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The Labyrinth

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As for Kathal in TDA, I do think the same. It may be the fact that so many Chapter Masters wear it like Calgar, Grimnar, Culln, Huron, etc. It just carries that authority of who is the biggest and baddest in most cases.


As for possible stabbings (we really think like CSM at least), my only concern and wish is to work together on this. Did not mean to intend any offense. I was just thinking that if we all go forth on this separately and try to piece everything together later, it could be messy. However, if we all come up with some basc ground works for the setting, we would have the start of a unified story to work with. Making this fanfluff really strikes me as intriguing and fun so I would like to see it all come together with the greatest impact.


One idea that would be cool would to make something akin to an Imperial Armour book. Basically a "chapte war" (who knows, this could have lead to all the companies fighting separately in the first place). We could highlight notable warriors, engagements, and fill it up with fluff. I tried starting something like this but didn't get to far. Tomorrow I will try to send it to you guys if you are interested...I dunno if I can send a word doc via PM.



Brother Michaels: welcome to the labyrinth! I think a page or two back some of us posted our personal methods for white. Mine starts with a primer coat of Chaos Black. Over the sections I want white I paint a layer of fortress grey then wash it with badab black. When it dries, I apply about two layers of a fortress grey/skull white mix (more white then grey). Just give it a test to run to see if you like it and best of luck!

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Hi I have been reading this topic for a while now and have a huge interest in the Sons of Malice and am in the starting stage of making a warband of tHem. I always like to follow a theme for an army and have been inspired by the idea of a renegade faction turning renegade in their own company. I like the idea of maybe making this faction that has turned and become a public enemy in their own ranks. I was just thinkig if you think this is a good idea to follow this theme.
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I read little bit of this thread, and it captured my interest.


Do you guys have a set time for when exactly the Sons of Malice went rogue? It sounds between early M33 and late M35, but I didn't catch an exact date.


Also, would the Sons of Malice accept outsiders, and geneseed outside of their own, or do they operate more like a chapter than a warband?


Thanks :)

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@wilks: First, welcome to the Labyrinth its always good to see more servants to the great Malal! Second, as far as your renegade faction, go for it brother. Keep us updated with fluff and what-not. Remember when it comes to creating your own fluff/backstory when it gets frustrating just work on something else believe me it helps :D


@Dark Apostle Thirst:Welcome to the Labyrinth! Now I'm replying on my phone so bear with me as I don't have all my info right in front me; off the top of my head, the time frame where the SoM go renegade is I believe close to the beginning of the 13th Black Crusade so M39/M40. It definitely isn't that close to the Horus Heresy (M30/31st I believe) Don't quote me though. As far as the SoM accepting outsiders, I would have to say its more of a "what you want" scenario as officially GW didnt go very in depth into all their practices and organization. They only threw a little scenario to describe why they went rogue, briefly described their homeworld then left it open to interpretation. I haven't read the short story in Heroes of the Space Marines so I only know such.

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@wilks that sound awesome, I'm glad someone took it upon themselves to be the bad guy :P you mean you'd like to be the ghoulish warband that has taken cannabalism too far?


@Dark Apostle Thirst I think you'll find answers to all those questions on previous pages lol but no, we don't really have a set date for when they turned rogue, it's hard to say. As for accepting outsiders, yes they do. 1000heathens even came up with a fancy name for it! :D

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Thankyou for the welcome all Mr Malevolent and Goose. After reading all the pages in this thread and following all the Sons Project logs I have been inspired to make one myself, and after reading the cool fluff that has come up in this thread I would like to take it upon myself to be that ghoulish cannabilistic warband that has turned upon it's own brothers. I want to be that guy lol.
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Thankyou for the welcome all Mr Malevolent and Goose. After reading all the pages in this thread and following all the Sons Project logs I have been inspired to make one myself, and after reading the cool fluff that has come up in this thread I would like to take it upon myself to be that ghoulish cannabilistic warband that has turned upon it's own brothers. I want to be that guy lol.



