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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Fantabulous! The proportions on this one are outstanding. And that shield is on a whole 'nother level of awesomeness by itself.


One tiny little criticism that reflects my personal tastes rather than your considerable talents. His Crozius seems a little small in comparison with the rest of him. But that could just be my love of big, holy, death sticks talking.

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Rest my friend, rest. For your work is flawless.


Thank yoiuh, mrrllbzzll :wacko:


Thank you, everyone, so much.


@Reckoning: I was planning to make the crozius larger but, above all, I wanted it to look bladed. Usually, Crozius...(what's the plural for it, Croziae?) look smallish and unsuited for battle (not counting Grimaldus'), but worse than the money is the fact that they're blunt, they resemble beatsticks indeed. If I could give Ossorius' Crozius an axe-like and elaborate look, it would work. I think it did, but a larger, hammer-like Crozius would also be a good pair for that shield of his, for sure.

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Edit: Working log - Going through hell to finish the Dark Angel...feels like I'm learning Advanced Gothic here...Jesus Christ, this is hard work...


Hard work may very well be, but the result is outstanding! This is the pinnacle of all your work so far IMO. The amount of detail you put ther is mind blowing! I'm just looking at the thighs and going :)


The glass shield is a great concept, let's hope it won't run out of power! :) The design on the shoulder pad is A-MA-ZING!!!


Among all your work, I rate this at the highest place! And you know how I feel about Moloc.

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@ Greyall and Reckoning: You'd both like my Dark Apostle then, his crozius is basically a large double-headed axe. Perfect for killing Imperial dogs! :)


On topic: I have to agree with Semper, I also think this is your best piece of work so far, and that is really saying something! That's pure awesome on paper (or a computer screen). Absolutely fantastic work!

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I also think this is my best work so far, and Iknew it would be when, every time I thought something like "Oh, let's put this hard-as-hell, never-before-done design on his knees. Oh, and shoulder", instead of the more usual "Eeehhh, I already have that focal point for the drawing, no need to put too many good eggs in the same basket", I just went with it. Hence the lion knees, the chain wrapped around the loin rope, the crevasses on the spires...


I was unsure if I could outright make a hammer or axe out of the crozius, so it sporting a more traditional design is also due to that.


Also, he was more or less thought-out in game terms. The shield, being glass-like, was supposed to be especially useful against energy weapons, mainly lasers, allowing Ossorius to deflect some shots.


His title, The Sanctum, comes from his favourite occupation: sitting alone in a 3 by 3 room studying every possible detail about the greatest battles of the Chapter. As a result, he's become an expert in the fighting style and battle doctrine of almost every foe, to the point that he can "deduce" the enemy commander's reaction to a change in the flow of battle. In game terms, this would mean enemy units would lose things life Outflank or -1 Weapon Skill, Initiative, etc. when assaulting Ossorius.


I'm no player, though, so perhaps this would be overpowered. But come on, he has spires on his back!


PS: As from today, I'm starting my project. News of it will arrive soon enough. =)

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His shield has stained glass...ain't that nice?


Stained with the blood of the enemy I hope :)



Truly incredible work and I think this really shows you've challenged yourself to really do as much as you can. Really, genuninely great! (I wonder if you ever expect to hear anything else these days?) I think a whole threads worth of compliments shows that you are a really talented person and that all your fans appreciate your work!


Good luck with your project, we'll be waiting :P

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Thats got to be your best work so far.


Usually theres a little something that seems off, usually a proportional issue, but this dude is just perfect... And the detail/concept! Truly brilliant stuff.

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Actually, let me be the one to point the biggest flaw, it's rather serious, even if the armour decoration is pushing it to the back of my mind: the perspective on the figures engraved on his left upper leg armour is off, they're much smaller than the ones on the right. Fortunately, the whole damned thing is so full of lines that the flaw doesn't jump to the eye, even if it's tremendously noticeable.


My truest thanks, guys, you've been a tremendous reason for me to push myself to higher standards. Arigato.

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I'm so bloody tired...I don't think I've ever been this mentally exhausted...




His shield has stained glass...ain't that nice?


See you tomorrow, mates. Hope you like him, Wayward.


Speechless. Again. But even more so this time, as far as it's possible.

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Actually, let me be the one to point the biggest flaw, it's rather serious, even if the armour decoration is pushing it to the back of my mind: the perspective on the figures engraved on his left upper leg armour is off, they're much smaller than the ones on the right. Fortunately, the whole damned thing is so full of lines that the flaw doesn't jump to the eye, even if it's tremendously noticeable.


Blame it on perspective :wub:


I see what youre saying, but, it doesnt really stand out, even after you pointed it out (wouldnt notice by myself ). For your mental sanity, I'll try to shrink the engravings on the right leg so they look the same size... But is a hard nut, lets see how it goes... Ah, the impunity of digitality. If you screw it, you just dump it and carry on :lol:

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My god greyall that chaplain is amazing.but can see one big issue with it.................its not a black templar chaplain hehe.

Nah seriously bud your arkwork is amazing but cant wait to see if me and my fellow crusaders are gonnaget some love soon lol.

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Thanks, everyone.


@Wayward: Please don't take this the wrong way, mate, but I'd prefer if this drawing was left as it is. I feel it is too special to me to be stripped of its flaws. If that's ok with you (the drawing was done at your request, after all), leave the discrepancy. I don't notice it that much, but it will nonetheless lead me into being better next time. Thanks =)

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My god greyall that chaplain is amazing.but can see one big issue with it.................its not a black templar chaplain hehe.

Nah seriously bud your arkwork is amazing but cant wait to see if me and my fellow crusaders are gonnaget some love soon lol.


If you look back through this thread a bit you will find an awesome version of Sigismund. I think you'll like him!


Edit for link to Sigismund: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...mund&st=275



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Thanks, everyone.


@Wayward: Please don't take this the wrong way, mate, but I'd prefer if this drawing was left as it is. I feel it is too special to me to be stripped of its flaws. If that's ok with you (the drawing was done at your request, after all), leave the discrepancy. I don't notice it that much, but it will nonetheless lead me into being better next time. Thanks =)


Acknowledged and completely understandable lad. Someone said it already above, but I'll say it again, your will to perfect and learn even at such high standard is commendable and rarely seen!

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Dang, Greyall knocks it out of the park again. When is someone going to take up the challenge of trying to make one of these puppies into a model?


If I can ever win a competition and get him to draw my Dark Apostle, although the prospect of actually modelling Greyall's amazing art terrifies me! :ph34r:

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Requests and riddles are on hold right now, though, I'm already doing the concept art for my project. I'll try my best to have something showable soon enough.


That is the one flaw with my plan! ;)

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Sweet mother of god Greyall. That is hands down your best work. Love all the intricate detail you have incorporated and the proportions are perfect. It makes me want to build a model of it but I know that I will never be able to pack that much detail on it or have the skill to do so.


I cant wait to see the next project!

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