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A reckless disregard for the Codex Astartes...

The Yak

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Yick...I think I'll just come up with my own recipe. I don't even own any of those paints. It'd be a helluva investment for one shoulder pad :teehee:


I'll probably just try smashing some greens and browns together on a palette and see what happens :smile.:

Thanks for all the kind words. I appreciate and I am glad you like the good lads of 5th Company.




OK an update of sorts. Since this is a work in progress log, here is what I have in the pipe line and will be needing some help and advice with. Ive been caught up in the ETL so have just been posting finished stuff for a while


Captain Chrysaetos MKII (Counts as Pedro Kantor)



Ive been wanting to do a Pedro counts as for ages now (see earlier in the log) but have never managed to find something I was happy with. I know some people just give a guy a power fist and storm bolter and take the bonus but I wanted to make sure it worked both in fluff terms and in an appropriate miniature.





Fluff: Obviously if you have been following the thread you will be aware of "The Few". My Badab War Veterans have literally been to hell and back for their Captain. I think this would be represented in him making sternguard scoring. Also his inspiring presence rule would represent his charisma. He is polar opposite to Issodon everyone loves him, even the servitors. Another element of my back story is that the company is low on tanks (see badab war vol 9). I thought Pedro's ability to call down an orbital barrage from a nearby strike cruiser would represent Chrysaetos using his resources to the maximum.




Miniature: The back pack doubles as an ammo feed for his version of dawns arrow (known simply as Reaper) and a communication booster to his battle barge for that early morning pinpoint orbital strike. Reaper is just the normal commanders storm bolter with an old metal bolter feed (posibly necromunda?) so nothing overly fanciful just practical. Powerfist nice and plain brutal.


BEAST MODE: ENGAGED. (even the servitors love him lol, loved that.)

First off, gotta say that I love what you're doing here. Though I'm kinda wondering where your little jabs classes of other chapters went? Those were hilarious!

Since I'm getting the impression that you don't much like the "everyone has to have x color to represent what he is" vibe (just what I do too with my Scorpions!) I'd just say paint your libby whatever colors you want. Doesn't make sense to have such a high-priority guy painted up too different than the rest of the guys, makes him a much easier sniper target!

Look good. Could we get a side/back shot of not-Pedro to see how the actual feeds work?


For the Librarian, if you don't think some of the decorations will be enough, what about doing Blue shoulder pads or something,  minimal representation of the librarian color, but not the whole model.

I shall comment agin and hopefully it will stay - I LOVE Captain Chrysaetos (Shrike version); real fluid sence of movement and agression. Kantor version, also great I wouldn't  have guessed the base model until you had said. Incidently, I like how you are using the same Character to fill many roles, something I am currently doing with my Voivod Captain as I am currently makeing him a counts as Astorath version (about 90% done)


RE the mohawks - just refuse to use any of GeeDubs and green stuff your own, much more satisfying and every head will be different!!

Thanks again for all the replies :thanks:


I would reply to each but I have sliced my hand open on a rogue slither of metal on my drum stool and cant type well.


Captain Chrysaetos MKII (Counts as Pedro Kantor)




I need to adjust the arm with the storm bolter and ammo feed. Then add some grass and dirty up the base. I will then get some shots of the backpack and ammo feed as some of you had requested.


With the new codex rumours it looks like I will be not able to use this guy as a counts as Kantor. Its a bit of a pain in the arse but probably serves me right for being so picky about the bits I used.


Now he will most likely be a Captain with storm bolter, hellfire rounds and powerfist.


After my hand has healed I will be mostly painting SCOUTS!!!!!!


5th Company Mohawk Counter: 3


That you went through the trouble of putting a tiny white reflection-dot on every button of his backpack proves that your commitment to these guys is beyond question :)  


I'm having a hard time getting beyond his Sylvester Stallone expression, but at least it's painted very well ;)

@ Anaziel: Fear not Ive got 3 more on the way pretty soon.


@ Star Phantom: Cheers. The Tau parts are leftovers from a once planned but never fufilled army.


@ Firepower: 'll never look at him the same again now.  ADRIENNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@ batu: Cheers mate. Not long till the new codex, any musings on a new project????


Ive got some stuff that just needs a few details doing, Devastators and my vehicle pool to post next.


After that the next project is...


3 scout bikes

5 cc scouts

10 bol scouts

landspeeder storm

10th Company Chaplain (from page 1)

Lexicanum on scout bike



Chrysaetos is an absolute badass. Really outstanding. You should be so pleased with him. Love everything from the face to the detailing on the backpack and the really cool base. Any chance of shots from the side/rear?


BTW I've restarted on the Raptor I painted up with your transfer after viewing this thread - have to do a bit better to do the Raptors justice I think!

I've re-read this topic, partially as I love it anyway, but also because I've decided to do the loyalist version of one of my DIY's who are Raven Guard Successors (albeit Cursed Founding, Raven Guard Hating ones :laugh.: ) and wanted a bit of inspiration.


Admitedly, I don't have that much knowledge of them or their successors and this topic (with others) has helped :smile.:

I'll be honest, if I was to make a new Space Marine army, it would be either the Raptors or Raven Guard. I already have a homebrew successor of Corax, why not a Full one?


This army is fricking sweet dude and may just push me into making it. My wallet will cry.

Crysaetos might be my favorite of your Raptors so far!  I'm excited for the new mohawk heads coming out next week--I'm definitely going to add a few of them to my own as well, although I admire your commitment to it by sculpting your own!!


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