NICE! I say go for it. I havent gotten all my ideas together on the rogue company but dont let that stop you :D

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I read little bit of this thread, and it captured my interest.


Do you guys have a set time for when exactly the Sons of Malice went rogue? It sounds between early M33 and late M35, but I didn't catch an exact date.


Also, would the Sons of Malice accept outsiders, and geneseed outside of their own, or do they operate more like a chapter than a warband?


Thanks :D


Hey Dark Apostle Thirst!


For them going rogue I would say, at the latest, that it was around 900 M40 (more than most likely it was a bit earlier than this). The reason for the date is that they meat every 100 years at the Labyrinth to conduct their ritual. By the end of the short story Labyrinth they had done this 11 times (keeping with Malal's sacred number). From what I remember, and what I kind of think, they would have hopped on the 13th Black Crusade bandwagon so they could reclaim their homeworld.


A timeline (with no dates) of Events:

-Combat against Heretics at Cillix 225

-Betrayal by Inquisition at Cillix 225

-Chapter is Excommunicated

-Scelus is Purged

-1100 years passing in which the entire chapter meets at the Labyrinth

-13th Black Crusade, SoM fighting on Scelus (I think thats what was stated in Codex: Eye of Terror)




After reading all the pages in this thread and following all the Sons Project logs I have been inspired to make one myself, and after reading the cool fluff that has come up in this thread I would like to take it upon myself to be that ghoulish cannabilistic warband that has turned upon it's own brothers. I want to be that guy lol.

Welcome to the Labyrinth wilks! It is always great to see other Malalites come out of the shadows! I definitely would like to see where you take the rogue company.


Speaking of the Rogue Company, I would like to see what fluff GooseDaMoose and Mr. Malevolent have been coming up with. Also, we should all give ourselves a big pat on the back for making such and awesome thread here on B&C! FOR MALAL!

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Speaking of the Rogue Company, I would like to see what fluff GooseDaMoose and Mr. Malevolent have been coming up with. Also, we should all give ourselves a big pat on the back for making such and awesome thread here on B&C! FOR MALAL!


WooH! Go us!


But yeah, it's funny you should mention it, I originally did not plan to actually write any fluff directly about the rogue company, but I thought of something the other day walking home.


What if, around the time of the company going rogue, there had been growing unrest within the Chapter, a lot of companies and warbands arguing for more Chaos-y (normal, 4 Gods of Chaos) influence within the Chapter to use it against the Imperium and Chaos, while the rest argued against, or stayed neutral. The old "oh well others always fail to control Chaos, but we're strong enough!" story. Finally, when the one company went rogue and started eating lots of people and going insane, the unrestful companies were like "see this is what happens, I'm telling you guys we need to start heeding the Gods of Chaos, Kathal's a loser!" but then Kathal brutally crushed the rogue company with the other loyal companies and warbands (some couldve stayed neutral, some choosing to support the rogues, at least vocally) and controlled the situation like a boss and shut the opposition up. The more Chaos-y companies were then also purged and everyone shut up and didn't try to diss Kathal again. So the ghouls going rogue and being destroyed gave Kathal an excellent opportunity to put the more rebellious companies back in their places.


Is that cool with people?

For my part, Batko is ultimately loyal and believes in Kathal's abilities as chosen leader of the Sons of Malice but did not agree to destroying the entire rogue company, rather wanting to try and "cure" the "unfortunate brothers", since Batko foolishly believed that the whole Twilight Bear heart thing would work, having his apothacaries experimenting to find a cure. They therefore lent only a few forces to help quell the rebellious ghouls but were soon removed from action. More in the short story :D hoping this stuff is all okay?

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Thanks for the welcome Hushrong


I think thats pretty cool Goose I was gonna make my band like a collection of survivors who escaped the purge withing the chapter and have continued to accept more and more chaos into their midst to get more power, but ultimately become more and more corrupted beyond recognition. I had a cool idea for a demon prince with a slavouring jaw full of teeth and gore :D as well as some possesed chosen called the ravenous. Brothers who have let the hunger take over their mortal shell.

