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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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Thanks guys, I'm not totally happy with how cluttered he looks but I just had to get him done.

Isiah: I never liked blue models, sorry. I did try to bring myself to paint his right shoulder blue, but struggled and gave up :wink:


Brother Landrain will be pleased that there are tonnes of rules and fluff topics in the DA forum now, let's get some more painting ones back up :P



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Wow! Those are some crazy good lighting effects going on there!


I had the same thought about the tide going out on painting topics this week. With threads dropping to page 2 after just a few hours, rather than days or weeks, I intend to post more WIP updates.

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But then ALL our rules would make sence and we'd have nothing to grizzle about ;)




Damn, you're right - daft idea!


Anyway, well done again - your painting has been a real inspiration to me since I first started following your thread way back in the ETL last year (doesn't it seem like an age ago? :) ) :tu:

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The Chaplain and elphilo: thanks guys :yes:


fmp: Damn I hate it when I make a typo and get quoted, it stays broken ;) .

I'm thinking that JV gets a B+ for our new book so not too bad really.

It certainly has been a good push this time around; I've been on and off since RT so the last 20 months or so of motivation has been fun. Having a BnC log has helped immensely with keeping me keen, many of my gaming group have left our area in that time so teh intertubes are my main contact with 40k atm.


Cheers again, I was trying to keep humble like my good friend bevulf but that's not my style, so here's a woot...:woot:

Maybe I should send them some other pics?




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Stobz I've been following your work since the ETL and your work is a true inspiration. Congrats for your work to being posted on the GW website even though it is merely "ok" :tongue.:

Seeing those amazing models done by the members of this forum has motivated me again to finally dust of my brushes and get painting again!

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Cheers WW and Artemid :tu:


Brother Samael, I'm glad I can help

Get painting so we can get more painters here in the DA forum :tongue.:

I love reading all these rules threads because I only play once in a blue moon but it's the painting threads that really bring me here :thumbsup:


On the topic of my dear old termie Libby: I was a bit lost on how to paint the lightning effects. I wanted some warpish effects but didn't have anything pictured in my mind; I just slapped paint on top of paint until something worked (similar to the newly colourised Libby pic in the new dex).

Now that the new WoC tentacle critter has inspired me with some great warp flame painting ideas on his back I may have to revisit Libby later on.


On the PtR vow: my termie Chappie is nearly done, only a couple more days I hope. He needs a name, I was thinking Sapphon :wink: esp. as he is quite senior looking, thoughts?





Clarity and inclusion :)

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I'll get going, I promise:laugh.:

Though I am nowwhere near your ability with a brush, the old saying "a painted army beats an unpainted army every day" is still true.

Besides you can get only better by actually painting some models and there is so much helpful info on here in this thread alone that there really is no excuse not to give it a good try.


And go for Sapphon, it was about time he made a return:tongue.:

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