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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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Purifiers are the same, 130 base cost, +2 points for Halberds, 24ppm.


In the *ahem* "other source" the base cost was 120, 24ppm - but 130 would make sense as the base unit usually cost 10 points more. Are the falchions still 5 points per model? With the way the nemesis force weapons work all of those extra attacks just increases the odds of ID unsaved wounds. Can purifiers take rad genades? If you don't want to risk perils of the warp on the psychic test (or facing psychers) you could toss some rad grenades to lower toughness by 1 then go to town with a sh#tload of power weapon attacks.


I'm just loving purifiers more and more - enough so to seriously consider a list with crowe as HQ. Just hide him in a corner in kill point games.


I could see a list of purifier troops in land raiders playing like silent requiem's classic water style list. Throw in some dreds for long range and psybolt assault cannons on the LRs and you've got a list that can sit back and shoot, counter assault, take and hold objectives, you name it . Damn I wish crowe was an IC though, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrdddddd

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In the *ahem* "other source" the base cost was 120, 24ppm - but 130 would make sense as the base unit usually cost 10 points more. Are the falchions still 5 points per model? With the way the nemesis force weapons work all of those extra attacks just increases the odds of ID unsaved wounds. Can purifiers take rad genades? If you don't want to risk perils of the warp on the psychic test (or facing psychers) you could toss some rad grenades to lower toughness by 1 then go to town with a sh#tload of power weapon attacks.


I'm just loving purifiers more and more - enough so to seriously consider a list with crowe as HQ. Just hide him in a corner in kill point games.


I could see a list of purifier troops in land raiders playing like silent requiem's classic water style list. Throw in some dreds for long range and psybolt assault cannons on the LRs and you've got a list that can sit back and shoot, counter assault, take and hold objectives, you name it . Damn I wish crowe was an IC though, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrdddddd


No Rad Grenades for them. Still 5 ppm for Falchions.

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Good writeup on your site HERO.


Looks like Thunderwolves have something to worry about. Although I don't see anybody reducing their rune priests. May be worth their weight in gold for the anti psychic ability.


Any detail on dread options?

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Good writeup on your site HERO.


Looks like Thunderwolves have something to worry about. Although I don't see anybody reducing their rune priests. May be worth their weight in gold for the anti psychic ability.


Any detail on dread options?


Dreadknight options are almost 100% the same as the pdf.

Heavy Incinerator

Gatling psycannon

Heavy Psycannon


Replace 1 of his Doomfists with Nemesis Daemonhammer or Great Sword

and the Teleporter pack upgrade for half his cost.


Dreadnought options is the same too.. except you might as well take rifleman dreads with psybolt ammo.

That way, you have 4 BS4 Twin-linked shots at S8 because of the psybolt ammo.


My Grand Master is going to be Grand Master Grenade Monkey


Not only does he have Psyk-out nades, frags and kraks, but you might as well take Rads (-1T) and Blind grenades (defensive nades) as well.

Can someone make a funny picture with a Grenade dressed as a Grand Master? That would be rad. LOL GET IT?

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Also, even though crowe is probably the worst sc ever, his model looks gorgeous.


Another reason why I'm seriously thinking of a crowe-purifier list. I can't wait till he goes up on the GW site, I'm really hoping they have one of those "designer's notes" - Matt Ward says: "I designed him this way because I get so much hate email from players that ever opportunity I get I strike back at them. I am a vindictive, petty, petty little man. 'Enjoy' the new 'dex, b#tches."

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So, if Psycannons are all 24" range, do the Grey Knights have any non vehicle (and non monkey) Ranged weapons with a longer range?


Rifleman Dreads with Psybolts is 4 shots of BS4 Twin-linked S8 at 48".

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Would the Grand Strategy override the BRB to allow Walkers to score?


I'm assuming so, as Codex trumps BRB. In which case I'm thinking of a cheap Dreadnought to be my home objective claimer...


yep, until they faq

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Would the Grand Strategy override the BRB to allow Walkers to score?