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I read little bit of this thread, and it captured my interest.


Do you guys have a set time for when exactly the Sons of Malice went rogue? It sounds between early M33 and late M35, but I didn't catch an exact date.


Also, would the Sons of Malice accept outsiders, and geneseed outside of their own, or do they operate more like a chapter than a warband?


Thanks :D


Hey Dark Apostle Thirst!


For them going rogue I would say, at the latest, that it was around 900 M40 (more than most likely it was a bit earlier than this). The reason for the date is that they meat every 100 years at the Labyrinth to conduct their ritual. By the end of the short story Labyrinth they had done this 11 times (keeping with Malal's sacred number). From what I remember, and what I kind of think, they would have hopped on the 13th Black Crusade bandwagon so they could reclaim their homeworld.


A timeline (with no dates) of Events:

-Combat against Heretics at Cillix 225

-Betrayal by Inquisition at Cillix 225

-Chapter is Excommunicated

-Scelus is Purged

-1100 years passing in which the entire chapter meets at the Labyrinth

-13th Black Crusade, SoM fighting on Scelus (I think thats what was stated in Codex: Eye of Terror)

I'd recomend it be earlier than that, if you want to really go wild with the Sons of Malice fluff. 1100 years is only so long to do anything, if you want to really play with the fluff so that you can establish strong traditions, an eventual larger size, and give more room for new people (like me) to join in and do their own thing having more time to do that would really help.


That's why I tend to make my DIYs earlier Foundings, so that I have more room to set up traditions and develop the character of a chapter.


An easy way to do this is to make the Sons of Malice Marines Malevolent successors, who now fervently deny any former ties, broken or not.


I'll go read the rest of the thread to see what you guys have already come up with though :P

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What if, around the time of the company going rogue, there had been growing unrest within the Chapter, a lot of companies and warbands arguing for more Chaos-y (normal, 4 Gods of Chaos) influence within the Chapter to use it against the Imperium and Chaos, while the rest argued against, or stayed neutral. The old "oh well others always fail to control Chaos, but we're strong enough!" story. Finally, when the one company went rogue and started eating lots of people and going insane, the unrestful companies were like "see this is what happens, I'm telling you guys we need to start heeding the Gods of Chaos, Kathal's a loser!" but then Kathal brutally crushed the rogue company with the other loyal companies and warbands (some couldve stayed neutral, some choosing to support the rogues, at least vocally) and controlled the situation like a boss and shut the opposition up. The more Chaos-y companies were then also purged and everyone shut up and didn't try to diss Kathal again. So the ghouls going rogue and being destroyed gave Kathal an excellent opportunity to put the more rebellious companies back in their places.

It is a neat set up. Some of the Sons no longer seek guidance from the emperor (since he really isnt all that powerful) and begin to hear the whispers of chaos.

Nurgle: You are hurt, I can make all that pain go away...

Tzeentch: You have been betrayed by plot and deceit, I can teach you to master it

Slaanesh: Your life has been wasted, let me show you how to truly live



From there, a Chapter War breaks out. It does seem to be a good staging ground but it makes me think of the Blood Ravens and their schism (among another chapter or two that have the same problem).


One thing that is really keeping from going with this, is a notion I have that the SoM would have always hated the Big 4. Basically, in response to earlier traitors who had turned to them. Even as they are pursued by what would have been allies, none would look to the main chaos gods despite the idea of 'an enemy of my enemy is my friend'. I picture that they had such great hatred towards chaos in the Imperium's service (and toward the Imperium too later on) that was unbreakable. This strong hatred would be one reason why Malal had chosen the Sons.


For my part, Batko is ultimately loyal and believes in Kathal's abilities as chosen leader of the Sons of Malice but did not agree to destroying the entire rogue company, rather wanting to try and "cure" the "unfortunate brothers". They therefore lent only a few forces to help quell the rebellious ghouls but were soon removed from action.

I can understand this. After being betrayed and losing your home, your brothers are all that you have left...a terrible shame that you now have to turn on them.


