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The Shadow Guard

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  The Shadow Guard said:
  elphilo said:
  The Shadow Guard said:
Newcomers who begin their oaths in October

Although you will not be ablke to earn white pearl for the month of September as you are participating as a newcomer, you may still be eligible to earn the much sought after Black Pearl. You will need to complete three task in order to be able to earn this final prize:

1. Complete one oath per month for the five remaining months.

2. If you fail your October or November oaths you will not have a second chance similar to those who failed the September oaths.

3. Complete a third, small additional task by the end of November. This task will be revealed to you at the end of December once you have completed your September and October oaths of moment.


I'm confused on Number 3 :P


Hi elphilo,


The idea of this event is to get as many people as possible completing their half done miniatures that have been languishing in their cupboards as well as start any new projects they had in mind. The ultimate aim is for as many brothers as possible to complete at least one oath but also to excite them towards earning the single Black pearl. To do this one has to complete an oath in each of the six months.


If a newcomer stumbles upon the competition in October and hence has missed the chance to complete an oath in September... they won't be ultimately be eligible for the Black pearl. So to allow them to "back" earn the September White Pearl, they have to complete a minimum of five oaths, one for each month as usual but also a separate mission/task that would be revelaed in December by the Inner Circle.... might be to paint a specific mini or some such thing.... we like secrets.... but others may simply opt to go for just the five white pearls... :)


Hope that explains things.. a bit better...




Oh I understand the idea, just number 3 says complete a small task by the end of November, that will be revealed to you at the end of December. So I guess what I'm asking is how can we do a task due by November that is told to you in December? Or am I just reading this wrong?

  furioso-prime said:
I'm gonna gently remind everyone, The Shadow Gaurd wants the points total with our vow


Aha, OK, I will update my post. My Model is Ezekiel despite what the box it come in said. Semptember VOW was 135 points if some one is keeping score.

  The Shadow Guard said:
  elphilo said:
  The Shadow Guard said:
Newcomers who begin their oaths in October

Although you will not be ablke to earn white pearl for the month of September as you are participating as a newcomer, you may still be eligible to earn the much sought after Black Pearl. You will need to complete three task in order to be able to earn this final prize:

1. Complete one oath per month for the five remaining months.

2. If you fail your October or November oaths you will not have a second chance similar to those who failed the September oaths.

3. Complete a third, small additional task by the end of November. This task will be revealed to you at the end of December once you have completed your September and October oaths of moment.


I'm confused on Number 3 :tu:


Hi elphilo,


The idea of this event is to get as many people as possible completing their half done miniatures that have been languishing in their cupboards as well as start any new projects they had in mind. The ultimate aim is for as many brothers as possible to complete at least one oath but also to excite them towards earning the single Black pearl. To do this one has to complete an oath in each of the six months.


If a newcomer stumbles upon the competition in October and hence has missed the chance to complete an oath in September... they won't be ultimately be eligible for the Black pearl. So to allow them to "back" earn the September White Pearl, they have to complete a minimum of five oaths, one for each month as usual but also a separate mission/task that would be revelaed in December by the Inner Circle.... might be to paint a specific mini or some such thing.... we like secrets.... but others may simply opt to go for just the five white pearls... ;)


Hope that explains things.. a bit better...




I believe the confusion is how we are going to complete the "small task by the end of Nov. if you aren't going to tell us what that task is until Dec. (unless we get to borrow your time-machine?) :)

  The Shadow Guard said:
Failed September Oaths & the Black Pearl

Those who were unable to keep to their Paths of redemption do still have a chance of earning their Black Pearl. These Unredeeded brethren will have to complete three tasks in order to return to their Path of Redemption:

1. Complete their September oath before the end of october

2. Complete a separate oath, however small by the end of October.

3. Complete a third, small additional task by the end of November. This task will be revealed to you at the end of October once you have completed your September and october oaths of moment.

*Archangel picks his PA self up, dusts off robes*

Since you're making an offer I can't refuse, I accept!

Thank you for the reprieve, SG... waitaminute, what small task? To be revealed later? :) R'uh r'oh!

Once more unto the breach, Dark Angels, once more...


I, Archangel, vow to continue and finish a pre-Deathwing Dark Angel Terminator Squad of 250 points begun in September.


I, Archangel, vow to add another pre-Deathwing Dark Angel Terminator Squad of 235 points from scratch.

