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Yes when i finished the model, I noticed that too. HAHA!  Something I'm going to have to fix because i forgot to paint damage that area and the lighting effect just didn't turn out how i wanted or like.  Can't have a frog Dreadnought, thats just silly.  For the blood i do a mix of both. GW Blood red + vallejo Smoke.

9 Man tactical.  I got another guy to fill out the squad but he is already painted and needs some work to fit in with his squad. So I left him out of the Competition. Also fixed my contemptor to look not so...Froggy. I dont have a picture of him as of yet.  Thats basically it for a while.  I will try to get another squad done today but i doubt i will be able to finish them and I go on vacation for a month starting Thursday.  This may be the last update until after then. We will see....



  • 3 months later...


=//Inquisitorial Lock//=

"Under Review Inquisitor Mordentis"


Edited by MordentHex

UPDATE: Ive been plugging along sense last update with this to show for my efforts. It is in no way a large effort, but I've been drawn back to painting Death Guard.

JaspCat: WorldEaters are shelved for the moment. I'm going to try and finish up a lot of these models that i have started a while back but never finished. Worldeaters stand ready to fight as of right now but my SoH and Death Guard are lacking.

Death Guard Veterans Squad Inspiration:


My Deathguard Squad: "Grigin" Veteran Tactical Squad:


I need to add flash for those shooting and fix the glow effect of the eyes. I'm not satisfied with it. Other than that they are ready to kill Nids. They have the distinct honor of wearing all green armor from the in which they cleansed a large nest in the drifting hulk "Orinon" of alien infection later to be clasified as "genestealers" This photo is from pre Tyrannic Invasion cleansing my desk shelf. :laugh.:

Death Guard "Centurions" WIP 1&2


Death Guard "Centurions" 3&4 WIP


I have World Eaters, Death Guard, Sons of Horus, and Emperors Children.  I tend to jump off in the deep end with projects.  Hence why so much gets half finished and then i find myself painting something else when i should be finishing the models i already started.  I got 2 more centurions i need to convert and paint to have a full 6 man squad or 2 squads of 3 depending on my force organization. I really liked the spiky WW2 healms in the second image.  I cant find anything like that i can get my hands on.  So the SOH was close enough.  Im happy with the results and may do another squad at a later date like the first image. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Well I got these guys done, I'm going to touch up the eyes on them and add battle damage to the vet squad, then paint the bases grey like my other models.

Space marine leaders I wont be naming by Praetor and Centurion. They will be as it use to be, Chapter Master/Captain and Lieutenant/Adviser/Specialist.

Veteran Squad With Centurion Support purging Genestealer cult from my desk!




Edited by MordentHex

Good news and Bad news:

Bad news: Working on the Eyes of the Death Guard still. I may need to move sometime in the next years time.

Good news: Applied the battle damage to the armor of the Vet tactical squad and i think it looks awesome.

Touched up the Centurions battle damage and im much happier with the results than before.

Worked on the battle damage on an unfinished SoH squad also. I think they looks awesome. Need to finish the bases.

I got my camera working again so now i don't have to take photos with my phone.

I GOT NEW TOOLS!!! Work on my titan should be much easier and less time consuming than before.

Order two luggage size carrying cases for all my goodies so they don't get beat all to hell and back.

Today the good outweighs the bad by a huge amount.

My new tools


SoH Tactical Squad: I like the Purple eyes more than the red on my other SoH. I may change the others to match these guys.


This is my first crack at SoH colors from way back, New paints now but I think the colors are about the same as the old.

gallery_64782_8966_7286.jpgWorld Eaters Group shot: although i painted these over a large amount of time, the white and blue are constant through out my squads and vehicles. I'm pleased and will be adding more to these Devil Dogs soon. Note to self, assault marines need more blood on them. :sweat:


Finished 2 squads of SoH tonight. With that done and taking a few pictures of my older work, i need to update my older deathguard models to match my newer models. A lot of ins and outs i didn't finish or does not look as good as my newer stuff.

Sons of Horus devastator squad will get purple eyes and maybe markings like my other two squads have. I like how the purple has came out and its rather easy to achieve. By the way, the sea green is metallic, you just can't really tell from the pictures. :smile.:




A group shot of my Death guard, its rather easy to see what is new and what is old. have to go back like i said and touch up those older squads. a lot of things are going to be getting Vallejo smoke/black wash's and updated bases!


  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Jaspcat, I've seen your work on your Heresy stuff and love it as well.