For the Abhorred and the Anarchist's Fists, this is a matter of 'purity' in a twisted sense. An infected hand will only spread disease if it is not removed. Better to cut the hand and halt the spread than to keep it and be consumed.


*one thing to note, Kathal was only a 1st Co. Captain around these times. As luck would have it...we have no idea who was chapter master during this

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I'd recomend it be earlier than that, if you want to really go wild with the Sons of Malice fluff. 1100 years is only so long to do anything, if you want to really play with the fluff so that you can establish strong traditions, an eventual larger size, and give more room for new people (like me) to join in and do their own thing having more time to do that would really help.


That's why I tend to make my DIYs earlier Foundings, so that I have more room to set up traditions and develop the character of a chapter.


An easy way to do this is to make the Sons of Malice Marines Malevolent successors, who now fervently deny any former ties, broken or not.


I'll go read the rest of the thread to see what you guys have already come up with though ^_^


That little timeline was from being betrayed and going renegade to about the time of the 13th black crusade. What they are doing currently, besides fighting for their homeworld, is left unknown sadly.


However, their founding is unknown, so they could be very old and I think they already have strong traditions, culture, and background established from their time of loyal service. Those 1100 plus years are mainly them in Malals service.

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I'd recomend it be earlier than that, if you want to really go wild with the Sons of Malice fluff. 1100 years is only so long to do anything, if you want to really play with the fluff so that you can establish strong traditions, an eventual larger size, and give more room for new people (like me) to join in and do their own thing having more time to do that would really help.


That's why I tend to make my DIYs earlier Foundings, so that I have more room to set up traditions and develop the character of a chapter.


An easy way to do this is to make the Sons of Malice Marines Malevolent successors, who now fervently deny any former ties, broken or not.


I'll go read the rest of the thread to see what you guys have already come up with though ;)


That little timeline was from being betrayed and going renegade to about the time of the 13th black crusade. What they are doing currently, besides fighting for their homeworld, is left unknown sadly.


However, their founding is unknown, so they could be very old and I think they already have strong traditions, culture, and background established from their time of loyal service. Those 1100 plus years are mainly them in Malals service.

Well, yeah, that's what I meant - them having more time in Malal's service. I know they were a chapter before that with their own traditions and etc but they weren't the true Sons of Malice that they are today.


TBH, I partially have a personal vendetta in this. One character that has very little fluff but instantly captured my attention in the Horus Heresy series was Chapter Master Deinos of the Burning Hands, of the Word Bearers legion. I've always had the mental image of him being a heretic to the Word Bearers in some form or fashion, simply because of his one line expressing his faith that their mission will succeed

(it doesn't)

. I imagine his faith being broken, and thus, he is labelled a heretic by the Word Bearers.


What better way to put this then by having him join the Sons of Malice?

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One thing that is really keeping from going with this, is a notion I have that the SoM would have always hated the Big 4.




*one thing to note, Kathal was only a 1st Co. Captain around these times. As luck would have it...we have no idea who was chapter master during this


I had thought about this but I figured the ways of Chaos are pretty sneaky. A brother looking for influence and power might hear whispers in the dark from an unknown source, one that promises unlimited power and says Malal is weak, an outcast, and unworthy of their attention.


But I was thinking rather than it being a full-on chapter civil war like all the other chapters that had the same thing, it was more of a rise in tensions, that it was starting to lead up to a civil war, but when everyone saw what a ruthless badass Kathal was in crushing the rogue company they sort of shut up and realised Malal ain't too shabby after all.


As for Kathal, he is said to be incredibly old and has served as chapter master for a reeeeaaaallly long time so it's not impossible that he was the boss around this time, depending on when we decide the company going rogue to be, but that's something we have to decide I guess. Considering it was after the Fall though, since all our warbands were involved, Kathal would already have been Chapter Master by this time.


@wilks I think it would have been pretty important for Kathal to make sure none of the rogue company survived, but can't you just set your army during that war? Like it doesn't have to be around in the 41st millenium.. I mean it's your choice. But just because the rogue company was completely destroyed, doesn't mean you can't still make the army.


