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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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I hope you don't mind Greyall but the mighty Shamblin85 has done it again! This time for my guy.




I just love how he based most of the colors off of your story and with my basic color scheme. The claws came out real cool and the eerie red glow looks super cool!

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I've been following this topic for quite some time, and I can only say this: EPIC!


I love your depiction of the power armored troops of the 41st millennium, and I applaud you for continuing this for as long as you have.


Also, your style and skill have improved greatly since page 1. Keep up the excellent work.

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So many thanks, mate.


I'm still 'in business', so it pains me a little to see my 'little Girl' thread not getting updates, but that's soon to change. Expect news of my project to come out soon.


Again, lots of thanks. You guys are one of the reasons my artwork has evolved.

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D'awww =)


The worst part is, the start of this project, the concept part when inspiration must absolutely be at its peak, met with a spectacular decline in said inspiration, prompted in part by the object of the very project being a favourite of mine in 40K matters, which leads me to try too hard and crash in flames.

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Yeah we're all sitting patiently waiting, Greyall's work has earned some loyal fans!



Secretly I'm wishing he's drawn the moment in jurrassic park the thread title is drawn from with 40k characters....

I would very much like to see this. The question would be, what is the Raptor and who is the hunter?

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FWIW, the Sistine Chapel on steroids would still be unimpressive. In reality it is a miserly little room with very little to recommend it and probably the biggest disappointment of my nearly thirty years on this poxy little planet.



But give it a power weapon and it becomes art. =)


It's hard to convey how cool it is having people interested in our upcoming work. Thank you, guys. I'll be submitting the first teaser for colouring today. Should be very little time until it's out on the streets.

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I agree with the rest of the fellows here Grey, I am eagerly awaiting news of your new project! That and for some stupid reason i feel i've been challenged..... lol seen another color of Brianel the Blessed today and someone linked my version of it......At which point someone said they liked the other better ><. /pride hurt lol Anyway mate, can't wait to see what your on about this go round!
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Lol i appreciate it ^^, and yeah the other one was definately good. By no means do i consider myself better than anyone! lol Just lets me know i have much much more to learn ^^. So come on Grey, let the cat outta the bag and let us know what your drawing!
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I've already commented on your thread, Teleportman, but again a great 'Thank you' for doing this.


I have a special drawing (project-unrelated) in the works, will try to have it finished until the weekend.


Cheers, guys

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Dude, I love your drawings. Really awesome stuff. Thanks to you, I finally started a project log and I'm converting like crazy. THANKS!!









Maybe this can be of some help to you:



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