So the other day when i was going through my WIP here, i realized that its been a long time sense i did anything on my titan.  This Wip is a credit to ADHD as a prime example.  SOOOOOO i said screw it, im going to finish my original project of my titan before i finish anything else.  Go back to the beginning and actually finish it.  Its been collecting dust(a lot!) on my shelf for so long.  It needs that TLC, and I've become better at doing it as well.  My head i disassembled because its out of proportion. It need to be a bit smaller.  I have also made the main carapace armor.  Need to detail it though.  So far things are going good with minimal collateral damage to my parts.  Im going to try and redo the base for my titan as well.  Him stomping down on the bunker is cool, but i can do a lot better.  I found a supplier here in town that has a large selection of spray paints that i can use to help speed up my painting process on this bad boy when i start but I do not know what legion to make it though.  I will be tying it into my alternative heresy army though.  Traitor and Loyalist legions are both ok sense none fall to chaos. Idea's on this please.  I want to start getting this thing together and finished in the next 2 to 3 months. No picts at this time, later i will throw something on here to show my progress. Lame i know, but im busy bending and melting plastic.

Edited by MordentHex

Update as promised.

Titan under armor and body


Carapace: As you can see i had a technical difficult followed by large and loud cursing. need to tidy up the side too. it looks warped.:wallbash:


gallery_64782_9069_114672.jpgMelta Cannon WIP, old school style not the FW version. did this in a little under 4 hours. dispit the sounding like a long time, the amount of cutting and working on the fly i managed to get done im rather proud of. goes to show a solid idea and motivation helps things a lot.


  • 2 weeks later...

Melta Cannon is finished, I still need to fabricate the upper arm but im still working on the mechanics of how im going to attach it convincingly. The power/ control cables will connect to and through the outside armor and into the weapon. Also i will be adding hydraulics to the upper arm that will help connect the weapon to the shoulder assembly and also give additional support and strength to the bond between the two.


Chainfist close combat weapon has been started and although its been a pain in the ass conceptually im going with the flow on this one. I don't want it to look like a knight chainsword but i don't want it to be just a powerfist with a chain blade on it either. I will just see where my creativity and hard work take me on this one.


Shoulder Guard Plates have been started again. The old ones i made just don't have enough character to them and they are in my opinion way to small. I want them to be actual shoulder armor that is functional rather than just decorative. But who is to say it can't be both? Im hoping that i can make these well enough to actual give my titan more character and make him look like one of those old SOB titans that just never dies. :smile.: If all goes well they will look similar to Mk3 marine should guards.


Edit: Yes those are ping pong balls. You may be able to use that as a reference to size. Maybe later i can put a marine in to give a sense of scale. The scale is "BIG" I don't have numbers for people trying to do the same as its all done in my head and my MK1 eye balls.

Edited by MordentHex

O by the way, I was going to cut heating vents on the Melta cannon, but decided that it is such a labor intensive option and the chances for me completely wrecking my already done work on it is to high. During painting i will just paint in the vents instead of cutting them out. Much easier to hit it with a stencil or something than it is to cut into plastic.

That is possible, but heating a hole punch that hot, may also not only ruin the plastic but the hole puncher. they are not expensive here so i may have to try that on some scrap first to see if it works. It may work great for making divots though.


Edit: i had a mechanical failure that at first i thought would be a bummer, but now has turned into a blessing. Shoulder guards have been cut out and are in the works.  Shoulder mounts will be inverted from what they where to provide a sleeker feel to the top armor, and lower the arms just a bit. good progress for a lazy day.  Need idea's of what to buy myself for christmas. I'm thinking more Forgeworld. :P

Edited by MordentHex

So, yeah i went big with a Fellblade. LOL merry christmas to me and my wallet now is crying from the butthurt. Its shipping here as i type.

In other News: Titan shoulder Guards WIP. im happy with the skulls and will do something similar on the other side. I'm going with the Legio Mortis.eyah yeah i know what yoru thinking, "those are the bad guys" will with my alternative story line, they are not....kinda. They will still be SOB's but the Emperor's SOB's. I've already wrote up a story for my titan and well the word "aggressive" is apt. I imagined some titans to be very very old and some of them not entirely sane or "nice." I thin in a few books machine spirits are down right hostile to just about everyone. Mine will be too. So i named it "The Sanctus Vulcanus" I am no major in Latin but roughly it translated to God of Fire. So its Wrathful and pissed off all the time.

Left and right Should guard plates. (WIP)


My SOH assault squad WIP engaged with nid scum. the colors are not final and rather rough at this stage. progress is coming along nicely though for the time i have spent on them. Also im waiting for some new paints to arrive and maybe help me out some.


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