I'm assuming so, as Codex trumps BRB. In which case I'm thinking of a cheap Dreadnought to be my home objective claimer...


yep, until they faq


Strategy specifically says it can make walkers scoring


~Gil ^_^

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I'm a little surprised at the dislike for the Mindstrike missiles on the Ravens. They are the absolute best psychic defense the Grey Knights have, at least in terms of shutting down hoods. For most Space Marine armies all you need to do is open a Rhino or Landraider and just touch the Librarian with the missiles, which are defensive weapons now and can be fired moving 12" (or deepstriking). And with psycannons, opening a Rhino (Or Landraider) ain't hard. Four chances to autowound Librarians and Seer Councils with no coversave? Yeah I'll take that over a Bloodstrike missile any day. And it's not as if they don't wound other things as well. Given that psychic defense is this Codex's greatest threat, I gotta say, I'm a fan. Also, against other GK armies? Holy cow is that ridiculous. Best way to kill a NDK in the game.
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Would the Grand Strategy override the BRB to allow Walkers to score?


I'm assuming so, as Codex trumps BRB. In which case I'm thinking of a cheap Dreadnought to be my home objective claimer...


yep, until they faq


Strategy specifically says it can make walkers scoring


~Gil ^_^


Alright then ;)

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Got to play two games last night with the new Codex at my FLGS. Everyone was clamoring to get eyes on the book but the owner of the store wanted to see it in action and he and I have been friends for years so he offered me a game. Like a good Space Wolf player he wanted first dibs against the new Gray Knights and I was happy to give him the chance. He took a pretty standard SW 2000 point list with heavy amounts of Gray Hunter Razorbacks, Long Fangs, and two units of TWC. This list has torn up my Marines and Dark Eldar many times so I wasn't really excited to have at it again with an army I don't know that well. My list was also pretty simple, I have been obsessed with Crowe since first looking at his entry in the draft PDF but now that we know what all the war gear does I decided just to take a GM with Rad Grenades and servo skulls along with a big unit of terminators as well as one unit of GKSS and Purifiers (the most glorious Purifiers) with Halberds. I also decided to take some Rifleman Dreads since we had the models handy with Psybolt Ammo (more on this in later) and for kicks a Vindicare.


Out numbered was really the only way to look at the army. I thought I had a pretty good amount of infantry but that really wasn't the case. We rolled Spearhead deployment and 4 objectives. Three Servo Skulls with Spearhead deployment isn't really fair if you are taking lots of deep striking units. I won't do a full battle report here as I didn't document everything but I will hit the highlights. The Vindicare was the object of SO much attention that my other units didn't catch much fire until they were really close. The damage he did manage to do was well worth it. I let him remove Storm Shields on two units and kill off a Wolf Guard before he was finally removed. Removing Storm Shields was the most useful part of his presence as one unit of TWC got stuck in with one of my 10 man units of Purifiers. I hate TWC, I have never learned how to deal with them and they frequently tear up units of my infantry, that was until they met the Purifiers. The Purifiers hit at I6 (which is RIDICULOUS) and they managed to get quite a few wounds off, even with T5. Then I passed my psychic test and BOOM the 4 TWC and even the Wolf Lord was gone. The store was silent for about a minute with everyone there just stunned. We re-rolled the entire combat and it wasn't much better, the Wolf Lord survived but the Purifiers didn't go anywhere and he died next turn. The Rifleman Dreads with Psybolt Ammunition were hitting as hard as Long Fang Unit with Missile Launchers and they shredded transport after transport. With all said and done, I won with 2 objectives to 1 and one contested. I lost a number of my units but nothing as bad as the Wolves.


Next game it was my turn to be on the receiving end of the Gray Knights with my DE. My Friend used the exact same list as I had used which I knew I out numbered. I had plenty of shooting however my DE list is built to close fast and hit hard early in the game and I wasn't excited about getting close to the Gray Knights. I managed first turn and sent up my tank busting units to attempt to kill off the Rifleman Dreads asap. HOWEVER, thanks to the Fortitude power on all GK vehicles I couldn't even stun the damn things. My Wyches got into it with the Purifiers which I figured they could bog down at least until they got hit by Cleansing Flame. This pretty much killed the Wyches off as I lost over a third of the unit right there and then. The real combat came about and I watched my unit put up a good fight. When combat was over we re-read the rules on Cleansing Flame and found that all wounds caused by this power affect combat resolution. That was pretty much how the entire game went, though my shooting was very strong and really managed to put some hurt on him. It wasn't enough though and I lost 6KP to 3KP.



