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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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Wait....what is that I hear? Angelic voices?

"Im-peer-ee-um! IM-peer-Ee-UM!!!"


....[Guitar riff growing ever louder]




Comin' again to save the mutha-@&?#$! day! YEAH!




The Emperor is the ONLY WAY! YEAH!


Awww yeah! Those three tanks are all about 'Team Emperor: Galaxy Police". :mellow: Nice job! :)

Edited by shabbadoo
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Thanks for the kind words to those who posted on the WIP thread ;)


Shabz, you can almost hear the Angels cry...."lick my @$$ and suck on my 8@!!$", fantastic reply mate.


I just can't wait to get my hands on three Dark Angels Executioner Predators, YES PLEASE GW!!!!!


Best we tone down the expletives lest we feel the wrath of the mods.



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Sternguard "shooty" style DA dex compliant, Company Vet Sqd #2 and Rhino.

I will give them FW bolters and await a possible new dex before converting combi weapons, I don't want to wreck cool and expensive bolters if we can't use them as anything but what they are:).


I'm all out of Plasma Cannons so I'm giving them a Multi melta and Plasma gun for 24" love.

Edited by Stobz
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Between the Command Squad, Assault Squad (backed up by the jump pack Chaplain), and mechanized Company Veterans you already have a good compliment of close combat units, so another "shooty" unit would be good. Edited by shabbadoo
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Na, my WWinds were 1, 4 and 8 as purely random #s and I wanted to use different numbers for these guys. My predators (of whatever type), when I buy them will probably be 3,6 and 10. In hindsight it might have looked cooler to have consecutive numbers, but too late now.


Spam is great, I don't get any love from my opponents when I do break out these guys <_< Lucky they are mostly more 'competative' than me, so I step my game up to play them. We used to play a lot of social type games but things change as peeps move etc.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks man, long time no see....


BTW: Midgets are allowed to wrestle, it's not their fault if they can't afford clothes :blush:

I'm about 6/10 through the Vets, need to stop running etc. I got called "Forest" tonight by a drive by.


Cheers again



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That Line breaker sqn is fantastic - mind if I borrow a few ideas?

Thanks Elmo, be my guest.

No copyrights here :no: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all. I'm sure looking forward to your take on them.


I'm planning on 'borrowing' your magnetting technique for my upcoming preds too B)



Edited by Stobz
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Great work Stobz,


I seem to have missed your blog (must have been hibernating!! :no: ) but absolutely stunning ork. The attention to detail and the crispness of the painting is just unbeliveable. In particular the Venerable dreadnought is just amazing.


I have to say that out of all of the models Chaplain Isiah is one that just stands out as a work of art ( juts like our moderator!! B) ) oozing menac to the Lion's enemies!!


Well done on completing the LPC vow, or should I say WOW! of the three vindicators. That is some amazing army you've put together!



Edited by The Shadow Guard
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Thanks - I am slowly selling myself on going for the Line breaker and Isiah is trying to convince me to try the DA icon on the dozer blades. I believe some pressure was applied to you too :no:


Go for it on the magnetisation with my blessing B)

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I was just mucking around with my new camera and thought I'd add a bit of a tease to this topic.


Although my original intention was no WIPs here, this bugger is just too big to just finish in one go. So I'll treat myself to painting a stage after each finished unit (next stage is finish the motors).


He's been in this state for about 18months, I therefore vow I WILL complete this THawk THIS year.




This will be my ride for the Chapter HQ once they all get a repaint too.



Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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The equivalent of 30 marines, disembarking, in your face, with lots of nasty guns. Not cool...if you are the enemy! :lol


Looks like you are quite a ways along already. I look forward to seeing this all done.

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This I beleive is going to be the project of the year! I'll follow it with great interest. And yes - a good idea to start a wip log on this monster, I'd like to see this as it develops, for sure! I can only imagine the finished T-hawk painted at Stobz standards = Win! :confused: Edited by Captain Semper
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This I beleive is going to be the project of the year! I'll follow it with great interest. And yes - a good idea to start a wip log on this monster, I'd like to see this as it develops, for sure! I can only imagine the finished T-hawk painted at Stobz standards = Win! ;)


I second this ^ B)


You've done some truly amazing work here Stobz, and after seeing your awesome work on those Vindicators, I am even more excited to see how incredible this THawk will turn out.


BTW, absolutely love the details on those Vindi's. I don't know how I missed it at first, but the text at the base of the blades are a fantastic detail, and it seems you really have the knack of some amazing hand-writing (or painting) skills. The text on the banners is incredible. Good job, and look forward to seeing more of your work

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