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A reckless disregard for the Codex Astartes...

The Yak

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  • 7 months later...

Back in time for the ETL III Wahooooie!!!


No Raptors for you sorry but I have done something worth sharing. This is my entry for the Regiments of the B&C over in the Guard Forum. Thought I may as well put them in here as they will eventually be an armoured company supporting my Raptors (Since those pesky Astral Claws blew up all 5th Companies tanks)


Ive got more Raptors planned and they will provide me with plenty of stuff for the ETL. Lovely.


Atrekan Heavy 10’s


The Atreka system sits on the northward boundaries of the segmentum Solar. The region is a focal point of military strength being close to the Angels of Fury Adeptus Astartes homeworld Ingiga as well as the Naval world of Archimedes III.

 2 types of imperial guard regiments are drawn from the system, the armoured regiments from the heavily industrialised Arteka Primus, and the light infantry ranger regiments who are recruited from its jungle moon Arteka Nouveu.

**Militarum Note:

The naming and numbering of the regiments from Arteka Nouveu follows the standard Imperial guard custom. IE, the 78th Artekan Rangers. As is usual within the wide organisation of the imperial fighting forces each Ranger regiment  has an unofficial nickname, so the 195th Artekan Rangers call themselves “The Spectres”, the 225th are known as the “Black Boots” and so on.

The Armoured regiments from Arteka Primus vary from this standard numeration protocol often adding a plural notifier to the end of their regimental number. IE, Artekan Heavy 101’ers. This adapted number moniker becomes the unofficial nickname of the Heavy regiments and guardsmen will often refer to themselves as this number. IE “I’m a 99’er! Shoot straight, talk straight”

The most prestigious and longest serving Artekan regiment is that of the Heavy 10’s. Famed throughout the sector for its well drilled armoured companies, the Heavy Ten’s pride themselves on being able to punch a hole through anything, whether it be fortified stone or heathen xenos flesh.

The Tens are renowned for their hard hitting sentinel squadrons, often heavily armoured and sporting hunter killer missiles and auto cannons.  Many a foe has been tricked into concentrating on tackling the leman Russ squadrons only to be massacred from a flank charge of these deadly vipers followed by squads of Chimera borne veteran squads wreaking havoc with their melta weaponry and demolition charges.

The Tens often go into battle without helmets, wearing the black berets of valour as a sign of their fearlessness in the face of combat. The fact that they routinely enter battle in the armoured hulls of chimeras helps to compensate for this reckless battle practice. The veterans of the Tens are marked out by a
red stripe upon their right shoulder guard and some wear the checker head band of honour. No squad numbers are painted on armour as the regiments of Arteka are highly superstitious of numbering. The only number a man or vehicle wears or bears is the heavy black numeral X, and this is borne with immense pride.

Colonel Ramone leads the Tens from his Leman Russ Vanquisher “Conquistador”. A shrewd thinker, Ramone hides his tactical acumen behind the front of a reckless scoundrel and many pompous Imperial Guard officers avoid his company at the Officers Mess when serving alongside the Tens. This suits Ramone fine as he has little time for their “High Cockalorum”.

The Tens are currently engaged fighting on the Belithium Front, part of the defence against the mass Ork incursions that have recently swamped the
Segmentum Solar. Ramone’s regiment, alongside the 8th Bolsckani Jaguars have been seconded to serve alongside the Raptors 5th company. Whilst this is certainly unconventional, the Tens have thrived serving under the direction of the charismatic and maverick Captain Chrysaetos. Ramone has been released of the dogmatic battle plans often forced upon him by pontifical halfwit Generals and been given the freedom to do what he does best... smash big holes in things.



