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The Labyrinth

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1) Sons of Malice are clearly stated as being a mainly infantry force, with rarely ever having been seen with tanks. This doesn't mean that your army can't be one of the forces that uses armour; it's your choice, I just wouldn't say it's fluffy :)


Out of curiousity, do you have a source for the 'infantry force' fluff? Not that I'm doubting you, brother,I've just never heard that. Frankly, I'm cool with it, as I prefer guerrila tactics myself, just wondering where you saw that.


3) Sons of Malice have 11 Companies (suprise suprise!) so that puts them at a pretty high number.


Again, curious about a source / page number. Is this from the Labyrinth? I'd be ticked at myself if I passed that by, lol.


I was thinking about whether or not they turned to Malal after being excommunicated: in the Labyrinth it's stated that they've done the ceremony eleven times, once every hundred years. So that would make them at least 1100 years old, and followers of Malal that long. But does anyone have any information on roughly when the Sons of Malice were founded? It is suggested that they were part of the founding that made a number of Chapters to protect the Imperium, called the Astartes Praeses founding. Anyone know when this was?


That would set them at the 24th or 25th founding, at the youngest. Like you said though, they could be older, and only started going traitor 1100 years before. No canon statement on their founding though...bummer. The Astartes Praeses wasn't a founding per se, it's more of a fraternity of loyalist chapters charged to defend against the Eye. There's no set founding for all of the chapters; for example: the Relictors were created in M36, the White Consuls 021.M31, and the Subjugators around M40ish.


Also, I don't think they turned rogue right before the 13th Black Crusade; it's stated as "some time before" so that could mean upto a century in the long timeline of things.


....or 990.M41 too. Sadly, we have no clue. Personally, I don't think it matters too much, since we kick so much ass, lol.

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I do remember a bit somewhere about the SoM not fielding many if any vehicles. It may have been on Malal-Lives and it would either be fanmade or it will be referenced. I think one of the Index Astartes has a bit of info on the Sons but I cannot remember what. Then there are the WD articles and their mention in the Codex Eye of Terror.


I too like the idea of guerilla warfare by the SoM when on the ground. It would fit well with their feral backgrounds and the fact that they need to be more cautious since they are outnumbered. This also makes menthink of Pre-Heresy DG where they were foot-sloggers. Despite this, I do not think they Sons have no armor capability. Thats a bit too extreme, there is no Astartes force that have no armor. Probably their usage is determine on needs and preference.

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1) Sons of Malice are clearly stated as being a mainly infantry force, with rarely ever having been seen with tanks. This doesn't mean that your army can't be one of the forces that uses armour; it's your choice, I just wouldn't say it's fluffy :)


Out of curiousity, do you have a source for the 'infantry force' fluff? Not that I'm doubting you, brother,I've just never heard that. Frankly, I'm cool with it, as I prefer guerrila tactics myself, just wondering where you saw that.


3) Sons of Malice have 11 Companies (suprise suprise!) so that puts them at a pretty high number.


Again, curious about a source / page number. Is this from the Labyrinth? I'd be ticked at myself if I passed that by, lol.


Yeah all of the information I gave is from Malal-lives. I don't know how much of it is fanmade, but it is stated on the frontpage of the website that it is meant to be a compilation of all the information he could find on Malal and Malal-related things, not fanfluff:

After a lot of time spent trudging through GW related forums, finding old websites & acquiring rare publications I feel it is time to share my findings with the other Doomed Ones out there."


For more info, go here ;)


Also, I don't think they turned rogue right before the 13th Black Crusade; it's stated as "some time before" so that could mean upto a century in the long timeline of things.


....or 990.M41 too. Sadly, we have no clue. Personally, I don't think it matters too much, since we kick so much ass, lol.


Haha! BUT! From Malal Lives: "Many centuries ago the world was ruled by the Sons of Malice Space Marine Chapter but was purged by the Inquisition and declared Perdita when the Chapter’s gruesome traditions were uncovered."


Admittedly if it turns out that the Sons of Malice stuff from Malal-lives is fanmade, all the information I have given is wrong :P


BTW chaplain belisarius your daemon prince could be an Avatar of Malal! dundunduuuuun (something I made up, but could explain Daemon Prince model without having to make a counter-fluff choice for your army)

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@Goose: I think a portion of Malal Lives is fanmade. I remember there was one bit he wrote down saying that The Labyrinth short story didn't contradict anything he had made. I cannot remember if it was on malal lives or another forum. Some stuff seems fanmade in my opinion like the part about the former chapter master, librarians in blue, and stuff about the SoM going into battle alongside feral tribesmen of Scelus and traitor guardsmen.


