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Great work on Sevatar and amazing minis as always! You truly make outstanding characters and each mini has its own life in a way which is very inspiring! Truly great work brother, I wish there is more I could say but that is really it haha

Thanks all, glad you like him.. He's a model I've wanted to get round to for a while as Night Lords were my 1st proper 40k army and I'm a big fan of ADB's books.. Still a long way off finished, but I've popped him onto his very wip base for a photo op because it usually helps me to see where things need to go and if the shadows look weird.




Reworked the metals on him to something i preferred.. Still needs work but has more "pop" than how they looked initially, contrast and pop are my 2 major issues with display models from all the feedback I've had over the years and is something that I'm trying to avoid with future stuff.. After all the 1st step towards a golden demon is to have my models noticed in the 1st place..

apologies for the spam.. but i was asked to post this on facebook by some friends, and seeing as its death guard related amd took far too long to do, it can go here too..


all 44 unique faces within my DG force and the repeat of Kael (termie and arti armoured versions) in one go.




i have a lot of flesh to paint.. =/

Just out of interest, will any of those heads be painted up in a darker skin tone? Obviously the DG had a few major recruitment bases, but some Legionaries will be drawn from across the Galaxy at different points during the Great Crusade / Heresy, with myriad environmental conditions & genetic factors. I always envisage Legions primarily reflecting the facial characteristics of their homeworld, but with a healthy mix of different ethnic groups. Maybe even some skin tones that would only result from alien environments -  green or red hues (just tinges, mind) as well as the full range of 'normal' skin tones.


Everything in this thread is outstanding by the way :biggrin.:

I'd like to try my hand at a few different skin tones for the DG with them having quite a wide array of recruiting worlds (though the force will stay predominantly of barbaran stock) purely for the fun of painting them.. i'd like to do some more pale "ill" looking skin too on some of the squads aswell.. my heavy chem flamer squad has 3 or 4 bare heads in it and i think they'd be perfect candidates for a more pale yellowy skintone than some of the others as it would fit with their role as chemical specialists a bit better (much like ADB's descriptions of the destroyers in the world eaters being a bit sick looking)


i've done a basic tutorial in the past for one of my fire angels, the principles of how i do my faces are based on an old tutorial on here by LunchBox that i've adapted a little to fit my personal tastes and style a bit better.. next head i do i think i said i'd do a tutorial for my friend for anyway so if i remember/you all bug me about it.. i'll do an updated one at some point and get it in the tutorial area of the site.

Edited by Lorenzen
  On 2/19/2015 at 12:10 AM, Lorenzen said:


all 44 unique faces within my DG force and the repeat of Kael (termie and arti armoured versions) in one go.


Isn't it great that we have such a wealth of options when it comes to bare heads? And you're a braver man than I to paint all of those. I prefer helmets mainly because it feels more realistic to me, but also because I'm not all that great at painting faces.


Also, the guy in the bottom left of that montage... I never noticed until now how much that BA head looks like Gary Sinise. It's almost uncanny.



  On 2/19/2015 at 12:10 AM, Lorenzen said:

apologies for the spam.. but i was asked to post this on facebook by some friends, and seeing as its death guard related amd took far too long to do, it can go here too..


all 44 unique faces within my DG force and the repeat of Kael (termie and arti armoured versions) in one go.




i have a lot of flesh to paint.. =/

Brilliant work brother. Really makes an army different with all different looking bare heads. Something im doing in my force it self

Your work looks incredible as always, especially the WIP Sevatar. I love the collage of all the bare heads you've painted for your marines. I also wanted to congratulate you for having your Sevatar featured on A-D-B's personal blog. It must be a real thrill to get such recognition and praise from the author of such great NL stories. I happen to love the red painted gauntlets on your version just as much as A-D-B does.

theres 1 fantasy head in there, but otherwise its all 30k or 40k stuff (with some minor conversions and 1 major one (power armoured kael))


I knew he'd seen the pic on facebook as he commented.. but I didn't know he'd shared it on his blog.. inner fanboy is exploding right now! :ph34r.:


glad you like him man, he had to have red hands.. its in the description (despite forge worlds model not having them......) my camera's lead is messed up atm so i can't show any pictures until i get a new one.. but work has been done (mainly on getting the white scar on the base sorted and a few more bits on the main man himself)

Its Vallejo dark Prussian blue over halfords grey and black "zenith" primer then shaded by mixing black into it and highlighted by mixing in sky grey.. Its mainly about getting smooth glazes & blends and keeping the shadows looking natural.

Cheers 3rd row 2nd column is a ravenwing command squad head (its a vox collar thing rather than a beard)


Having some camera cable related issues atm which is the reason for the lack of updates.. hoping to fix the situation soon -_-

  • 1 month later...

Rightio.. ive been on a little bit of a painting break recently hence the lack of updates.. however i've recently figured out a few things i wanted to paint & play about with..


I decided i wanted to do a loyalist legion for the heresy as all my plans consisted of traitors.. DG, 1k Sons and a few night lords.. so i had a bit of a think and decided upon fists a while back.. now despite doing a yellow army in the form of lamenters i didnt want to use that particular colour of yellow for the fists.. its nice but its a bit too cartoony for a heresy army so i had a long talk with my friend Promitheas about how he paints his very very nice imp fists and stole his recipe.




other than that, i figured it was time i started on something for golden daemon.. though i may enter sevatar i wanted a full blown painted just for GD entry..






then we have something i started on a whim..




so as you can see.. ive generally gotten my mojo back painting wise and am hoping to get some decent updates on the go again rather than dropping off the face of the internet for prolonged periods of time. :smile.:

Haha, I echo the sentiments of others - superb work, although I wish it were more Death Guard :P


Love Vulkan, particularly.

Also, do you have a photo of your Sicaran? I couldn't find the pictures when I searched the thread!

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