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I've had a chaos army for...well, every. I've decided they needed an overhaul, mostly because my ADD seems to not allow me to work on one project at a time. :smile: So, these guys were dusted off, unboxed and painted dark brown. Here's the paint test 'dummy'....though I don't call him that too his face.

I have about 27-30 or so of these marines, converted to be a bit nurgly. I'm going to use them as regular marines with a Nurgly icon. I've got some other toys I'll be showing you in the near future. But the overall concept is as it has been since the last codex came out- stinky,nasty Nurgly... with a bit of Khorne. Here's one of my Nurgle champions, painting in progress.

More foolishness on MY HOBBY BLOG if you want to check it out. Cheers ya'll!

Edited by rednekkboss

Looking great rednekkboss (In a Nurgle kind of way). The colour scheme is excellent and I really like the Maximini head on the test marine.


If you're going to be doing some more, you should think about entering the E Tenebrae Lux challenge (If you haven't already).


I can't wait to see some more! ;)

Edited by kizzdougs

Thanks for all the great comments, gang. Definitely gives me incentive to stay interested, since I have too many armies calling to be painted...and a comic to write and draw.... and a living to make.... and kittens to raise...and....well, you know...life.

A little update for ya'll. The Nurgly troop contingent is assembled.... on my painting table, that is.


All in various states of completion. I'm thinking I may build some more heavy weapons guys, but just haven't decided yet. I'm hoping to get a game in with them as nurgle marines (instead of Plague Marines) soon to teat them out. But here's one of the champions and two plasma gunners about 70-80% done and the missile launchers and a bolterguy at the "rust is done, now on to the green" stage of painting.


My solution for my general hatred of grunts carrying banners is nurgly Icon backpacks, for my Icon bearers. The funky possessed backpacks are elaborate enough to show who has the icon, without the general clumsiness of the actual pole and banner. When I get to the Slaaneshi contingent....there may be poles....er,with banners....I mean.



That's all for now! Cheers ya'll!

  War Angel said:
these really are awesome, im excited to see more. whats the slaaneshi contengent going to look like?


The plan is to star with robed Dark Angel legs and some modified 'nipple armor' from the Sanguinary Guard. Planning to sculpt one stylized breast on the armor. Colors will be purple, turquoise/light blue and polished metalics. At least , that's the vision I have at the moment.

  • 3 months later...

Stompy has got some basic paint colors on him. I'm planning on toning the green down to more of a gross,olivey green. These are just base colors. The skin and corrupted areas will be like the skin tones on THIS GUY



More on the way. I'm like a kid waiting for friggin Christmas with the new Chaos codex and models coming out....its been a LONG time. Are we allowed to post cultists on a power armor forum?

  Brother-of-Absolution said:
Wow, I really love the look of your army! Good stuff! :D


How do you get the rust colours so... well... rusty?


Its quite simple actually. I did a short tutorial on my blog a while back. CHECK IT OUT HERE

More work on Stompy the Hellbrute. At this point I'd say he's close to 50% done. Still alot more diseased, nasty looking flesh to be done, then its on to the armor and the details.


More to come.....

Cheers ya'll!

hehe when i come on this forum and I see people that are as talented as you with your brilliant models and things like "he is about 50% done" all I can think is "I would have been happy to call it done 40% ago" ;) The amount of detail and skill that is put into minis on this forum is simply staggering to me! GREAT JOB!
  Captain Cirrius said:
hehe when i come on this forum and I see people that are as talented as you with your brilliant models and things like "he is about 50% done" all I can think is "I would have been happy to call it done 40% ago" ^_^ The amount of detail and skill that is put into minis on this forum is simply staggering to me! GREAT JOB!


WOW. Thanks so much! Comments like this make me really want to knock this one out of the park. I was working on pustules and infected stuff last night.... nice and gross. :D

OK gang. The Stompmeister is really close to done. If I didn't have appointments tomorrow, I'd be finishing him up tonight. Still have the Multi Melta barrels and the base to paint. I'll likely find a few piddly details to touch up too, but for the mostpart, here he is in all his grotesque glory.



.... Aaaaand form slightly above.



Supposed to give the old Chaos codex a 2000 or so point send off battle on Wednesday. Which will be about all of my largely unfinished Chaos army, including Stompy. So check out MY HOBBY BLOG in the next couple days for a battle report. I'm hoping to take some pictures, so I'll post one or two here as well.


OH HEY.... one last question for the masses. I've been thinking for a while about a comic based around my chaos army and its long history of lackluster battle performance. What do the brethren think of a Chaos Marine comic floating around the interwebs? Any interest? And yes, I can actually DRAW. It'd be just for fun, since I certainly can't make any $$ off of GW's IP, but it'd be great practice for me and hopefully somebody might find it entertaining.... assuming you don't mind occasional toilet humor. I mean.... its Nurgle, so there WILL BE flatulence. :D


Cheers ya'll!