Starting picture (last pic I have prior to my laptop dying):


@ Archangel: You are walking a dangerous path brother, the Inner Circle does not take kindly to the defacing the badges of honor... :( -_-



For the month of October I'll be doing the Deimos Rhino here:



"I, Kyr Gkikas, vow to paint 1 x Tactical Squad armed with Plasma gun and Plasma cannon and a Sgt armed with a Plasma Pistol (the Dark Vengeance tactical squad) worth 210 points by October 31, 2012".


So wish me luck I am on a good start.



I, Cactus, vow that before the end of October (or other Inner-Circle approved deadline ;) ) I will paint 90 marines (including company command and a librarian), twelve tanks and a dreadnought.




That's three space marine tactical detachments from the Epic: Armageddon army list or, as I like to call them, the Dark Angels' 7th tactical reserve company.


One tactical detachment with rhino transports, commander (Captain), vindicator and dreadnought. 475pts

One tactical detachment with rhino transports, commander (Chaplain) and hunter. 425pts

One tactical detachment with rhino transports, commander (Librarian) and razorback. 375pts

I AngelVeto vow to complete 6 Ravenwing bikes with 2 pinned Melta guns/ Plasma Guns and a Power Sword Sergeant of 255/265 pts

1 Vindicator with siege shield and HK missile for 145 pts

1 Dark Vengeance Deathwing Sergeant converted to Belial for 130 pts

total of 530/540 pts by October 31st


Don't Mind the already don't Ravenwing Sergeant back there, he likes to keep an eye on me as I work on his Ravenwing brethren




Edit: Well on my way to completion, here are pictures of the WIP bike squad (still need to get the meltaguns and do a pinning setup, and I want more pouches on the apothecary)


So, while assembling my bike squad I had just recently run a large 2500 pt game that included Sammy and Belial, and I really liked the RW command squad, the FNP and +1 attack from the banner really beefed them up and as such my oath seems to have mutatedevolved into a Ravenwing Command squad with 2 meltaguns, an apothecary and a standard bearer. Is his still acceptable, or do I need to have the standard squad I vowed completed?










Belial model is also Completed. I used the Sergeant from the DV set.




and here it all is with the primed Vindicator too



  elphilo said:
  The Shadow Guard said:
Newcomers who begin their oaths in October

Although you will not be ablke to earn white pearl for the month of September as you are participating as a newcomer, you may still be eligible to earn the much sought after Black Pearl. You will need to complete three task in order to be able to earn this final prize:

1. Complete one oath per month for the five remaining months.

2. If you fail your October or November oaths you will not have a second chance similar to those who failed the September oaths.

3. Complete a third, small additional task by the end of November. This task will be revealed to you at the end of December once you have completed your September and October oaths of moment.


I'm confused on Number 3 <_<



  abraxus said:
I believe the confusion is how we are going to complete the "small task by the end of Nov. if you aren't going to tell us what that task is until Dec. (unless we get to borrow your time-machine?) :)


Ah Ha! Thanks Abraxus and apologies elphilo..... I understand the dilemma... another Demon from the Pantheon of Chaos called "Cut & Paste Error"!!! :D which has now been banished. It should read as follows:


Newcomers who begin their oaths in October

Although you will not be ablke to earn white pearl for the month of September as you are participating as a newcomer, you may still be eligible to earn the much sought after Black Pearl. You will need to complete three task in order to be able to earn this final prize:

1. Complete one oath per month for the five remaining months.

2. If you fail your October or November oaths you will not have a second chance similar to those who failed the September oaths.

3. Complete a third, small additional task by the end of December. This task will be revealed to you at the end of November once you have completed your September and October oaths of moment


That should clarify things.... I hope... ;)



I, Cerroneth, Vow to paint and assemble a Guardian of the Covenant Ravenwing Attack Squadron with a Sergent with a power maul and melta bomb, 2 bikers with plasma guns, and 3 additional bikers, and an attack biker with a multi-melta for 320 points.



Attack Bike:




  Grotsmasha said:
"I, Grotsmasha, vow to paint 1 x Ravenwing Interrogator Chaplain worth 150pts by October 31, 2012".


@ Shadow Guard: Should October pics be put here, or in our original September post?





Place them here... it's easier for us to track.... :D



  Captain Semper said:
@ Archangel: You are walking a dangerous path brother, the Inner Circle does not take kindly to the defacing the badges of honor... ;) :lol:

What? I typed "Oops". It was the best I could do from my work PC. If I still had my own laptop, I would have made glowing smiley faces. Besides, the only dangerous path I'm afraid of is what will happen if I don't get my vows done, or when I do how to get pictures posted... or even more frightening for me is what is the "additional task" to be given by The Shadow Guard!


