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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Maybe this can be of some help to you:




Wow, nice find! HM have some nice stuff, I have their giant wolfking.


Now I see that they have Oblitorators too... which are a piece of 40K lore that I feel is lacking in the art department *wink*wink*. There are two or three official drawings for them... but they look a bit boring (the fluff just sounds cooler).


Maye someone could some day make cooler art... but where could such an individual be found? ^_^ And why not take them to the awesome extreme?... like, well I don't know, *cough* a barbaric looking Iron priest turned to chaos infected with the oblit virus and mounting a dreadnought turned thunderwolf *cough*, with cool things and stuff...

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A very special request, this one. A tattoo for a soon-to-be father, our own brother Elwrath:


Baeleon of the Phoenix Guard (Fulgrim's praetorians)




Just an immensely fun and gratifying piece of artwork, this one. And I'm pretty happy with the end result. Although, to think of the time this will take to put on skin...I dread for Elwrath's skin...sorry there, matey.


It's back to my project, now. Ciao, mates.

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I'm likeing the Phoenix motiff there. Very nice work done. And I too feel pity for Elwrath's skin, not for the tatoo, but for the up coming pain that is entitled with parenthood. Well at least when your mini's gather dust you can look down at your newest mini and be proud, congrats Elwrath.
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Oh dude, i love this one!



(I swear i say that about all your drawings)




The pose is fantastic, walking through the flames, and the details great. Love the phoenix pauldron/sword.

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Nice work, Greyall. I love the composition and perspective. Did the sword hilt give you fits? To my eye, it looks like the hilt, guard, and blade just don't quite flow naturally. It appears that the blade and hilt are perpendicular to the viewer, but the phoenix guard is rotated slightly toward the viewer.
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Thank you very much, everyone. And well done, Death Knight, I'm sure Elwrath didn't get cold sweats from your warning or anything. :P


@Escaflowne: Since this is a sabre and not a double-bladed, european-style sword, the guard didn't "need" to be symmetrical , so the guard is supposed to be a sideways double-headed eagle attacking. The idea is for it to be mostly flat, two exactly alike figures joining at the base of the blade.

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  • 2 weeks later...
All B&C members calling Greyall! Come in Greyall! SITREP required! lol How are things coming along with the project mate? I'm sure everyone is as anxious as I am to see what it is and how it turns out ^^[
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Man, you guys melt my fenris-rock of a heart. I'm going to be honest, the project is currently suffering from reallifitis...not sure how it's going to be. In other news, I've restarted playing WoW and am currently focused on drawing my toon once and for all.


Worry not, though, I'll be back to 40K. If not with the project, I'll return to the Pre-Heresy Terminators. Been dreaming about a Salamander, actually...


Thanks a bunch, guys. A million arigato's to you.

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I love your artwork and have been inspired by much of it.


most of all, this...






i would love to have a go at making this guy as a raptor champion in my Iron Warriors army, would you mind if i took ideas from this peice of art?



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