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Lorenzen's Abyss: Heresy, Necro & a load of other stuff


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Your minis are getting better and better, and considering the amount of talent you already had, it's a thing :). I've already said it, but your yellow is awesome.

I would really appreciate an updated tutorial on your skin tones. They're perfect and it's always been a week point of mine.


The more I see Sigismund, the more I think he would do a great White Scars praetor (pose, etc...) !

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1) Tutorial. Yes. Awesome. :tu:

2) Those studs look good, with the exception of the gold blending in with the yellow somewhat. Short of a silver highlight akin to what Kizzdoug does, I'm not sure what else would be worth suggesting. 

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Ok, i'll do 2 heads for a tutorial.. 1 with my brush method and one with the airbrush.


The gold photographs badly.. but i think defining the edge a bit better could help.. its highlighted with s75 peridot alchemy so the highlight has a light green hue Rather than just pure silver.


Cheers for compliments One-eye im trying to improve my painting as id like to get somewhere in the demons one day. (hence all the wierd single models and colour)

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OK tutorial 1 Airbrush Faces.


Equipment & paints:


Badger Sotar 20-20 (any reasonable airbrush will do)

Winsor & Newton Series 7 size 0


Vallejo Airbrush thinner
Scale 75 Indian shadow

Scale 75 Basic skin

Scale 75 Light skin

Games Workshop Reikland fleshshade

Games Workshop Druchii violet

Halfords Grey primer

Vallejo model colour White

Vallejo model air Black

Vallejo model air Cam. black brown




I primed the model with halfords grey as i prefer working off a light colour for skin out of habit.




A flat coat of Indian shadow was airbrushed over the entire face.




from about a 30 degree angle i airbrushed basic skin onto the face, the higher the angle you spray from the more indian shadow will show through in the lower areas if you want more contrast in the face. I also sprayed the model from directly above just to make sure the top of the head, cheek bones etc had a little more coverage.




I then sprayed the model from roughly 85 degrees with light skin to add the final gradient to the skin.




The head was the washed with reikland flesh shade with a little water.. this wah washed over the entire head and manipulated with a brush with a little water on it to make sure it sat evenly over most of the skin and settled into the recesses nicely




once the flesh shade had dried (with help from a hairdryer) i added a basic skin highlight to the raised areas, focussing on the brow, nose, cheekbones and the top of the chin and the raised edge on the left of his jaw.




I then added a light skin highlight to the raised areas trying to focus on defining the earlier highlights and adding in the frown lines on the forehead to give a bit of interest.




The head was then glazed with diluted druchii violet, I find that the hint of purple helps to make the face look a little more realistic rather than the slightly orangey tone the flesh shade has. This stage can be done before the light skin highlights if you want a little more contrast to them rather than toning them into the rest of the skin (ill show the results of that in my other skin method)




The area around the eyes and the mouth were then washed with a thinned down cam. black brown, this helps define the area, increases the shadow around the eye, looks more natural than black and will help later with any mistakes doing the eyes. you can use a blue wash around the eyes if you want to try something a little different (A good example of this is the Fulgrim model on FW's website)




the eyes were then very carefully painted in, the paint needs to flow off the brush with very little pressure without flooding the area and when doing them i draw the brush from the inside to the outer edge.. if you get any white around the socket that you dont want, touch it up with cam. black brown again, after the eyes were done i painted the teeth in white too.

The pupils were then painted in with black. I tend to do the left hand pupil first with the head facing me as normal and drawing down the eye, then turning it all upside down and doing the right hand one upside down.. it helps me but is probably all psychological..




The hair was just given a quick coat of cam. black brown and the soft armour was painted black for the final shot.. Hopefully that is comprehensive enough.. if anyone has any questions feel free to ask. :smile.:




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Right.. I'm now very close to finishing Sigismund, mainly working on fixing a few bits (random bits of yellow on his shoulders fist as an example) and adding some light weathering to his armour.. the scroll on his backpack will read ZEAL when i get round to it.. don't think im going to write anything on the leg ones they'll just get squiggly lines.



















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Thank you for the informative face tutorial Lorenzen.  I actually just ordered the scale 75 skin tone set the other day, so knowing a good face painting process ahead of time saves a lot of trial and effort.   You're right, the purple wash makes a considerable difference.  Can I ask what was the dilution ratio in parts ink/water or ink/thinner?

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Ok, I'm classing Sigismund as being finished now (until i notice some glaring mistake..) I've switched to a black backdrop for the photos as i think it shows the model off a bit better.. i've done one with white for comparisons sake though.. I wish my writing was neater for freehand stuff but then i have handwriting like a serial killer at the best of times.. front reads fury, back reads zeal.. Anyway I hope you all like him, he's been great fun to paint.



















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Cheers Olis :) He'll be coming with me to the Forge World Open Day if anyone wants to see him in person.


BrotherJim.. Thats a huge amount of praise considering the sheer amount of awesome on the B&C and out in the hobby as a whole so to quote ADB when I got him to sign Soul Hunter "thanks for your kind lies" :)

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Great looking Sigismund, definitely looks so much better with hair.


Out of interest, you couldn't post a size comparison with a normal marine could you? The Heresy character series always look so much bigger!

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Haha nice sounds like something he would say :)



Seriously though, great job on Sigismund and I've been following your work since your Fire Angels (it's not stalking) and I'm still digging great ideas out of that thread. It's great to see you flex your muscles as the saying goes...


keep at em!

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