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The Last moments of Praetor Vulpin. Edit: Finished and updated with different views.


Ancient Phorris: "The Healing Hand" I painted his helm White to represent him as an Apothecary before his internment as a Dreadnought. Although he isn't so much a healer anymore, Titles do stick from before a marine becomes a dreadnought. :)

Edited by MordentHex
  • 4 weeks later...

I've been a little busy lately but I've managed some work. Got tired of painting purple so...here are some new pictures of my work the past month.

=//Inquisitorial Lock//=

"Under Review Inquisitor Mordentis"


I also finished my Deathguard Vet squad but i have not took pictured of that yet. Hopefully if the light is a little better later today i can upload some pictures of them too as an Edit.

Edited by MordentHex
  • 4 weeks later...

Well i got a big shipment of Vallejo colors in the mail last week that i ordered. ;) I am tired of painting blue and white, so my tanks are on hold for the moment. (1 is 99% finished.) I got my hands on several bottles of USMC Tank crew and i could not wait to try it out on my SOH. So..I did. ADHD strikes again! I must say i do love this color. It mixed well and went over my SOH devastator squad perfect. It is still a bit to much like toothpaste for my liking but i will give it a little green wash. I think i have before and after picks and will share them below. I also got my hands on some army painter "Ash Grey" flocking for my bases. I have not tested it yet, but i think this will help my bases look better and not so flat.






Before close up:


After Close up:



as always C&C welcome

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been working on 2 SOH Rhino's and 3 Predators. I have refined my SOH Metallic green now with the help of Vallejo. :) Accenting the Green with a bright red, Black, and Bronze. I think i will try and keep to The Heresy: Collective visions style instead of the "betrayal" style by FW. For some reason it just doesn't click for me although i will scavenge a few small things from it. Photoes to follow sometime soon with WIP shots. I do like painting multiple tanksat one time although the over all progress seems slow, its actually faster than i would have though possible considering the size of tanks.


And Happy New year!


SO here is my first real update of the year for my WIP. Been working on these off and on through the holidays.

MTV's New series!!! PIMP MY RIDE "HORUS HERESY"!!! Thats right folks! You heard it here first! With MTV no longer playing Music they have finally branched off into the gamer community to suck the life out of yet another form of entertainment for money!. YA! Jersey Shore? PFF!! Istvaan III SHORE!! Who cares about a Snooky when you can have the devolving Lucius, the witty Talg, the confident Sol, the quizzical Lokin, and the raging Angron!! Bevis and Butthead? no way! We got the two bungholes Abaddon and Aximan now! YA!

Screen shots of in production: Sense Istvan III is such a bad place, all wheels and tracks have been removed for the time being to keep them from being stolen by Alpha Legion hoodlums.

SOH! While The Warmaster Sits Snug on his Warship, These Original Gangsta's really get down to business scavenging up repairable classics for the show. Krak grenades and meltaguns are the words of the day. With a little love, and a lot of hate, these vintage tanks should be up to par and fighting in no time! Some yet to suffer battle damaged paint due to lull in combat and ash storms. They should be nice and paint damaged in the next week or so as combat picks back up.

Predator 1,2, and 3

=//Inquisitorial Lock//=

"Under Review Inquisitor Mordentis"


Rhino 1 and 2 with a Deathguard driver!

Disclamor: Stealing/Murdering/Plundering for vehicles Is bad. Don't do it. But if you must, steal it from Horus! He takes it much more personal when he get stole from. :wink:
Paints and Armor provided by GW, FW, Vallejo, Army Painter, Tamiya, Acrylique and of course the Traitor Legions. Copyright MTV China. :laugh:

Edited by MordentHex

Hehe, yeah, sense im touching up the photo's in PS i figured i would throw in some humor. Massive amounts of coffee that day probably didn't help either. :thanks:

I've been working on an Alternative History Angron sculpt for the last week, Kinda taking a break from painting at the moment. Try my hands at something a little more out of my comfort zone. I will post some picts of his big bum when i feel its to a standard I wont be embarrassing myself. :sweat: Also, i think im going to run my army as an alternative history "Heresy Age" army. I've been working on the theory behind the story but there are a few kinks i need to work out before i give it a final thumbs up.

Edited by MordentHex

Alternative History:

Towards the middle of the Emperors Crusade Across the galaxy a growing darkness begins to seep forward. The Warp begins to churn with warp storms and along the galactic fringes aliens and long lost empires begin disappearing or fleeing into newly conquered space. The Eye of Terror shrinks to a quarter of its size, The Mailstrome Implodes a pone itself along with most other Warp Rifts. The Gods of Chaos in there malice and might are blinded and turn away from their interests of our galaxy and the Emperor. It is the beginning of a growing time of darkness, one which many will not live through, and none will see the end of. In the deep Void of space an all consuming hunger comes. There will be no respite, no mercy, no hope, Only the long war for survival.

Angron: Sir of the World Eaters, The Red Angel, The Destroyer King, Murderer of Tyrants, Lord of Berzerkers

More painting Progress..



C&C welcome as always.

Edited by MordentHex
  • 2 months later...