@Dark Apostle Thirst I do agree with giving them some time to develop strong traditions and stuff but don't you reckon (if we say they were loyal for about 400 years before going renegade) ca. 1500 years to be enough for that?? I strongly reacted to having them be a successor chapter of the Marines Malevolent though, I really doubt it. I don't mind keeping their founding chapter a mystery though but I would imagine it was either the Ultramarines (since most successor chapters are) or the Blood Angels (because of the whole cannibalism thing).

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Goose: These are times I wish our chapter had more GW produced fluff. *the good kind that is. If we did get any, I put my vote for Henry Zou to write it :)


I am still on the fence in regards to the main chaos gods. It isn't impossible for one to turn to them and corrupt the others, it's just I'm too hard-headed to imagine it. I really think the SoM are fanatically against what they consider to be Chaos. Malal, even though a chaos god, would be very relatable to them like a kindred spirit. Both sides hate chaos and    both are out looking to enact retribution on those that betrayed them (hard to say if Malal was betrayed or just went into hiding but there is no doubt he is after the other gods blood). It's a good team-up.


I also really liked the original idea of 'ghoul' Sons of Malice (I think if anyone paints them, give them glowing purple eyes, it will be awesome) who just went overboard. They would have been followers of Malal like any other but so far gone. I think it would have better fit in regards to the SoM and their devotion to Malal. To see that his worship could ruin the best of them would be a very worrisome reality that our company/warband leaders would have to k ow and maybe even keep secret.


Also, I think we could come up with our own Chapter Master or someone acting in that role besides Kathal. That way we could come up with our own character that we can tailor for this given event. Really need to read the end of the Labyrinth short story, I cannot remember if it mentions how many times Kathal was there as a Chapter Master. That could give us a clue to when he rose to that position.


Just some of my opinions and thoughts.


wikis: I say go for it if you want to make this rogue company. Timelines should never be a barrier when making your army. People have Pre-heresy armies that don't exist in the same capacity with the 40k timeline or have armies that no longer exist. I'm building an Astral Claws army and those guys are dead and gone since being defeated and turning into the Red Corsairs. Your ideas sound cool, but consider the idea to paint eyes purple, it's a nice, creepy color for them I think.

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Goose - nah, just keep it as you have it, I've got another idea that could tie in with this anyways.


It had been a long time, for Deinos.


He remembered the day he was told the Abyss had fallen. Calth was still intact, and the Ultramarines still lived, but the Abyss had fallen.


The Word had been wrong.


He remembered how he had instantly crushed the thought - it was the highest level of heresy, doubting the Word - but though he would never admit it, he had still been nagged by the fact that it was wrong.


It wasn't until a few days later, when his head chaplain, Coria, came to him, asking for censure for his doubts, for the doubts of the chaplains under him, for the doubts of all the battle brothers who had come looking for answers, that Deinos realised he had no answers to give them.


Deinos remembered turning towards Erebus, asking why - and Erebus told him.


"The Dark Gods are fickle," Erebus had said, "and for reasons of their own, they wished for the Ultramarines to live, for this day. The Word says the Ultramarines shall fall, and they shall. But it will not be today."


And so Deinos had given this answer back to the grateful chaplains, and they in turn soothed the guilt and doubts of the chapter.


Deinos remembered how it had once been his chapter.


But still the doubts remained. Deinos began to cleanse himself ritually for his doubts. It became something done daily, for years, during the rush to Terra, and even during the time the Imperials called the Scouring Deinos still found time to punish himself for the doubts that grew daily, the voice in his head that told him unceasingly, the Word is wrong.


When the Legion had settled again, the voice grew louder still - this was not the fate that the Word had promised, this was not true freedom. Deinos remembered how one day, he could no longer accept the responsibility of his chapter, he could not focus on what needed to be done while he was constantly tormented by the heresy that gnawed on his mind.


Deinos remembered that he had gone to Erebus again, finally breaking down and telling him of his constant torment.


