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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Dude, I am totally blown away. The sword is incredible, very pirate-like. I always invisioned Akan's face heavily scarred, but the ruined flesh and exposed jawbone is such a better idea. The bones of the StarPhantoms are perfect, especially the macrabe version of their symbol. The occult symbols are exactly as I imagined; since Akan isn't much of an artist, I figured he'd just carve 'em in his warplate however he could. The stolen Rosarius, and the bones gripping it, is friggin' genius!!! The shredded cape definetley gives him an air of broken, false royalty. What I thought was really cool was that despite myself never mentioning his hair, I always wanted to give him a ragged military high-and-tight haircut. Great minds think alike, I guess, lol.


I love you and hate you in equal measures right now. The drawing is more than I could ever imagine, but now I gotta try to build this bugger exactly as you drew him.... :blink:


Unbelieveable, man. Thank you so much for this, Greyall. I owe you one.


Edit: Almost forgot... Yar! :)

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greyall, you're truly a great artist.


Akan looks really freaking awesome, i sure hope 1000heathens will be able to build him without going (more) mad in the process.


actually, i think 99% of what you've drawn looks like it's been drawn by the gods themselves.

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Thank you very much, guys, glad you like it. Especially you, Heathens, it's great to know I did justice to your vision of the character.


The Dark Angels Terminator is already posed (gloria!), now to fill him up.

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* puts foot onto bar stool, and strikes his most handsome captain pose*

yar be there the best space pirate meself has seen since the great storm that took me other leg. Aye betcha shiverering in yer booties to be messing with the likes of ye. Aye think it be the sword says I. :pirate:


Edit: for fat finger syndrome. :)

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Hi there ! I discovered this thread yesterday and went through the whole of it today. It feels redundant at that point, but I have to say your art is absolutely mind-blowing, Greyall.

What most impressed me however is the will to improve you've been consistently showing. Your openness to criticism and constant self challenging are to be commended, and I think that's the best way to earn your place among the best.

Thumbs up.


(Sorry if I sound pompous, I just thought it was worth underlining.)


Was hoping to see Ahriman showcased in all his sorcerous glory by your pencil since I saw Scciroc (huge fan) :) But Tzeentch is patient... Best of luck on your project !

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A big 'gracias' to you, guys, always great to hear from you.


@Hyd: You don't sound pompous at all, my friend, thank you very much for your comment, at all levels. Stick around, I try to keep this joint on the move.

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Just wanted to say Greyall, that aside from your artistic talent, your inventiveness and skill at crafting fluff is also very good. I loved the stories you gave each of the raptors and the other earlier characters and your illustration of Cyren has helped me forge more of an identity for my own Liber Chapter (Which I hope to post about soon) whereas before they languished in limbo.


Cannot thank you enough for the pic you drew for me mate :unsure:

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Now for some more Dark Angels goodness. It's walking-cathedral time. Cheers, fellows.

:Elite: :) :wub: :wub: :wub:

I am so excited!


And your last has beautiful detail. I'm in love with the Red Corsair symbol clutching the chain. That piece of creative evil thinking is just awesome. Seriously great work, frater!

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Just wondering if anyone has successfully converted any of Greyall's drawings into miniature form yet, and if so where can I find them? I@m thinking about trying to convert one myself, I was wondering how others had got on.
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@Retributis: Hey, you thanked me beforehand, when you coloured Cravasson and proved that lightning-veins are the new black. As well the other drawings you coloured.


@Sharp: Thanks a lot, mate. The Dark Angels is proving rather hard to fill in, especially because I've drawn a good few Unforgiven (and one Fallen), so coming up with new armour decoration is tricky. I first went with the same "count-as filigree" of sorts that I used in Retributis' Lord, but I've been abusing that pattern. Some good ideas just popped while I was going to bed last night, so this should be a productive day.


@Castiel: Not to my knowledge, mate, but I expect one to pop at any time.

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Just wondering if anyone has successfully converted any of Greyall's drawings into miniature form yet,

Trick is, he makes them so darn full of detail it’s hard to try to make a mini of that. You don’t want to bland the awesomeness it is. Heck I’m still pulling parts together to make Conrad. One day... oh yes one day... (Once the kid is off to school, and I have more disposable income)

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Ive known what I'm going to make Grim out of for a while, but as for making an exact replica...well its beyond my modelling capability, but when I eventually do I'll attatch a link to it perhaps? That way anyone in this thread can have a look...


I demand you put a link to him in this thread, mate =)

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