Trooper Luggan WIP




Trooper Luggan Finished





Not for the first time in his brutal little existence, Trooper Luggan found himself thinking of Genevieve. The daughter of a kula-skin merchant from the upper habs, Genevieve had been the only thing that had mattered to Luggan in those distant days back in Jorran Spire. He thought fondly of the times when he had been a Ganger, a member of the Smut Tub Renegades no less. He chuckled to himself about how he used to think himself dangerous back then. What was it they used to call him again? Ah yes ‘Mini Pandemonium’. He made a decent living from his scams, drug running and general mischief. They were exciting times and Genevieve had loved a little bit of rough. Well at least at first. His pleasant thoughts turned to thunder as he remembered the last time he saw her, canoodling with that jumped up little skip rat Posentine. “Get a job Luggan! Be a real Man! You can’t go on living like a Poontown Whopahooly , a woman needs a real man!” It was those words...  Well he always liked to think it was the words and not the 12 bottles of Black Mamba that led to him signing up to join the Artekan Heavy Ten's.

He looked up from his reverie to the sight of the massed Orks. They were gearing up for another assault, he could feel it. He had fought Orks long enough to sense the dull ache in his stomach, almost a precursor to the bow wave of bestial aggression that followed their charge, practically as physical as the strength of the foul brutes themselves. Boomer Ghoman called it their waaagh magic. Ghoman liked to put a fancy spin on everything though. Whatever it was, Luggan felt no fear, he was a Ten, A man of Arteka and he feared no greenskin.

A man of Arteka, ha. What would Genevieve think of him now? What would she make of his tales of bloodshed and horror? The vicious life of a guardsman doesn’t translate to fancy halls and tables, family life and children. Oh the tales of heroes and valour maybe, but not the grim reality of kill or be killed. What would she make of her youthfull lover now? Would she gaze lovingly into his eyes as he told her how he earned his Red Stripe, by blowing the legs of a spook that had infiltrated fort Nerion, would she clap and whoop like Coombs does when he told her the part where he repeatedly impaled the beast with his bayonet, stabbing in a fury found only when faced with the simple choice of live or die? He didn’t need to give it much thought, she would be repulsed by the ‘man’ he had become. He laughed dryly at the pointlessness of his cycle of thought... Doesn’t matter. No one ever gets back to Arteka.

He was no fool he knew his destiny was to end up a dry husk on some forgotten world, remembered only by his fellow Tens, who would soon end up the same way. He had no grand dream like Ghoman, who believed he was one demolition charge throw away from earning his own world through right of conquest. Damn how could he be so naive, there’s more truth in Ork dung than it that piece of bog roll primer issued to all new recruits. Luggan frowned and raised his eyes; Ghoman’s not the full shilling anyway so probably not the best man to use as a moral compass; however Luggan had no doubts that the lunatic was always handy to be around when the :censored: storm gets a brewing.


The sound of gunfire snapped Luggan back to attention. “Here it comes” yelled Sergeant Skarren “I don’t want to hear a word out of no one until we see their pretty little green arses scampering back where they came!” Luggan smirked and took up his position between Herms and Valtido. There was a blissful simplicity to combat and it was times like this that he knew exactly who and what he was....


"Im a Ten baby.... Deal with it!"




Half a subsector away Genevieve cried. As she did every night. Posentine had lost at cards again and she had managed to win another beating. She looked at her reflection in the cracked mirror, another one of Posentines victims, and saw the tears running down her pale bruised face. Slowly, checking to see if the filthbag was deep in his usual Obscura induced coma, she reached into her old trinket box and lifted the fake bottom plush, revealing her old worn tin locket. She flicked it open to reveal the faded but familiar roguish face of Mini Pandemonium. Now that was a man, a real man, she thought as the tears came flooding back. Like they did every night.



But I am gutted there aren't actual Raptors here. ;) He looks good though, good job. Every trooper going to be as detailed as him? Will be quite a feat if you're going for more than 2 squads! Reminds me I have to get my Guard regiment back in gear (just another project to add to the list).


Looking forward to more sons of Corax in the near future...

Yeah ! Yak is back :woot:


Great fluff brother :thumbsup: I like those guys already :yes:


Thanks for posting this here too. I would have missed it otherwise.


Oh yes, the model looks cool of course :wink: I cannot wait to see the Cimeras  though.


Where is the metal head from ?

