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Campaign: Liber Astartes


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I'll just reiterate an earlier comment I made - my chapter the Guardian Eagles are quite happy to be assigned a position anywhere really - they are fleet based, have been on penitent crusades, are 4th Founding and could therefore plausibly turn up anywhere at anytime. It is merely preference that they get a slot before Part 4 and one in either Parts 5 or 6.
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People signing up to certain slots will last until the end of Sunday (purely because I am not going to be online until then). The early days next week I will draft up the players in each section and we can move on from there.
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Looking over the campaign again, I believe Parts 3 and 6 for mine.


The Griffons are experienced against Orks, so I believe it would be nice to see em fight the greenskins once more.

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My Chapter (The Crimson Spears) might be able to participate in "Chapter 2 C: The Limetiri Conflict" but they were founded LATE in M.39, so they may not be able to depending on the timeline

The dates are relatively random at the moment, just picking dates to roughly put them in order. If it works to move the Campaigns about a bit, then we can do this.


I have the same problem; if it could be changed to after 25th Founding this would be great ;) . I don’t mind if another chapter gets the glory of obtaining the bones and taking them back or a company goes down fighting, as long as the Dire Wolves get to kill lots of chaos scum they will be very happy. :P




If it can't be changed i'm prepared to change founding date of my chapter, It should really effect them that much and I could always add this as an intresting part of their history. :)

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I would like to petition for my Chapter's involvement in Chs 1, 2a and 6 (remember that they're from the 4th founding). Some quick jottings;


Ch1: Receiving the call of war from Lord Commander Petrok, the Knights Valiant send Veteran Sergeant Kalgak to prove his worth to the Chapter before he can accept his promotion to the leadership of the First Company. Under his command, the Knights help in the Kuis Stretch Campaign and serve with pride. Over the course of the conflict, Kalgak develops an unusually close friendship with Lord Commander Petrok and as such is moved by his devotion and saddened at his death.


Ch2a: Having been promoted to Chief-Commander of the First Company, Kalgak is the leader of the Knights Valiant's response to the Timmingburg Rebellions, embarking on a personal quest to retrieve his friend's sword. They fail to do so on several occasions, which leads to Kalgak staging a last ditch attempt with their brothers of the "Y" Chapter. This leads to many Rebel forces being drawn away from guarding the sword to fighting the Astartes and allows "X" Chapter/Regiment to recover it. However, Kalgak is mortally wounded and loses nearly all of his men. Due to this, they are forced to pull out of the conflict and recover their losses. (Kalgak is interred in a Dreadnought sarcophagus and the Knights are forced to miss out on the rest of the war as the rest of the Chapter is fighting an Ork Waaaaagh! in the Corvantis Sub-sector. When he is not held in stasis, Kalgak is deployed into yet another conflict, preventing him from petitioning his Chapter Master from returning to the Kuis Stretch.)


Ch6: Nearly five milennia later, the Knights Valiant are finally free to committ the entire First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Companies to the new conflict on the Kuis Stretch. On account of his personal vendetta, Ancient Kalgak is denied sole command of the Knights battlegroup and shares it instead with his one-time protege, Grand Chaplain Fergas Nils. The two serve in the conflict together, fighting battle after battle side by side, until finally the war ends with Petrok's death.


Hope this fits with what is being planned, and sorry if I don't post much on here and if you think that this is a little too much detail/involvement on my Chapter's part.

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U can call on the children for any early part and one of last parts. If it helps they have had numerous run ins with thousand sons, wordnbearers and nids and tau morebrecently.


Btw if there is extra space, i have the sons of idaeon who are a successor chapter of the children. I have had trouble writing fluff for them so if u needed some other chapter, id throw them in. It may spark some creative juices in thier flufd for me.

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I just noticed that all my Chapters seem to be a little obsessed with the north-west corner of the Segmentum Obscurus.


Retcons are in order, I think. :P Retcons are now completed, and my Chapters are more equitably distributed.