Erebus had taken Deinos and put him in a new chapter, one with the sole purpose to die in battle, to be cleansed of their pain and doubts permenantly.


Deinos remembered being happy, for a while. He had a purpose, and he no longer envied his brothers. Soon he would be redeemed, and soon he would be at peace from the voice.


But Deinos was never redeemed. His brothers died around him time and time again, and Deinos searched for the death he sought so desperately, but it never came.


The voice once again grew louder. The Word was wrong, the servants of the Word are wrong, so why are you following them? Why are you dieing by their edicts? Is this what you want? Is this right?


Deinos remembered how he had stroven even harder to die then, his envy for his brothers returning. He became renowned among those brothers for going into the most hopeless of conflicts, stopping only when there was nothing left that could kill him, and it eventually came to be that no-one could kill him.


When gaping wounds appeared in his body, they would heal and reform. When his bones should have snapped, they simply held. When limbs were blown off, they regrew. No matter how hard he tried to die, he would live on.


And the voice grew louder still.


Deinos remembered his desire to be like the other Word Bearers turned to bitterness and hate. He, who had fought harder and given everything he had to serve the Word, to be better for the Word, was considered less holy. He, who had been alive for far longer than the majority of Word Bearers, was not treated better than a heretic?


And the voice became his own.


Deinos remembered the day he realised that. It was the day he left the battlefield on a different strike cruiser than the one that had carried him for so, so long.


But then the voice changed. If the Word was not right, what was? If the Dark Gods do not deserve worship, then what did? Who was responsible for keeping him alive, for providing his ceaseless torment?


Again, Deinos did not have the answers. But he was free, and so he searched.


It was almost four thousand years before he found a group of black and white marines, who had recently turned against the Imperium. It was said that they, too, hated the Dark Gods, and so these marines interested Deinos. They called themselves the Sons of Malice.


Deinos remembered how the Sons of Malice had treated him with wariness, but had allowed him to speak with one of their few surviving chaplains. Deinos had almost dismissed them then, for he knew how chaplains could be fallable, but the voice told him to listen.


Deinos remembered when the chaplain first spoke.


The chaplain spoke with the voice.


EDIT: Major spelling fails :)

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I didn.t even think about a timeline actually but I dont mind them being based at any time even if they are destroyed in the fluff. I just like the idea of them when they were a prevalent force. I just trying to think of things to make them more far gone then the average marines. I was thinking of just te usual posesed and demon prince but maybe something more subtle perhaps like alot of weathering on them to show there a little more frantic perhaps.


For the eyes Hush purple seems cool but I'm not sure how much it will contrast with the white on the helmet same with blue and green because of the progressively lighter shades. I was thinking of maybe having the lenses black with a small red dot in the middle which gives it the look of something behind glowing like the film terminator. or just dark coloured gloss lenses rather then the full on flash beams, but I'll do a paint test mini for eah to see.


Any ideas of how to model the rouge company tho is more then welcome.

Especially basing ideas too, I been thinking ruined roads, smashed concrete or temple theme maybe.

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Dark Apostle Thirst: Cool fluff, I skimmed through and will g e it another go over soon.


wilks: the red dot surrounded by black is a cool idea. I had one Iron Warrior come out like that because I used too much badab black when washing my minis. It looked really cool.


I thought purple would be neat, and I just watched Hellsing Ultimate with the ghoul army. I originally went with blue when I started my SoM over a year ago. It was a perfect color compared to the mostly red and green eyes.


Also, my army is being based with the CoD floor pack because they are currently fighting in a hive. Give it a look, I really like the way my sorcerer looks in his base. Besides using that stuff, I may put GS on the bases and try to make it look like tiles/cobblestones as well.


When you start your army be sure to make a log and let us know.

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Okay here it goes. This story is mostly to show the relationship between Batko and Kathal, though it's set during the Ghoul War (which is just what I've called instead of having to say "when the guys went all ghoulish and rogue") so there is some fluff, including the names of the two captains that are a bit too into Chaos and the planet that it was on, as well as which company it was that went rogue. All these are open to be changed, so just lemme know :P


”Do not test my patience, Brother!”