**EDIT** post 1 & 5 on this thread. He uses a lot of actual fluff but some parts seem to be made by him.


Whether that's fact or not, it is still a good resource.

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Agreed. Everything in the organisation and combat doctrine seems real fishy to me. I'm glad for this though, as it allows us to create our own versions, instead of being tied down to one specific SOP. I asked for confirmation assistance in the Librarium section, hoping someone still has a copy of those old WD's he's talking about, but I have a funny feeling that everything except the IA: Renegades article, The Labrynith, and the stuff from the old 13th Black Crusade site (which I remember, he got that stuff spot on) and Codex: Eye of Terror is Fanmade.
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But I remember a few more references to those old White Dwarf copies that he talks about. I can not for the life of me remember where though so I might be wrong; everything I've learnt and read about Malal and the Sons of Malice has all sort of formed a pool in my brain and I can't pick out what I read where.


Still, I do like the all-infantry force (like pre-Heresy Death Guard) and having 11 Companies can't cause any harm can it? :P


Edit: and F--CK the Codex Astartes! Who's with me?! ;)

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His site is great as it is a haven and has a wealth of knowledge for Malal followers. He puts good footnotes and references to canon fluff within his site. I just wish he'd come to the B&C more...


As for organization and MO, it is nice that it isn't set in stone. For my warband, when taking on ground missions, power armor marines are sent in small 'hunter packs' (kill teams) to scout out terrain, enemy placement, etc. Once their objectives are completed, then the Corpse Guard enter the fray to deliver a killing blow. I am leaning toward something along the lines of Raven Guard sneakiness for my Sons. They're ambushes and hit & run styles are inspiring. So are the Alpha Legion, but they are too sneaky for me.


The Codex Astartes be damned! Rules and regulations for slaves of te False Emperor!

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Word Bearer 1: "Dude, I just grew an eyeball out of my belly button!"

Word Bearer 2: "Sweet! I can touch my tongue to my forehead now!"

Both: "The Gods like us!" *high fives all around*


Hells no. Not Malal.


I laughed so hard at that, thank you I definitely needed that today :)


good point! i can imagine things are more black and white (excuse the pun!) with malal-its either victory and reward or failure and damnation!


I honestly think that is the point behind their color scheme in relation to Malice/Malal. He seems to be cut and dry, either you fight for him or your against him, he has a clear view of what Chaos should be and what it isn't. Very Yin and Yang.


Edit: and F--CK the Codex Astartes! Who's with me?! ;)


Hells yeah! Thats why I chose to Space Wolves as my list, they already deviate from everything the Codex Astartes stands for!

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sucess! :)


finally worked out my 1k list-im planning for it to be fun and use units and models that i like, but hopefully not being contrary to the fluff for the SOM.


here it is-


lord angrus blitz, daemon prince of malal-wings, doombolt.


damned brother kargull-dread with 2 DCCW


squad murder-10 csm, IOCG, 2xmeltas, aspiring champion with powerfist.

in rhino


squad rampage-10 csm, as above.

in rhino


2 vindicators.


any thoughts?

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Sounds like a cool army. I cannot give any real feedback though as I hardly ever play but props to you for sticking with the chaos dex. From the look of it, seems like a fun idea to pound the enemy with demolisher cannons or keep them at bay while your boys move in. Now get to work so we can see some pics. :)
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Just found this thread.


I've been interested in doing a Malal army since ~2006. I've made many attempts, but haven't been happy with the results - until now.


First I tried a standard Sons of Malice army. I couldn't get the white to look right, so I abandoned the idea.


Then I came up with another idea - painting Sisters of Battle in the Malal/Malice paint scheme. "Daughters of Malice."




It didn't work. The problem is that the robes are too big, and have deep shadowed areas. If you paint them black, it makes the figure's existing black areas look really unbalanced. The result is a black figure with an odd white arm and leg sticking out; it looks off. I may revisit this idea, especially if the Sisters ever get a new codex.


In the meantime I've been practicing my airbrush skills and think I have developed a good technique involving directional shading that works for white. It has inspired me to attempt a Sons army again. I'll do this by modeling them with a mix of loyal and chaos parts - so I can use them as "counts as" regular marines, chaos marines, or even Blood Angels. My local group is pretty lax, so they don't mind this.