The Steel Dogs would both be available for Chapter 2(a). The Stone Hearts would be available for 2(b ), 2 (c ) (they're on the border) and 3. And the Bronze Prophets would be available for 2 (b ) and 2 (c ). They're all available for 4 and 6 (except the Ice Lords, who would have little reason to be involved).


(Note: The Bronze Prophets have no army, and are thus unsuited for any actual gameplay that would result).


EDIT: I just remembered that I actually had some considerations in where people were based. I'll have it hammered out shortly.

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Guess it kinda' makes sense for a lot of old chapters to be in Obscurus, since it's where most of the traitors went. So early in post-heresy times, the Imperium would probably have focused on safeguarding that region of space a lot.
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Right. Rethought the whole thing. Sorry for any confusion.


Ice Lords - too young. Uninvolved.

Steel Dogs - 2A

Bronze Prophets - now based in Tempestus - 2B and 3

Stone Hearts - On the border of Obscurus and Pacificus - involved in 2A, 2C, and/or 4


Is there a list of who's where yet?


EDIT: It occurs to me that I might not be able to take three spots. Priority goes to the Stone Hearts, then the Bronze Prophets, then the Steel Dogs (they have enough to do these days).

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Right. Rethought the whole thing. Sorry for any confusion.


Ice Lords - too young. Uninvolved.

Steel Dogs - 2A

Bronze Prophets - now based in Tempestus - 2B and 3

Stone Hearts - On the border of Obscurus and Pacificus - involved in 2A, 2C, and/or 4


Is there a list of who's where yet?


My 'Reavers are in Pacificus, so would logically be the Villains of 2C possibly against your Stone Hearts.


/Goes off to read up on Stone Hearts....for uh, "strategy" ;)

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Ah. Nice to see I'm not overpopulating anywhere too badly. ;)


Don't know why you'd need to read up on them, Aquilanus. Surely you've already read my IAs multiple times each...;)

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Ah. Nice to see I'm not overpopulating anywhere too badly. :P


Don't know why you'd need to read up on them, Aquilanus. Surely you've already read my IAs multiple times each...;)


I will admit to only glancing at them ;) . However, after reading a few of the IA's in the Liber today (be they complete or otherwise), I'm still trying to get a handle on mine. The Steel Wings are going to get (another ;) ) overhaul, as are the 'Reavers. I've decided to seperate their origins as trying to get them to both "fit" is making me even more greyer than I already am! :lol:


But I digress. I figure if I can understand the Stone Hearts' (and others) motivations, I'd be better able to do my best for this project ^_^

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Right. Rethought the whole thing. Sorry for any confusion.


Ice Lords - too young. Uninvolved.

Steel Dogs - 2A

Bronze Prophets - now based in Tempestus - 2B and 3

Stone Hearts - On the border of Obscurus and Pacificus - involved in 2A, 2C, and/or 4


Is there a list of who's where yet?


My 'Reavers are in Pacificus, so would logically be the Villains of 2C possibly against your Stone Hearts.


/Goes off to read up on Stone Hearts....for uh, "strategy" ;)



The Five Suns are in the northeastern portion of Pacificus between Stygies VIII and Colcha, as well. They will move in Obscurus, Solar and Tempestus on occasion, but are largely operating in that area of the galaxy where Pacificus, Obscurus and Solar meet. That gives you another possible enemy.

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Lavender is just another way of saying PINK !! :lol:




If we do in up fighting together, then your Prophets will have a real reason for hating my Sons when we abandon you in the middle of the fight.

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What founding are they?


If you are asking about the Five Suns, they are a 4th Founding White Scars successor... currently writing up their IA now. I'm using them in place of my other chapter (Sanguinary Phalanx) since the end of the campaign is so heavily loaded and the front rather sparse.

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Well, all things considered, I guess the Red Lords will probably feature (most likely take a pasting) in 2A, then do better in 4 and branch off to chase down the Rift Lords.


Equally, the Rift Lords will probably stick to 2A and 4. That said, if we need more traitor presence for the finale, the Rift Lords can jump back in and mix things up again at the finish. ;)

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