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A reckless disregard for the Codex Astartes...

The Yak

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  • 1 year later...

Been a while like. Hope everyone is still alive.




I The Yak rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete Epistolary Zinos Varakael, Techmarine Linas Bardo and Bike Squad Aluco at a total value of 365 points on or before August 15th, 2016. Success will be satisfactory, failure unacceptable. If this target is not achieved I will bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. For 5th Company, For The Raptors, For Corax! Ave Imperiator!

Epistolary, TDA, Stormshield 125pts

Techmarine, Bike, Com-Grav 95pts

5 Bikes, 2x Gravguns, Com-Grav 145pts


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 4 months later...

"Loyalty is it's own reward... Yet to serve without question leaves us blind to our sin. Loyalty is a double edged sword, I council caution my Lord, lest we find ourselves being loyal to the Devil"


Epistolary Zinos Varakael to Chapter Master Lias Issodon at the outset of the Badab War.




Epistolary Zinos Varakael 'The Naysayer' (Unofficial: The Watchdog)




Brother Epistolary Varakael is a dour individual, who members of 5th Company remark makes Issodon look like a court jester. He has been attached to Chrysaetos' forces to offer an opposing view to the captains gung-ho nature. Although he served at Badab he did not serve alongside the warriors of 5th and is viewed with suspicion by some of the more hardcore veteran members. It was Varakael who led the small chosen force embarked on the strike cruiser 'Shadow Stalker' which remained in the Maelstrom zone after the Raptors forces had departed. For these two reasons he as gained the unofficial moniker of 'The Watchdog'



Apologies for my crap photos and dodgy formatting. Emperor knows this post needs some italics and bold font. Seems my camera and Laptop were destroyed at Badab along with most our vehicles!!! Mobile photos and post only for now

Good to see you back! :happy.:

Careful now honoured Brother, everytime someone hails my return I disappear for a year!! Wow I sound lke the Naysayer himself!


Next up (probably in a year)....


Venerable Brother Tiatos.




Just an iron clad but always thought the arms looked too bulky to actually move. So using the smexy siege drill from forge world as my Seismic hammer. Other arm will have a similar heavy flamer mounted in wrist, again to make arms look more weildly. Also gave it small talons because, well even half dead Raptors need their talons!!


Veteran Sergeant Aziro Corvaemon and the Black Talons. (sounds like a 40k band!)




Now Aziro has more bling than you would usually associate with a Raptor but the reason is he is an example of the Raptors gene seed gone to extreme levels of the maverick. This guy is renowned for riding roughshod over command structures whenever attached to a battle company. Choosing only missions he believes are dangerous enough for him and his squad and often doing his own thing without notifying the captain in charge. The daggers on his belt are tokens of each enemy warlord he has personally slain. He forges them himself the little show off. Still an all round bad piece of work that you would be glad to have on your side.


However this is the first time he has served with Captain Chrysaetos and 5th Company. Furthermore I'm now basing my company as cut off on the other side of this great rift so it should be fun seeing how their relationship develops.




Oh yeah note to self: I hate hate hate painting bikes!

Yak, you seem to pop up about as frequently as I do.


If you decide to take another break I'll start putting dead Raptors on my bases to encourage you to poke your head over the parapet - I know your boys turned up at Badab too late to get your butts kicked by the lammies but I need an excuse to put more green on my models.




  • 4 weeks later...

Oh, am I missing some primaris raptors or what? xD


Warning: Photobucket is now owned by Guilliman; if you don't praise him as the new Emperor, the techmarines will scrapcode your data.


For image hosting, use the B&C gallery if they're smaller than 2MB, if not Imgur may be an alternative. Another one is to open a wordpress blog and just use the file hosting allowance (up to 3 GB).


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