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Hey fellow Malalites, wanted to get some opinions and ideas regarding raptors.


I always liked the animalistic look of that cult, their background, and I liked the bleeding eyes from the NL books. I would like to add some to my CSM codex-following army, especially now that the are going non-metal. I am just wondering if they should orignate from the SoM or be outsiders brought in.


I am wondering this because I like the idea of them roaring while digit for prey, like a Stuka, but I feel it goes against the 'silent in battle' doctrine going on. I know that they already have jets strapped to their back that could burst an eardrum, but I do not know if that idea would work. I could think that the roaring sounds are recorded and broadcasted while in battle, so it isn't the actual marine doing it. Still, I do not know if it fits.


If they are outsiders, that would allow for them to hoot and hooler all they want. Plus, the first raptors would have been Great Crusade vets of traitor legions.


So help a brother out with some feedback please :)

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Why not model them as Assault Marines with jet packs?

I have one guy modeled and painted as such, the thing is I actually want to use raptor sculpts. I really like the way they look and wanted to see some in quartered black and white. The idea to make more 'chaos assualt marines' has given me a thought however. It's just my issue with fluff now...


Maybe for the Raptors/Chaos Assault Marines, they're the only ones that DO caterwaul while bouncing around.

It does sound like a good idea but I am a bit of an extremist with the idea of no Son uttering a single word, war cry, or any noises by mouth when in battle.


Right now, I think I could make another SoM assault marine or two. Along with them, I could use a few of the raptor sculpts in 'outsider' colors. So it can look like surviving assault marines in my warband have teamed up with the raptor cult because of similar fighting styles. This does open up interesting ideas for background fluff.

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Ok go back to the old rules for Raptors > "Daemonic visage" and "hit and run". I think this image fits perfectly with the SOM. Terrifying guerilla force. Shame those rules are now a no go. :D


I would think on using codex JPs as the SOM are a recently excomunicated chapter and raptors are members of the 'Raptor Cult'which would place them aside from Malice.

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I think I am going to run with the idea of part Raptors and part Assault Marines. Hmm, we'll see. If I get time I will try and make some more SoM Assault Marines and see about getting some Raptors. The new finecast looks nice...but I wounder how much $$$ it will cost.


and earlier I wanted to post a game idea: Prepare for WALL OF TEXT


I really liked GW's post of Purge the Heretic where a group of scouts and a vindicare had to take out a rogue Steel Legion commander. Games like this, are the kind I want to play. It's not about bringing as much armor or all-star units to the fray, there is something much more 'personal' about small, objective based games like this that catches my attention.


So I wanted to make one of the Sons of Malice vs the Sisters of Battle, based on current fluff I have in the works for my Warband. The run-down: The SoM have infiltrated a world (not yet named but consisting most of jungles, a major hive, mining and manufactorum sites, and Inquisition shrines/outposts) for a mysterious reason not yet disclosed ;).

so the Scenario:


The Shrine of the Martyred Saint Tiberius, for over 4000 years it has stood undaunted and undisturbed.

It is a garrison of warriors, a vault of treasures greater than any material wealth, and a tomb of the most holy. Built into the mountainous cliffs bordering the dense jungles of ________, few know of its existence.


Among those few are the sinister and wicked.


Stalking through the vegetation of the jungles, scaling the face of the mountain ranges, they have come for the holy site. Sentries have been silenced, communications disabled, and now they drool as the Shrine resembles a weakened prey.


Before long, they strike and sink their fangs deep. The guards are caught unaware and slaughtered. The devout no longer shout praises but scream in agony as they are torn limb from limb. The shrine is desecrated and robbed of its relics and secrets.


The Sons of Malice have struck the first blow.



Adeptus Sororitas


++:Encrypted Vox Message Incoming:++


Sisters, we have lost contact with Outpost 2-1-Alita, the Shrine of the Martyred Saint Tiberius. What has occurred is unknown. We have received only a single vox but its message was undecipherable.


Your squad will be sent immediately to investigate. The coordinates provided originate from the last vox transmission we have received.


Ave Imperator!

++:End Transmission:++



Sons of Malice


++Vox Hail///Screaming King++

++Open Squad Channel++

Brothers! You have become drunk with slaughter. Survivors have escaped and have attempted to hail their allies.


Find the cowards who escaped and gut them. Leave no survivors.


We must not reveal ourselves yet my Brothers. Be sure that when you return you wear those mongrels as trophies or your flensed flesh will serve as a warning to your kin!

++Channel Silenced++



This is my idea of how the table would be, just smaller because of my small hobby desk.



-Although built as a squad, there is no unit cohesion. Each mini can act separately.

-Each side starts in an opposite corner, the objectives placed along a 'center' line as shown. The objectives will be the 'third' force on the table and at the end of each round, they will move in a random direction in only a few inches.

-The objective is a surviving Inquisitorial Storm Trooper and is currently represented with a Kasrkin mini. The Sons want him dead because he contains information on the attackers, the Sisters want him alive because of the same reason.

-When the game starts, the exact location of the survivor is unknown to the SoM and is represented with three markers that show possible areas he may be.