Brother-Anarch Kathal stood up and strode across the chamber in tall strides. The serfs that had been removing his armour decided that their Lord was busy and disappeared with heavy sighs into the shadows at the back of the room. In his fury Kathal noticed nothing, his baleful expression, framed by his massive Terminator armour, was fixed on a kneeling figure, illuminated only by the flickering tongues of flame from the roaring fire in the center of the room. The earthy, heady citrus smell of burning akhsava root filling the meditation chamber was strong enough to make even the Astartes light-headed. Cloaked serfs, village elders from Scelus, were shuffling around the room muttering, preparing it for the ancient rituals of meditation.


“My lord, I did what was asked of me.” The figure was the antithesis to the furious form of Kathal, his head lowered in reverence to his great lord, sitting stock-still as his master circled him, yet with an almost indiscernible amusement in his voice.


“Rise, Brother Batko,” Kathal came to a halt in front of his Captain. Batko’s armour matched that of Kathal’s in size but Batko stood a full head taller, and had the slightest hint of an amiable smile on his lips as he stood up with a rustle of his flayed skin cloak and trophies; heads taken from worthy foes. But Kathal was far from charmed by the large man’s playful grin and snarled in irritation. It was, however, an attitude he had come to expect from his Captain and knew no disrespect was meant with the annoying expression. It was simply how Batko reacted to most things, with a good humour coming from Batko’s almost arrogant confidence that Kathal never had to deal with from his Scelus-born officers, where arrogance was practically a sin, though Kathal loathed to use a word with such strong ties to the corrupt Ecclesiarchy of the Imperium. Although rare, it was not unheard of for the Sons of Malice to recruit from other planets than their homeworld but it was almost impossible for them to rise to any position of power in the Chapter. According to the ancient practice of taking Abtakha, it was forbidden for an outsider to rise in the ranks of the tribe. If it hadn’t been for the technicality that Batko the Black had been kidnapped from his homeworld to be raised as a Son of Malice, and not given a choice, he would never have risen to Anarch of the 7th Company. Named for his aberrant theories and unorthodox changes to his company, Batko was very much a black sheep within the Sons.


Kathal looked at the black and white skull fashioned on his commander’s war plate, still streaked with blood from the battlefield his captain had just returned from. How symbolic, he thought, the chapter covered in blood. Recent developments had required the shedding of brothers’ blood. Former brothers. He thumped his fist on it with a loud thunk of ceramite on ceramite. Batko’s armour whirred as auto-stabilizers reacted to the impact of his lord’s surprisingly forceful blow.


“You fight for the Sons, do you not?” Kathal said, nodding gravely at the gory chapter symbol.

“Yes, my Lord.”

“You fight for Malal do you not?”

“Of course, Lord.”

“Yet you do not fight for me!” Kathal roared as he shoved Batko backwards by his shoulders, his ancient armour’s joints whirring to once more make up for the Lord’s anger.


“Lord Anarch, the city is taken, I have not wronged you. We have established a foothold on [barius – name subject to change] and the enemy is routed.”

“You know full well what you have done, Batko Black,” growled Kathal, his voice the rolling thunder of Scelus “the Sons of Malice do not take prisoners!”

“My Lord, my apothecaries assure me that the brothers we took can be saved.”

“We are not here to save, Captain! We are here to put down a rabid dog. These things are no longer Sons of Malice, no longer Space Marines. They have fallen too far to the Bloodlust.” The grinding rumble of Kathal’s voice came to a stop as he looked at his Captain. Batko met the ice cold gaze of the Arch-Anarch. “We are sons of Scelus, and of Malal, Batko, our strength lies in our hatred and skill at arms. Not our skills as healers.”

“Lord,” Batko lowered his head, pride smarting.