Edited by rednekkboss

Just did a 2000 point battle vs. Nids today as a send off for the old codex. Pictures of my whole army, as it stands...painting in progress. It was pretty much a "This is all the chaos guys I have" kind of army list, so thats why there are not more of THESE or I "should have taken some of THOSE" Just a fun game. CHECK OUT ALL THE PICS AND THE STORY HERE......


The ruins of Petrastad spread out before the Ahnek Ghul, known to the snivling wretches of this world as…that “Crab headed bastard with the big scythe”. Crab headed. They didn’t know mandibles when they saw then. And what of his 7 eyes. 7 in honor of the great Lord of Despair. What crab has seven eyes? Ignorant savages. He would show them. Well…. At least he planned to, until the damned Tyranids showed up and started eating them all.

He’d petitioned the Marshals of the Templars of Doom to cleanse the city of the Tyranid menace…so he could teach these wretches a lesson. A lesson worse than being converted to biomass….or bug poop, whichever you preferred to call it. The Doombull himself took up Ghul’s cause, mostly because he said he needed some fresh air and thought the defilers needed to blow off some steam…somewhere other than onboard their spacehulk the Bulwark of Despair. He found the massive Daemon Prince in a ruined mercantile building, talking to his constant companion nurgling.

“We have lured a group of the beasts to the plaza a few blocks over, with green apples glazed donuts and bacon, M’lord” Ghul clacked through his mandibles. A string of popping flatulence resonated within his terminator armor as he walked, a gift from their loving patron for cutting a loyalist marine sergeant in half...or at least that was HIS story. It might have been for selling the most at the Chapter bake sale, he wasn't really sure.

The Doombull scanned the rafters. “MMMmmmm, donuts.” It grumbled deeply. A nurgling repeated his every word. “Classic monster bait. I hope we get a bunch of the little ones, I like the way they go ‘crak-squish’.” It gave a scolding look to the nurgling. “That’s really annoying, Butt nugget.”
“That’s really annoying, Buttnugget” the little creature repeated.
“Stop it, right now’
“Stop it right now”
“I’m not screwin’ around”
“I’m not screwi……”

The Doombull snorted and glared, grabbing its axe nearly twice the height of the Terminator. It squealed and ran beneath the skirt of a disguarded mannequin.
“You are so lucky you’re cute, ya little bastard” The beast grumbled. Its demeanor changed suddenly as it stood to its full height.”They are coming….. something isn’t right. I only hope the bacon didn’t attract something bigger. “

“It wasn’t cooked crispy, M’Lord. But I brought Smilin’ Bob and Ahnold, just in case. And we have the Khorne Dogs standing by.’ Ghul added. The great beast still looked troubled, but mention of the massive Defiler beasts brought a smile to the corner of his mouth.

“Come along, Butt nugget. Enough of your silliness, you have challenges to make for me.” The little creature popped out with a brazier stuck to his horn, smiling with glee. Oh, how he loved issuing challenges for his lord. He scurried up the beast’s back and took a seat on his rusty armored shoulder plate. The daemon prince scanned the broken building as it followed Ghul toward the market plaza, there was a hint of worry in its diseased eye. Just a hint.
Somewhere, among the remnants of the house wares department beneath a lazy susan, chitin clicked and chameleon scales shimmered, the Death leaper had found its target….. and bacon.

Pictures of the finished Stompy and more, real soon.
Cheers ya'll.

Edited by rednekkboss

After reading the battle report, which by the way lead to a, let's say " moment" in the office, I heartily concur!


Oh and great marines, and stompy in particular is looking very well, in a plague ridden sort of way :tu:


Also wanted to say thanks for the advice on the pastels for weathering, works a treat! :drool:

  NightHunters said:
After reading the battle report, which by the way lead to a, let's say " moment" in the office, I heartily concur!


Oh and great marines, and stompy in particular is looking very well, in a plague ridden sort of way :P


Also wanted to say thanks for the advice on the pastels for weathering, works a treat! :(


Glad to be of assistance. I hope the moment was more of the "squirting coffee/tea through my nose while laughing" variety than the "I think I have to change my underwear" variety. But if any of you folks liked some of the lead up story to the battle report, that's a good idea of what my comic would be like. Though I didn't work in that Doombull has a real self esteme issue, because most everything he touched shrivles and dies..... and he's really just a big softy. Probably why he likes nurglings so much, they are immune.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've decided to do an overhaul on my defilers.... first, a new belly...



... And a new weapon arm....



Also have the Forgefiend started, and some more gribblies at my blog....



First game with the new codex tomorrow. Going to get some payback on those bugs in Petrastad... Ahnek Ghul wants his frying pan back. Battle report should be up Friday or Saturday(Don't read it at work, Nighthunters).


Cheers ya'll! :)

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