-The three markers (which I would paint as mud with foot prints) have a different color painted on each bottom. Red, Blue, and Green. Either one of these can be chosen as the exact location of the survivor, for example red, and placed along the 'center' line. Only when a unit touches bases with the marker, can they find out if it a survivor or a ghost reading on their auspex.

-the Sons only need to kill the survivor, the Sisters must escort them back to their deployment site for evacuation. (I was thinking that any SoB that spots a SoM must be killed as well)

When the Survivor is found by allied forces, he will attach to the unit that found him and be controlled by the gamer. The other markers will be removed and there will be no 'third' force.


-I have other rules/idea...but the more I think about them the more and more goes into such a seemingly small game.


How does it sound? I think something like this would be cool for a very narrative/fluff backed set of games.

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Aww man yeah that's awesome. I developed something similar after all the cool action scenes in Band of Brothers ;) where there is no unit cohesion etc etc, but it was on a bit larger scale. It is several years ago now though so I've lost all the rules :(


Either way though, I think it's an awesome idea! :P

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Hushrong I love this. Smaller-scale games like this have always been one of my favorite ways to play. Less on HUGE battles and more on narrative and building a story, one of the main reasons I've built my SoM in true-scale, I want to play in smaller narrative driven games like this, especially since the nice new price hike (although I'm still building them to be able to play standard 40k games). Have you checked out migsula and his =I=munda project?
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I am happy that the idea is like-able and not absurd...especially when it comes from a guy who barely plays :P


I still have ideas about Victory conditions...but like I said, the more I go into this, this one small battle becomes crazy. Like if a SoB comes within 3 inches of a SoM (they are in a dense jungle but i havent thought about terrain), she would have seen him. Because the SoM are trying to keep their presence hidden, he would need to kill her. If she lived but the SoM were able to kill the objective and win...they would only have a partial victory because someone else would have laid eyes on them. There is more stuff like that but nothing is finalized.


Goose Band of Brothers has a LOT of cool stuff to make into scenarios!


Mr. Malevolent I sure have, his log is awesome! As for smaller forces, I started the SoM Termie army because I never really play so having a huge army just didn't make sense and I could build a considerable army point-wise with only a few minis.

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Yeah I'm right there with you on the whole participating in gaming lately. I've begun to move away from trying to build huge armies and began finding more interest in the more elite list's like Sanguinary Strike Forces and pure Bike/Ravenwing lists.
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My foray with the Sons have been to try and build small, playable forces. SPARTAN-style! So a 6 man Chosen kill team(now replaced by berzerkers), a termie army, and one day the Cult of the Skull. I turned to this after getting bored of trying to make a whole battle company of Imperial Fists. Besides smaller armies, I have thought of 'tag-team' ones as well such as half Night Lord and half Iron Warrior but never got too far with it. With such an army I could paint stuff I liked and still have a playable force that didn't look like a mess.


Smaller forces in my opinion work well with the Sons. I always liked the idea that Malal followers are loners (1000 warriors at least in a chapter is small in comparison to the whole galaxy) and that it is not often that you come across many of them. So for me, they are patient hunters unseen, watching and planning for that moment when being outnumbered means nothing and strike. So the first time you seem them will be your last. They don't go around with an entirely huge force like the Black Legion, Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, etc that bring their numbers to bear like a hammer. To me, the Sons can operate as a scalpel, they make those precise cuts that can cripple an entire warmachine. This does border closely with the Alpha Legion but not on the same level.

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I definitely like this idea. I've been thinking in smaller scale now, esp. with mine being all True-Scale. I havent gotten my hands on the new Kill-Team rules, have they changed much since last edition?

I am not sure if anything is changed, I am new to the gaming aspect. All I know is that the rules are near the back of the Battle Missions book.


its pay day soon-im going to treat myself to that book with the SOM story in it...:cuss

It is a pretty good read. It is nice that the Sons get some love once and awhile.

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I have been thinking about how I both like and dislike not having much fluff for the SoM. As stated before, when there is only the barest scraps of information, your imagination can roam free with lots of ideas. We know of their cannibalistic nature, armor paint scheme, their disturbing silence in battle, etc. The downside is you just don't have a lot of information regarding the chapter.


Well, lately I have been thinking about some things I would like to read in regards to the Sons, and I really want to know HOW they wound up in the 13th Black Crusade and their actions thus far in the crusade in detail. So far, all we know is that they are counted among the forces of the 13th BC and they are engaged in combat on their homeworld (which is near Cadia, kinda).


What I want to Know:

- How did they get involved?

(Did the Warmaster call to them after hearing/witnessing them and their battles? Did they present themselves to the Fores of Chaos and asked if they could tag along? This contact between them and the traitors is a very interesting point in their history I think.)


- Did all the Sons muster their forces after the story of the Labyrinth?

(I am just curious about all the warbands/companies coming back together and knowing their total strength and everything. How many ships do they have, how many warriors, etc.)


- What are their real plans?