“When I approved of your ascension to Anarch of the 7th I knew it was an unexpected decision, one met with anger, and even outrage-“

“Yes, and I am gratefu-“

“-but I had looked in your soul, Batko,” Kathal continued, his gruff voice cutting in, his ice blue eyes flashing irritation at Batko’s impertinence “I knew that you were a leader, the one to carry on your company’s legacy.”

Batko nodded, “thank you, my Lord.”


Kathal snorted at Batko’s suddenly assumed humility, his tone suddenly changing, “Which is why your stupidity is all the more surprising. You, Batko, the astute politician,” he smiled a crooked sarcastic smile, “You can surely not be oblivious to the recent unrest within the chapter ranks.”

“Of course not,” Batko almost looked offended at the implication, few could have missed Anarchs Hekhta and Amwa's dissidence in recent months, criticising Kathal for what they saw as weak behaviour, “but they are hardly dangerous, just misguided.”

Kathal laughed a mirthless laugh, “they are gathering followers, Batko. The decision will soon be made. The Sons must remain undivided and these buffoons threaten our stability. They think me weak, Batko. Which is why not one of the rogue ghouls can live. Do you see?”

“You are flexing your muscles for Hekhta and Amwa.”

“Good, you understand. I knew you would,” Kathal growled, “now get out.”

“Lord,” Batko stepped back and saluted, thumping his fist to his chestplate. He made to turn around and leave but Kathal caught him by the shoulder guard and spun him back around, staring into Batko’s eyes with two shards of ice.


“And if you fail me like this again, I will personally burn your hearts and brain-matter,” Kathal said as he pointed to the roaring flames behind them, “and make sure your body rots in a cell, undisturbed, until the rats pick you apart!” Batko knew the implications of such treatment, meaning that his wisdom and skill in battle would forever be lost to the chapter. Kathal was wise and Batko knew that he was worthy of a place in the Sons of Malice, despite his unorthodox methods, but Kathal could only be pushed so far. Batko saluted again, his fist ringing a dull percussive boom on his chestplate, and left the meditating room, as the serf elders threw another branch of herbs onto the fire.

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Dark Apostle Thirst I really like your story, you do have a knack for writiing, I gotta say! The only issue I had was how he finds "the black and white marines" the explanation seems a bit tenuous, or far-fetched. Otherwise it's a really cool, well-written piece of fluff! I'd love for you to have a look at what I've written! :P
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Dark Apostle Thirst I really like your story, you do have a knack for writiing, I gotta say! The only issue I had was how he finds "the black and white marines" the explanation seems a bit tenuous, or far-fetched. Otherwise it's a really cool, well-written piece of fluff! I'd love for you to have a look at what I've written! :)

Thanks, I appreciate that ^_^


The only things I would change with yours would be at the end of the 2nd conversation paragraph, when Batko thanks Kathal, instead of "Batko nodded, "Thank you my lord"" I would emphasize the humility, perhaps bowing his head or something of the sort, instead of a simple nod?


And when Batko realises why he must kill the prisoner, he has an 'oh', :) moment, instead of just a simple explanation, although the explanation is good and should be in there.


I'll reword the paragraph at the end, how about this -



For four thousand years, Deinos searched. He served with many warbands, but it would be a long time before he heard of a group of marines in black and white armor who hated the Chaos Gods. The voice whispered possibility to Deinos, and so Deinos went to these Sons of Malice.

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I surmise this is the place for the followers of Malal? I'm new here and hope to make some friends and such.


Anyway, along with my Night Lords army, I plan on making a renegade warband composed of loyalist deserters who choose to follow Malal. The commander will be a former Sons of Malice captain who was "asked to leave" by Kathal because he recruited various Astartes from the "mongrel" chapters to replace his battlefield losses. I know it sounds choppy, but it'll make sense when I write the background story.


The army will probably be an apoc-style force since there will most likely be less than fifty Astartes, augmented with masses of traitor guard, feral Ogryns, Adeptus Mechanicus reavers and even a sprinkling of xenos species to add some unique flavor to this odd stew. Any and all are welcome in this warband as long as they pledge fealty to the Outcast God.


Long live Malal!

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