But in the meantime I've been looking for Sons ideas. This led me to find the Dornian Heresy take on Malal - Salamanders. I've always had a soft spot for the Salamanders, and the idea of Malal-ing them - "Malalamanders" - is intriguing. Here's my take on their paint scheme.




So I haven't decided on which to pursue yet.


Any ideas are welcome...!

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@Rik Riorik: Hope you can find some inspiration for your warband. Curious to see what you come up with.


@Cessna: Welcome to our humble lair! I recognize the SoB pic from looking up Sons of Malice in google. I thought it was interesting but never thought about how the robe can mess with the scheme.


Your idea for the Sons sound interesting. It would be a cool way of showing the transition from loyalist to chaos.

Also, it is great we can apply the SoM with any Astartes dex. I was thinking about my Malal Berzerkers and how I could use them as they were intended as well as death company, wolf guard, assault, etc.


And the Malalamanders...they look cool and I'm tempted to do one. However, I won't sleep tonight because I will be repeating that awesome name over and over...


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They aren't that bad. My only grudge is the jaw line...it doesn't look right to me. GW and FW make a few strange skull symbols to me, either large domes or 'funny faces'. For example, Iron Warriors skull death mask, not necessarily a skull but should look like one...the eyes are super slanted and looks silly, so I started freehanding because I didn't want to use those pads.


If you do use the silver skulls symbol you can always add little trophies and other fetishes to it as well to make it even cooler. Maybe a cloak of flesh, trinkets torn from enemy army, body parts, etc.


The only other thing is make sure they are proportional to current plastic pads. Some of the shoulder pads are smaller. I just used a metal terminator honors pad on my MM vs SoM diorama and it was smaller that the standard ones. I was just happy the way it looks didn't draw attention to it.

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am thinking of using the silver skulls chapter symbol pad for my SOM symbol-good idea/bad idea? what do you guys think?


I'm kinda torn here myself.


If I go with Malalamanders - man, I love typing that - I'll use the new Forge World Salamanders shoulder pads.


But Sons of Malice? I could use the Silver Skulls shoulder pads, or try to come up with a split-skull decal in Illustrator. I haven't decided. I think hushrong is absolutely right in that the Silver Skulls skull's jaw looks - off. It would take a lot of work with a dremel tool to re-shape that on every pad.


I'm surprised that GW - for all of its love for covering stuff with skulls - doesn't have a regular skull shoulder pad.


And for my Malal fanatics, I'll mix Berserkers (with Khorne marks filed off) with Death Company (with blood drops filed off). I think it'll look pretty good...



Edit: One thing, though - I'm pretty positive I'd have the only black/green quartered Malalamander army in the world...

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am thinking of using the silver skulls chapter symbol pad for my SOM symbol-good idea/bad idea? what do you guys think?


I'm kinda torn here myself.


If I go with Malalamanders - man, I love typing that - I'll use the new Forge World Salamanders shoulder pads.


But Sons of Malice? I could use the Silver Skulls shoulder pads, or try to come up with a split-skull decal in Illustrator. I haven't decided. I think hushrong is absolutely right in that the Silver Skulls skull's jaw looks - off. It would take a lot of work with a dremel tool to re-shape that on every pad.


Perhaps combining the ideas. Use the half-skull to signify leadership, such as Champions and Lords. Thus you can keep the Salamanders and still use the half-skull occasionally.


If you weren't going to use the FW pads, then I would suggest putting the half-skull on the back half of the Salamander head.

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but its better than the IW pad! :)

True. I joked with a buddy of mine that I found them offensive because I'm Asian. :D


As for the Malalamanders, I like Kristoff's idea that the skull should be used on higher ranks. Seems like a good idea so you can still show off the Salamander pads.


Another one I thought about was just use skulls from VC skeletons and go about making pads that way. A healthy bit of filing will be involved but it can look real nice. Plus, if you aren't building up a VC army there are plenty of bits you can use for trophies on the SoM.

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just found out about the price hike...:rolleyes:


Yeah, get your stuff before GW eats a few dollars more out of your wallet!

I have now decided to save a little more and buy the DE battleforce because I think I will get more bang for my buck. That, and also give in more to buying stuff online.


I should really start gaming to get my monies worth out of my plastics.


Later today or tomorrow I would like to post a game idea for Sons of Malice vs Sisters of Battle. The current name of the game is 'To Kill a Guardsmen'

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