A friend of mine e-mailed the What's New Today team, apparantly they've been asked this a lot recently.


The ruling is anyone can use it if they have the WD article, but it's only tournament legal in Blood Angels and Grey Knight armies.


I will post the forwarded e-mail up if people wish me to.

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Officially, the SR is BA/GK only. Unofficially, everyone and their mother seem to be using it. This past weekend, I encountered four or five Marine armies in LGS tournies using 'em, as all the LGS around here basically say "Everyone can have one for the price used in the WD article."


Quickedit: By "Marine" armies, I mean DA, BT and two Codex Marines.

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If that's what they meant, they should have said so in WD.


I wouldn't be too impressed by someone trying to take it in another marine army, to be honest.


Just wondering which bits out of other codexes I should be adding to my army - A Necron Monolith, perhaps?

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From a buisness standpoint you would have to see their reasoning behind allowing all SM armies to have Storm Ravens... it is a $66 Fling transport. Every1 and their brother wants to get one if only it was available for their army

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Just wondering which bits out of other codexes I should be adding to my army - A Necron Monolith, perhaps? A
Land Raider Crusader

To be fair even the fluff in the BA codex talks about its roll out to the Space marines as whole not just the BA and there is a picture in the C:SW of the Wolves getting out of one

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Games Workshop store employees don't know how to play, I thought everyone knew this by now.


we had to know everything






GW only employ salesmen now, being a gamer/ hobbyist isn't a requirement ^_^


I choose BA because they have unique equipment eg. Baal preds, and now sales come before fluff. Not really a surprise I know.

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So correct me if im wrong. Does this mean I can Load up my Khorne beserkers and Defiler in the back........ Or 6 terminators with combo meltas....


I dont know but beserkers charging out sound pretty good to me sinse they are my other army.



Zerkers.............maybe if you ask your oponent very nicely (and provided you actually put some propper spikey bits onto the raven!)


Defiler...............Just no!

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There are 2 common myths concerning the SR.\


One it is available to everyone: no its not, a marine player can no more use the SR than a BA player could use 3++ storm shields for years.


two: like the crusader the raven will be available to all: Incorrect the crusader was ALWAYS available to ALL codex marines as 0-1, BT's had this restriction removed.

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@ Mort: more than likely, even though its born out of the desire to see everything in the BA dex prefixed by "blood" - its like the 60s Batman series that prefixed absolutely everything with the word "bat" - it seems stupid to change the name of functionally identical weaponry. What I'm more curious about is the "skies of blood" rule and whether or not this will be kept in its entirety or tweaked a little bit. The fact that it mentions the "descent of angels" special rule would need edited, and could be an argument against other armies using the WD entry, since it says "models with jump packs....can use the descent of angels special rule" and there are unfortunately players out there that would use that as an excuse to stick (for example) a Salamanders assault squad in a green stormraven and then scatter 1d6" on the way down. I reckon this will go the way of things like the redeemer - initially in one codex, and then made available in all Power Armour codices when they get re-done.


Now, TO THE BATCAVE! *swirls cape and legs it in an incredibly camp fashion*

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