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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Whataf...why does everyone guess on the first comment? Man, I wanted some challenge...Well, "Badass" is Sigismund's middle name anyway.


So, Rafen, who do you want me to draw?


By the Emperor I actually was right! Would you like me to pm you the details? And is it okay if it is for my DIY?

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Sigismund placed the golden helm and gazed up into his Primarch's steel eyes. Even in this direst of moments, Dorn's majesty dominated the room, his gold-and red marking him like the Emperor's brand upon his most fervent son.


The demigod's eyes were still looking down, even though Sigismund now stood to the right of his sire. The first captain was about to talk when a bang on the door brought Primarch and Marines to their senses.


The black doors opened violently and one of the marines guarding the door entered, dragging a flailing, sweating man, a soldier of the palace's guard.


"Kelsen", Rogal Dorn could barely keep his fury in check, "what is this intrusion?"


"Said he wanted to serve under the banner of the Emperor's Champion", answered the Veteran.


The Primarch barely managed to hide his surprise, but Sigismund made no effort:


"How is it you know of this ceremony, curr? Are you in league with the wretches coming to kill us?"


The man seemed to take the suggestion like a blow to the stomach and sprang to his feet.


"No, Lord! I was told by the Emperor himself to carry your standard", he said, his voice still more serene than should be the case for one facing a Primarch and three squads of a Space Marine Legion's first company. He went on to explain how, while he performed his final oaths, the Emperor appeared to him and spoke of the cerimony and the role he was to play in the coming battle.


Dorn was about to order the man, Antiochus, thrown out of the room, but Sigismund put a hand on his Primarch's arm...and spoke to him of uniting all of the Emperor's peoples...




Phracops couldn't hold back a caw of cruel glee as he ignited a whole squad of Blood Angels on blue Eldritch fire. He watched the warriors melt to black pools in seconds, mesmerized with all the power he'd gained since the Emperor's savage dogs sacked Prospero.


A glimmer suddendly got his attention, but he'd have noticed its source a second later anyway. A most unusual party was advancing towards him: under two huge standards - one of Rogal Dorn and the one Phracops couldn't quite place, familiar as it was -, a golden warrior in magnificent armour, a second Astartes, a regular human shouting at Horus' forces like a madman and a diminute Adeptus Mechanicus on tracks trudged through the carnage all around them, the leading champion pointing a tremendous sword at Phracops.


The standard bearers and the Martian adept stopped a few meters from the Daemon Prince, but the golden warrior kept advancing as if he hadn't noticed this. Amused, Phracops tilted his head:


"Yes, Dornian worm, leave the agony to your comrades and walk into a quick death", the Thousand Son said, thrusting with his staff in an impaling move.


No emperor lapdog should've been so fast. The Astartes whirled away from the staff, a trail of fire from the candles on his backpack, and gained momentum to deliver a devastating knee strike with the bladed laurels of his leg armour. The effect proved surprising, as well, Phracops' leg splitting in two.


The Daemon Prince dropped to the ground immediately, followed by the chainbladed part of the warrior's sword. Phracops barely had time to feel humilliated as his spine was severed.


Then, suddendly, as the world disappeared in black, a metallic sting brought the world back. A trophy. Phracops was being held as a trophy by that ridiculous Mechanicus, somehow being kept alive to witness whatever was going to take place. Though he was loathe to admit, panic took hold of him, and it only got worse when the golden champion picked his head up.


"Traitorous scum! I am Sigismund, First Captain of the Imperial Fists and Champion to the Emperor and Dorn. Behold your near future, and know that you are but the first to be cleansed from my Lords' domains. Come, then, taste the righteousness of the just, and their crusade".



Here's Sigismund, badassery incarnated and owner of the greatest collection of traitors' heads in his time. I'm happy with the armour and the standards. The Marine and guardsman in the back aren't the best, but my focus was the champion and the fact that, to me, he makes more sense walking in group and with due ceremony. This was his first crusade. Hope you like it, guys.


Still not sure wether I'll draw Rafen's request or Jaghatai Khan, next. I think I'll go for the Primarch, but worry not, Rafen, your Chapter Master will kick due arse.

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Damnit! >_< I was finally the first person to see your new thing and I was so excited to see if I could answer the newest riddle and get my own request and just my luck there is none... TT_TT



Excellent work there, Grey. You truly captured the badassery of Sigisumund at his finest and yet not stained by the Imperial Fists. I quite like him and probably have new inspiration for my next Black Templar Emperor's champion. :blush:

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Still not sure wether I'll draw Rafen's request or Jaghatai Khan, next. I think I'll go for the Primarch, but worry not, Rafen, your Chapter Master will kick due arse.


I'm sure he will, but don't stall to long otherwise he will be very upset about it. :blush:


Gotta love Sigismund though very good. Looking forward to Khan!

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Love the work piled on here, and of course Sigismund is always a winner with me :lol: . Like you said, the background bits weren't much of a focus, but I hate to say that their lower quality actually kind of makes them a focus. What keeps pulling my eye away from the awesomeness of Papa Sig is the banner on the right: I can't quite put my finger on it, I have a hunch it's either the cross at the center or the shield further down, but the perspective seems broken on it.


Still, wicked stuff all around. Just some constructive criticism to address or dismiss at your leisure. :D

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Thanks for all the kind comments, first of all.


@Noctus: worry not, mate, I'll be holding more riddles (even if they get 1-shot like it's happened so far), but only after Rafen's is done.


@Rafen: I promise you he'll be more spiteful than my father was when I tried to explain 40K to him.


@Firepower: No dismissal there, mate, the more I look at the drawing, the more I'm dissatisfied with the background characters and banners. Plus, the scanning went horribly. I'm tempted to pick the bastard up again and spit-shine him. You're absolutely right, the errors in the secondary characters do take the focus from Sigismund. A big 'thank you'.


Edit: It's the shield's perspective that is broken, I have to tilt it to the right a bit.

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I quite like your sanguinus, I'm afraid I cant say he's my fave of your pieces so far, but I think you've done a really good job on quite a challenging character! However Sigismund looks amazing and I will promptly say a very big well done to you! Excellent story and character! Have we now moved away from terminators?



Also should you post up any new riddles, I'd appreciate it if you waited til I was online and then dropped perhaps the biggest possible hint to the riddle for me. This is the only way i'll ever get an awesome drawing :P

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Pure WIN there Grey!!! :P


Sigis is looking really really good. I like the way you use less details on the other figures in the image in order to make him "pop" more. So far this thread has been pure awesome.'


Also, I think my favorite image is actually your DIY chap Master! That is a model I would LOVE to have. Keep it up



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So, so awesome. I walked out of my house, right out into the street and punched some guy right the :cuss out. "Why?" He asked me plaintively, as he cradled his ruined features.


"Because I'm the righteous hand of Dorn, thats why" I told him, before putting on my sunglasses and walking away in slow motion as he exploded.

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They always ask "why"...


Thanks, everyone. I made a few changes to Sigismund, I think it's a bit tidier now. I couldn't alter the perspective issues on the standard, though, but it's not that bad.



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