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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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A while ago...:blush.: your thread is quite long and my question was imprecise. 

What wash are you using?

I tried out secret weapon blue wash, which was to light and GW drakenhof nightshade, which was nearly black for some reason.

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Fair enough :D

For this one (because I am inconsistent), all paints kept thin with plenty of water... I undercoated white,  layer turquoise, did a little pre-highlighting in white, couple of Asurman blue washes, first proper highlight and lightening in Ice blue, white highlight and lightening, tidy the lightening up with blue ink (OOP) add 'glow' with white wash (50/50 paint and water).

I actually stuffed this one up several times so he's not perfect in the detail, but the luminosity from the white is maintained through the transparency of the paints.




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Having a lazy Easter Friday, my wife and I decided to cancel our camping trip due to other commitments, so after a day of hard labour around the home I thought I'd see how some pics would turn out with my new diffused LED lamp. I always thought that my RW pics were too dark so hopefully this helps, what do think about the lighting of this pic of the 'Fabulous Five' compared to the earlier ones?


The obvious challenge is to get a decent look at the darker detail without over exposing the pic, and to get the plasma and power effects to look like they are glowing at the same time (and I'll need to work on the focus in weird light too :tongue.: )



"Within the sounds, of silence"


Focus is not 100% but the colours are showing better to my eye.


Still two RWKs and some basing to go before they become the 'Magnificent Seven' :wink:

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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Thanks dudes. Now I just need to paint the last two of the Command Squad, get them all based and put on a decent background to make them look finished. Patience for the Slacker may be needed ;)


Elmo, your pics are great; your lighting always looks bang on. I'd say yours are better.




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Actually still quite a bit, but my priorities have shifted in R/L so my beloved DA get the last of my spare time now; that means I have decided that I will be aiming for mostly quality over quantity from now on, this may also mean I'll never be done :dry.: :wink: 


The list is:


-Finish this 6 man RW Command Sqn,

-1 5 man Black Knight Sqn

-1 Librarian on Bike

-2 full RWAS with ABs and Speeders

-3 Dark Talons/Neph(magnets)*

-1 Darkshroud Vengeance pattern Speeder*



-1 5 man MkIII Siege Breaker Vet Sqd

-1 MkIIb Achilles Landraider*

-1 more Deathwind Droppod*

-Many Vets/Command Squad weapon swaps etc.



-2 5 man Deathwing Sqds

-1 Lucius Droppod either white for my Contemptor or Black for Chaplain Lucifers' Dreadnought (undecided)

-Some Leviathans (I want heaps but can't afford them at the moment.)*


*means I have yet to buy them :D


Who shall get the love once I've finished my current unit??? That is always the dilemma ;)

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Considering what you have already finished, that is a short list.  :cool.:  The Deathwing group is comparatively small, so I say splurge on TWO Leviathans (you may not be able to put little hot dog slices in your mac-n'-cheese for a few months, or buy ramen that actually contains a flavor packet, but it will be totally worth it! :biggrin.:) , so you can have that "I'm the strong one; 'e's the fast one." -  tag team effect going on, and finish the Deathwing compliment of your force.  And it's "only" 13 models. :wink:

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They are fine rules-wise; you just need to combine either DW formation with another formation that is not too costly and actually deploys, like the oft-maligned Darkshroud RWSS (which ranges from 130-350 pts.). :wink.:  Turn 1 it is the only unit deployed ( in cover obviously), only it can be targeted, and if it is targeted it can just Jink.  Good luck killing four vehicles with 2+ re-rollable cover saves. :devil:

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  • 3 weeks later...

It must be ETL time again, I guess I'll have to hurry up and finish my RW Black Knight that I'm working on so these fellas can get put together before kick off:




Great speed of delivery to the other side of the world, only 8 days total!


Let the games begin


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