-There really aren't any Death Star units in the new codex. Instead you have very powerful units with a high cost spread across the army.

-Terminators are great units with tons of options but with out storm shields they don't do to well against low AP shooting. Brotherhood Banner though is TOTALLY worth it and makes them a unit to be feared in CC though.

-I know everyone is focused on the Nemesis Dread Knight, but I would gladly take Rifleman Dreads with psybolt ammo. That one point in strength really made a powerful heavy support option even better. We plan on testing out the NDK this weekend possibly but I just don't see how it can be much better.

-I mentioned the weakness to shooting but I think it needs to be mentioned again. Gray Knights are just like any other Marines at range except they are more expensive. Most players have strategies to take MEQ out in droves already and I don't expect that to change at all.

-If you see a unit full of Halberds do yourself a favor and just shoot them down. Try not to get stuck into an assault with them if you can avoid it.

-The Force Weapon rule is just stupidly deadly and really speaks to how powerful even the basic troops can be.

-Look into what ever codex you play and find some way to shoehorn in some psychic defense. Being able to shut down any power a GK unit is throwing at you is worth it's weight in gold.

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I would hesitate to say both because that unit become very expensive for a basic unit. Psybolt ammo on GKSS is pretty great and is cost effective. It really comes down to points and what you want that GKSS unit to accomplish on the board. Even only having one attack each, Strike Squads are no slouches when it come to CC. In the end I might just take one or two Halberds if I have the spare points, however on GKSS those little bonuses add up fast.


I used the Halberds on my Purifiers as they are a cheap upgrade that really makes this already powerful unit just that much better. Unless you have the points to run Falchions on them, but I would probably still stick with Halberds.


Very interesting batreps ;)


Did the SW list have a rune priest or two? If so, were they able to significantly block your psychic powers?


No he didn't and about half way through the game he was pissed that he didn't think about adding in one or two. We talked about this for some length at the Bar after the games and here's the conclusion we came up with. The issue with any psychic defense against the Gray Knights is that it needs to cover as much of the board as possible. Having a 24 inch bubble around a Librarian is or Rune Priest is great however your really going to need more than one if at all possible and spread out to cover the board. Psychic Hoods are at a further disadvantage with so many high leadership Psykers, most notably Vehicles and Dreads at LD10. There is no guarantee that you will always roll over your opponent. Runic Weapons are much better since they don't rely on leadership and should cause plenty of headaches. This is where Vindicares and the other assassins come in though. These guys will be looking to shut down any Psychic Defense on the table as quickly as possible.


On the opposite end, the Gray Knight Psychic Defense isn't great either unless they have a Dreadnought around, which is another reason to include them.

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I would hesitate to say both because that unit become very expensive for a basic unit. Psybolt ammo on GKSS is pretty great and is cost effective. It really comes down to points and what you want that GKSS unit to accomplish on the board. Even only having one attack each, Strike Squads are no slouches when it come to CC. In the end I might just take one or two Halberds if I have the spare points, however on GKSS those little bonuses add up fast.


I used the Halberds on my Purifiers as they are a cheap upgrade that really makes this already powerful unit just that much better. Unless you have the points to run Falchions on them, but I would probably still stick with Halberds.


Very interesting batreps :D


Did the SW list have a rune priest or two? If so, were they able to significantly block your psychic powers?


No he didn't and about half way through the game he was pissed that he didn't think about adding in one or two. We talked about this for some length at the Bar after the games and here's the conclusion we came up with. The issue with any psychic defense against the Gray Knights is that it needs to cover as much of the board as possible. Having a 24 inch bubble around a Librarian is or Rune Priest is great however your really going to need more than one if at all possible and spread out to cover the board. Psychic Hoods are at a further disadvantage with so many high leadership Psykers, most notably Vehicles and Dreads at LD10. There is no guarantee that you will always roll over your opponent. Runic Weapons are much better since they don't rely on leadership and should cause plenty of headaches. This is where Vindicares and the other assassins come in though. These guys will be looking to shut down any Psychic Defense on the table as quickly as possible.


On the opposite end, the Gray Knight Psychic Defense isn't great either unless they have a Dreadnought around, which is another reason to include them.


Yeah, prepare to see even more Rune Priests and probably more njal.

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