@ Brother Captain Arkhan: Cheers bud and don't worry I've got some Raptors on route. Actually got a squad of Lascannon Devastators led by the company marksman that I did for last years ETL but just never got round to basing them properly, so hope to post them soon. Funny you should mention just doing two squads as that's all I intend to do for these chaps. 8 tanks, 3 sentinels and the 2 squads of veterans and jobs a good un!


I see I have got some catching up to do with your plog too mate. Fortunately I'm meant to be finishing an assignment tomorrow so that will give me a few hours to do some proper research... mainly checking your plog for inspiration for my own bikers.


@ Anaziel: Cheers Brother. Look forward to seeing more of your work too. Have you thought more about your Ultramarines Honour Company yet? I think they would look cool painted all white with just the original chapters left shoulder pads remaining, sort of like a bright and pure version of the deathwatch. Would look espaecially cool with diferent members of each chapter making up each individual squad.


@ BB Ludovic: The head is from the old old metal stormtrooper with meltagun. Ive got a few other versions in my bits box from the sergeants from that range. Going to bits order some of the new Scions beret heads to use for the remaining vets. I might do another few guard just for fun but with the ETL around the corner it would only be fair to get my next batch of Raptors completed first. Looking forward to your Kasrkin too.


@ Spectre: Cheers mate. Emperor loves a little meatsack now and again :cool.:


@ Batu: Nice one Brother. I like coming up with fluff whilst I'm actually painting the miniature, acts as an incentive to get past the boring base coat stages and I suppose I could claim I'm multi tasking too...


The tanks are going to be the same sandy armour as on the troopers as I think this will complement the olive drab of my Raptor vehicles nicely. The heads from the classic metal storm troopers, they did the plastic monopose box set but released some metal heavy and special weapons troopers too.


By the way I am still waiting for you to do a B&C friendly project, maybe just a little kill team or something..... (please)


@ Dorns fist: Thanks Brother. Im loving your new project, always liked the Scythes, good bunch of lads the Scythes. Keep up the good work mate

Good to see you back Yak! :happy.: Whilst I love your Raptors, it's a nice change of pace you have with the Heavy 10's. I don't have that much experience with IG (mainly as I've always baulked at painting so many models and tanks! :laugh.: ), but your regiment has a lot of character if Mini Pandemonium is anything to go by! :thumbsup:

I totally get the incentive aspect of connecting fluff with one's own ongoing project. I try to do that with Black Library novels and projects. It helps a lot.


Of course; the good old metal Storm Troopers. Berets are awesome :smile.:  Sandy vehicles sounds very cool. And I agree; the will look sharp together with your olive Raptors.


Regarding me doing some SM stuff...............I'm occupied with other projects at the moment :sad.:  Additionally , real life isn't that kind regarding free time as well :sad.:


But I have a lot of project ideas. Doing just a squad is one of them. I definitely will do something, I just don't know when. You pushing me is a strong motivation though :wink:

  • 1 month later...

Right some bad stuff has been happening to my family lately but things have started to relent a little. So its time to go Raptor on yo 40k arse.....


Sternguard Squad 1a (covering fire)








Sternguard Squad 1b (take the objective)








land Raider Redeeeeeeemer




Thats vow 1 made and ready for some Olive Drabbin



Introducing Linas Bardo. Techmarine, Mod scooterist and grav dealing hombre techio




going to build a Landraider Helios and 5 man bike squad over the weekend then paint over next week. Come on you Angels of Death!!!!!

I am glad your family situation is getting better. It is very hard do deal with stuff that influences our families in a negative way.


Your stern guard is awesome. The poses are ace, and every single one looks like an individual. Great work as always Yak :thumbsup:


I love that Forge World spaced armor on the land raider. I always wanted to buy the predator one. I think FW doesn't produce those anymore though.



Just finally took a moment to go trough this wonderfull tread and have to say, you Raptors are stunning! Modeling and painting are stellar!


Looking at the AM trooper Luggan, one idea that came to mind (although it would diverge from your chapter's moto dramatically) would be to use the old yellow and blue color scheme on your auxilia... Totally unnecessary, but could be a sort of old-school nod if you're so inclined :)


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