So I've been busy the past few months. Different things here and there including Chinese new years. Been thinking about my back story. Heresy Armies have become much more popular these days and I don't want my army to be lumped in with all that. So I decided to make an alternative history for my army. Basically it involves The Tyranids coming 10000 years earlier. Hence the Crusade ends and the Tyrannic Wars begin. The Horus Heresy Never happens and none of the Primarch's ever get a chance to become corrupted by Chaos. The hard part was writing out Chaos as a big player in this alternative universe. With a massive Tyranid Invasion coming that would actually stretch the capabilities of Heresy age armies I imagined the Warp Distortion/Shadow/Interference Could blind the Chaos gods or at the very least have them pull interest from our galaxy to more easy pickings in others. The other answer could also have been this same effect could weaken them to the point their influence within the material universe is to weak to actually cause the corruption that it did/does. I liked option 2 just for the fact that it wouldn't alienate Chaos Daemon players from playing against my army. I just need to set an event catalyst to kick it off. Obviously it should be after after Lorgars dressing down by the big E, but before Horus goes under the anthem knife so to speak. Istivaan 3 and 5 would obviously be very different. No legion purges. Some of the less savory Primarch's would have to be reconciled or at least put to a purpose other than just anarchy. Maybe rising above the characters they became and instead turning into the characters they should have become with as little back story rewriting as possible. Hence Angron above in which i have not yet finished but is still alive and kicking without becoming a daemon primarch. Psychotic sure! But with so many Nids to kill, not exactly a bad thing to have around when it all kicks off. I just need to put it all together, and then my "heresy" army would have a unique back story and maybe some fun playing around with the time line with a lot of "what ifs" thrown in.

Edit: if anyone has idea's on this obviously chime in. I don't mind constructive C&C. Also started working on my Reaver Titan some again. God at the Dust that collected on that thing...

Edited by MordentHex
  • 1 month later...

E TENEBRAE LUX II: Horus Heresy Vow 1

I need to get cracking on my Worldeaters so here goes, but im not using Legion specific rules so i can add maybe some from another legion at a later date if I want.


1425 Pts roughly without additional wargear you cant see.


HQ. Warlord

1 Praetor (155)

jump pack, Paragon Blade, Boarding shield,

Rite of war: "Pride of the Legion"


Contemptor Dreadnought  (215)

K. Assault cannon and Chainfist, meltagun.

Troops: (205)

5 man terminator squad

1 thunder hammer, 2 power fists, 1 heavy Flamer

8 man Veteran Tactical squad (220)

1 heavy bolter, serg with Artificer armor, power weapon, combi-flamer.


9 man Veteran Tactical Squad (220)

Meltagun, Serg with Artificer Armor, Power weapon.

10 Man assault Squad (290)

2 Hand Flamers (flamers) Sergent with Combat Shield and PowerFist



1 Vindicator (120)






Something Else in wildly used and battle damaged White and Blue. :smile.:





Edited by MordentHex
  • 3 weeks later...

HQ for my vow finished, working on the assault squad as i write this.  Half finished with that so far. May touch up the axe lightning a bit on this guy.


Prime black, if you prime white it will take an extra stage.


base coat: Vallejo Dark persia blue 050


stage 1: Mordian blue

Stage 2 : above + Enchanted Blue

At this stage the blue looks rather nice on most flat surfaces. I wouldn't recoment using stage three on any large flat surfaces.  It ends up looking a bit awkward.

Minimal highlighting

Stage 3 above + white


If you use to much white, give it a wash of the Persian blue.  Works like a charm.  If you don't have that color Regal blue will also work but the color will be darker and less indigo.

BTW you may notice the jump pack is damaged on the right side of the turbo.  This was not intentional, just an F'ed up casting and no reasonable way to replace it. Ebay, Buyer beware.... :wallbash:


Edit:  5 W.E. assault marines. I can't take a great pic of them at the moment, but i will try to get a better one for when i have the entire 10 mane squad finished. :smile.:


Edited by MordentHex
  • 2 weeks later...

For the contest, forgot to put up the before pic of my terminators. opps. I will have to putty in that inquisitorial sig on his forehead, freaking wacko.:tongue.:  I changed some of there weapon loadouts.  Couldn't help myself once i got started on some of the conversion work.http://cdn1.share.slickpic.com/u/StephenHarris/_201208051458/org/20130615_150323/web.jpg


And my Vindicator finished but need to add the razorwire back to around it and attach the minesweeper dozerblade..  Hopefully i will be able to take better ones later after i have done this.



New stuffiz with a bit of my own humor thrown in.  If you dont think its funny too, then to hell with you(jk.). :tongue.:



Terminators! I made there main armor Bronze, to show they are not just ordinary World Eaters, They are 1st Chapter World Eater Terminators.

The blood is still a bit to red, I want to tone it down a bit but the Bronze may make that hardto do. Hopefully it will look ok after I matt varnish them and then glaze over some gloss varnish on the blood. Anywho, Here are my piss poor pictures of them until tomorrow and the sun rises once more.


Dreadnought finished! Two days working on it here and there.  CHARGE!!!!!!  :)


  • 2 weeks later...

Mostly done with a Tactical Squad. I'm going to go back and fix the blood on some models.  yes, that probably means more, There is never enough blood, These guys where fighting the entire city civil population at one point.  I imagine if i wanted to go for realism I could just dip them in red paint, but they look to sexy in there white and blue. :P


To me, this looks like some monstrous robotic frog eating a smaller monstrous robot. I have to admit I laughed a bit when I saw this model :teehee:

That aside, it is a splendid paint job. The blood spatter across his chain-arm's shoulder is particularly delightful ;) Do you sponge, hand paint, or a mix of both?

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