(Their homeworld seems like an obvious reason...but there has got to be more to it. What would they do with it when they reclaim it? Could something be hidden there that they want back? Does Malal have plans that he will use the Sons to carry out? They are aligning themselves with hated foes...there has to be something they really want to carry on a charade of being allies)



There are some other ideas I am curious about...but the whole SoM in the 13th BC really draws my curiosity. So, what are some things you guys would like to see?

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Hmm I'll add my two copper cents in here ;)


- How did they get involved?

I honestly think its Abaddon tracking them down after "hearing" of their defection. I like to think of Abaddon like he was presented in Codex:Necrons, where he summons a daemon after ritually ripping a Space Wolf in half, to spy on certain parts of the galaxy. It wouldn't be a stretch for him to ask to see any recent renegades and come across them. Now that I think about it, that is my favorite rendition of him, he was portrayed very well, laughing with the awesome "evil/sinister laugh" and showing the daemon whos boss (he violently rams the Talon of Horus into the blood pool sustaining the daemon and makes it obey him).


- Did all the Sons muster their forces after the story of the Labyrinth?

Correct me if I'm wrong, since I didn't read this story yet, but didn't they summon Malice/Malal for the 11th time and this was supposed to be the final time to allow them to begin their crusade to take back Scelus? I also wonder if any of the Companies/War-bands are recruiting at all. I now my fluff for 5th will allow them to slowly recruit but I dont know how others feel about it.


- What are their real plans?

There has to be something on Scelus. There just has to be. I cant imagine the only reason behind the SoM getting into the 13th Black Crusade was just to get their home-world back. So they get it back. Now what? Maybe they believe in the idea that somehow, someway with this 13th Black Crusade something will happen that will turn the war and Chaos may win it in the end. I believe GW has left the 13th Black Crusade open like the 3rd War for Armageddon so theres been no clear winner as it should still be going on.


I may add to this later because it intrigues me so :D

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I have to have a flip through the Necron dex and check that out. It does seem interesting.


As for the Labyrinth, I have to go reread it. What I am more curious about it just the initial reunion of the whole chapter and not just a two or three marines. The reason why I am interested can be reflected with our ideas for the Sons, everything is different, and this could be the case for the Sons. Each group spends at least only 1 time together every 100 years (who knows if they team up, come across each other in their separate ventures, etc in between that time). Being so far apart from one another, each group could have so many differences amongst one another.


So the reunion itself and the gathering of all the Sons would be pretty cool.


As for recruits, I am undecided on this idea for the Sons (but having fun with it in regards to my Iron Warriors). For some reasons, I just like the idea of a purely Scelus-born force. At the moment I am having a hard time putting it into words ;)


On the opposite end, the Sons of Malice could easily have many non-Scelus warriors from various recruiting methods. Also, it only makes sense if they wish to remain combat-ready to keep recruiting. I like to think of my beloved Iron Warriors in this case. They were there during the Great Crusade and felt the betrayal of the Emperor, they were there when they put their own homeworld to the sword, they were there when the defenses of the Imperial Palace crumbled under their might, and they were there when victory slipped between their fingers...and now, they produce new Astartes that have none of those connections to fight the long war in their colors.

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Our fighting forces: *Numerical Companies then Warbands listed


You can add the 9th Company ("Mithral Lords") to this list (when I get a page up...right now I'm snacking on some settlers)

Once you get that log set up be sure to PM the URL (I may miss it otherwise) and I can add you up. Also, welcome to the Labyrinth and B&C, it's great to see another SoM follower.


I like how you use the halved scheme. Would like to know your reason for going with it.

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ive been thinking-do you think the damned company of lord caustos would worship malal? their paintscheme looks easier to pull off...

I have only just read their lexicanum article and although their reason for going renegade is pretty much the same as the Sons, it says they turned to the chaos gods. I do not know anything else about them but when it says 'gods' I would think that would mean the big four. Malal could be in there but to me seems less likely.


Could I ask why you are looking for an easier to do paint scheme?

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I think the Damned Company of Lord Caustos (phew that's a mouthful) are pretty good candidates for Malal worshippers, having only "turned to Chaos to survive in a galaxy hostile to them." Maybe after a few years of losing members to spawnhood or gross mutations they had a sit down to seriously reconsider what they were doing.


Marine 1: Guys I'm thinking about the whole Chaos thing, I'm not really loving the whole following the "way of pure and utter evil" thing, it's leading to some weird side-effects. Point in case, Brother Bob here.


Marine 3: Word.

Malal: Maybe I can help?






What I don't understand though, is how that paint scheme is easier? You're still dealing with light colours, cept you gotta do some mad blending to get the whole smooth colour tone in their armour, going from purple to light grey.

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Everytime I think of warp mutations and spawnlings...I think of this mutant guy from the Total Recall movie. His little face and hands poking out of a guys gut, ugh, to this day it still creeps me out.
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cant mention total recall without mentioning the woman with 3 bumps...


im looking for an easier paintscheme as i am not very good at or that into the painting side of the hobby (i prefer fluff and gaming and list writing!). I feel sorry for the damned company of lord caustos too...i figure they would be malal worshippers (apparently the paintscheme is the same as another chaos army-the nightstalkers i believe they are called?)


i might just paint the damned company grey as its easy to pull off! ;)

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