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Elmo's seemingly constant WIP


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Work has been slowly progressing on the Attack Squadron and the vast majority of it is now done. I am planning on having them complete and based by next weekend then I will start on another 3 and an attack bike to complete a part done squad.


For now here are the photos of the current state of play...











Shows off my approach to painting in sub-assemblies. Still have the gunner to do.


Edit: better photos ;)

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All done, mahhahahaha :wacko.:


They are a mix of 3rd (to finish it off) and 4th squadrons.

















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Great work as usual Belmo, really like the AB convert and the mix of bikes etc throughout. I'm not too enamored of the big red ribbed love sausage but love the bone tipped Corvis hammers.  



EDIT: Oh and your edge highlighting on the black is really sharp :tu:

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Trust Bobz to notice that :)

What's wrong with carrying a big, red ribbed persuader?


It does look a little silly now you come to mention it ;)

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Some people may have noticed that I tend to paint over the week, upload photos then do no painting over the weekend or just base spray and may have wondered why...


Mostly it is due to work/family but I do other hobby related things over the weekend such as attend tournaments, visit GW and have bright ideas to organise my hobby space.


Over the last few weekends I have been redoing my painting corner as it was becoming untidy and disorganised so I tried to increase the storage of paints and modelling supplies and it is now complete.


Brothers I present the Painting Corner Mk II :wink:




It will hold 44 Vallejo pots, 82 Citadel pots and various brushes/tools/magnets/brass rods etc. It is made up in sections (3 x 40cm straight sections and 2 x 20cm corners) so it can be added to as required but at the moment I would need to buy a bigger table and I am thinking about investing in a 1m wide one with some under table storage for my bits boxes soon. The green wire on the lh side holds my dremmel in an easy to reach position. There is a desk light on both sides and another lamp overhead so it is nice and bright.

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Looks better than the coffee table I sit under once the kids have been put to bed :biggrin.: Well done on creating a great work station, now you can really get to work :P


Edit: You need more lighting




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Thanks guys ;)


Rest assured that it has been properly sanctified by the Master of the Forge, using the correct prayers and oils, for the Machine God and service to the Emperor of Mankind.

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This week I have mainly been painting guns.....


Some where painted from new while some had the red darkened to match the new scheme as on the AB earlier but I am glad that they are now done :smile.:


The photo is a little too bright - sorry.



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Haven't commented here for a while - too many fantastic additions to mention! :o


Now this is really promising... I can imagine all the jet black vehicles that will be attached to them! :devil:


What gets me though is the tidy painting station... Mine is like the aftermath of virus bombing (incl. the fires)!






So painting lots of guns then... Please sit on the couch and tell me of your earliest memories...

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My earliest memories - painting :censored:  guns!

There are just so many of them and as I magnetise them I just have to paint them all....


Most of them are for already completed projects including Landspeeders, Attack bikes and the dreaded StormBudgie but I have got ahead a little and painted up some for the next 3 attack bikes which are waiting to be done.


I will be having a week off next week so there will be nothing to see here. Move along, move along!  but when I get back I will either be going for some more RW, the magnetised Nephilump, Termies, the next company (6th I think) or some Tau :ph34r.: . I may have to wait and see what the next challenge is.

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I have broken and bought an Ultrasonic cleaner to make life easier. It should be here by the middle of next week.


It is a DEMA 220/170E, 2.2 ltr capacity and big enough to fit a rhino although at the moment I have loads of nids and RW to strip but I am on the look out for rhinos (basket size 25 x 14.5 x 8 cm)


It has 5 star reviews for cleaning hardened oil residue so hopefully it should find acrylic paint a doddle :smile.:




For those of you as new to ultrasound cleaners as I am it is discussed here

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I bought one some months after my first AB...never looked back!


Combined with cheap isopropyl alcohol, it will tear away paint, primer, clogged airbrushes...just a bit of time soaking (depends on the layers to remove...2h is the most I've ever needed and the model had like 5mm thick paint), run it a couple of 3 min cycles and bam...


And it costed like 25 Euros: the best usefulness/price ratio EBAH!

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I plan to use Brennspiritus (IPA) which costs about 99 cents a litre and is easier to handle than brake fluid. The main bonus of the ultrasonic cleaner for me is that I can throw the models in, set it on a cycle and walk away. A short while later I can come back and just pull out the (hopefully) cleaned model fairly ready to repaint without having to scrub with a toothbrush. IPA also acts as a degreaser so I would not have to clean the brake fluid off. Also brake fluid is not the most environmentally friendly thing to use where IPA is basically just alcohol.


At the moment I use an IPA bath, leave for a couple of days then scrub with a toothbrush. Sometimes I then have to soak again for the really thick paint and brush again.


So: Speed and ease (I need the time to actually paint ;)) are the main advantages.


I have not heard of a glanzer bath.

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Glanzer si an ammoniac base product that costs around 4€/l.


You need a 24h-36h bath and then brush the model with a toothbrush. From what I know, it works on resin but some black undercoats seems not to react and then remain on the model.comtrary to brake fluid that need to be recycled you can wash out it in your sink.


I'm really curious to see the results and particulary on resin models if you have the occasion of before/after pics.

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I will do some before/after pics when it arrives. I have some nids which are painted in a mix of Army Painter spray and acrylic paints.

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I use one to clean my duty pistol. Works very good.

The tech priests will be glad that you perform the Rites of Cleaning with your bolt pistol, the machine spirit will guide your aim brother.




Hey Elmo....how about some more heresy stuff eh? :) you know you want to

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