*cue the cliff-hanger music* dunh! Dunh! DUNH!!!

  pueriexdeus said:
I pueriexdeus do swear to complete 5 Techamrines & 4 Servitors for 615 Points, I also swear to complete four Whirlwinds with Dozer Blades for 360 points.

Total 975 points to be completed on or before October 31st.

WIP Link


You mad, mad man.... I continue to be impressed by your ability to churn out quality in abundant quantity.... might need to rename you "Forge World Pueri" .... glad to have you on our side!! :)



  Cactus said:
I, Cactus, vow that before the end of October (or other Inner-Circle approved deadline ;) ) I will paint 90 marines (including company command and a librarian), twelve tanks and a dreadnought.




That's three space marine tactical detachments from the Epic: Armageddon army list or, as I like to call them, the Dark Angels' 7th tactical reserve company.


One tactical detachment with rhino transports, commander (Captain), vindicator and dreadnought. 475pts

One tactical detachment with rhino transports, commander (Chaplain) and hunter. 425pts

One tactical detachment with rhino transports, commander (Librarian) and razorback. 375pts


Finally some Epic models.... brilliant cactus.... just the stuff we needed.. I have been longing to see EPIC and BFG models come through... great start! B)



  Archangel said:
  Captain Semper said:
@ Archangel: You are walking a dangerous path brother, the Inner Circle does not take kindly to the defacing the badges of honor... ;) :D

What? I typed "Oops". It was the best I could do from my work PC. If I still had my own laptop, I would have made glowing smiley faces. Besides, the only dangerous path I'm afraid of is what will happen if I don't get my vows done, or when I do how to get pictures posted... or even more frightening for me is what is the "additional task" to be given by The Shadow Guard!


*cue the cliff-hanger music* dunh! Dunh! DUNH!!!


Be afraid.... Be very afraid!!! :huh:


The Honoured Oath Makers

Total participants = 25 Oathkeepers = 00 (0%) Oathbreakers = 0 (0%)

Continuing on the Path to Redemption = 22 Returning to the Path to Redemption = 01 Newly arrived on the Path to Redemption = 02

Up to date as of 0120 GMT 3rd of October 2012.



October, the month of witches, beasts, and other horror's.... :D -ooooooOOOO


As is fitting for this hallowed month:


I, Mystech1, vow to complete a Librarian totaling 120 pts by October's end.


Before image.


I, Sargon29, do vow to complete one ten man tactical squad with Heavy Bolter, Plasma gun and veteran sergeant armed with a Power fist and Plasma pistol totaling 230 points.


Pics up soon.


Pic up.

It is indeed good to see some new blood coming in to the ambling masses of redemption seekers!! :lol: Welcome Sargon 29, Abraxus and AngelVeto. I hope you will stay on the path and also strive to back-earn the September white pearl in due course.


Having atleast one lost soul who strayed from the path coming back to atone in the gaze of the Lion is also extremely satisfying - Go Archangel, I am truly hoping you will stay on track!! :blush:


The Honoured Oath Makers

Total participants = 27 Oathkeepers = 00 (0%) Oathbreakers = 0 (0%)

Continuing on the Path to Redemption = 23 Returning to the Path to Redemption = 01 Newly arrived on the Path to Redemption = 03

Up to date as of 0120 GMT 3rd of October 2012.



OCTOBER OATH: I vow to complete the repaint of my metal Sammael on jetbike, with new DV Master's sword used as the Raven Sword before the end of October, points 205. Failure is not an option. :D




Edit: Thanks Sox, stupid tablet typing, grrrrrr, flicking all around the place during copy/pasting. Stupid fingers too :blink:

2nd Edit:

'Starting' pic


  Stobz said:
OCTOBER OATH: I vow to complete the repaint of my metal Sammael on jetbike, with new DV Master's sword used as the Raven Sword before the end of September, points 205. Failure is not an option. :lol:




I believe September has passed.... :D :blink:

I vow to complete 1 unit of Deathwing with an Assault Cannon at 235 points and a Land Raider (Twin Linked Lascannons & Twin Linked Heavy Bolter) at 250 points for my October vow..


Land Raider complete :D - just those pesky terminators next...






and now those terminators...




After successfully finishing my Interrogator-Chaplain in September, I do hereby vow to have 5 Ravenwing bikes, with Sergeant+meltabombs and Plasma Gun user (160 Pts) painted by the end of October.


(I'm sticking to something easy whilst I investigate priming dark angels black and painting caliban green with a brush or using a spray gun. Any advice would be welcome, maybe I can get them done in October too! No promises yet)


VOW COMPLETE: 26/10/2012









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