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1 hour ago, Rhavien said:

I love the banner on the breacher sergeant. Also chibi rhino is beautiful and kawaii! 


Kawaii indeed. Will likely use it as an Armourium Cherub for my Devastators for the time being (as thanks to Doom 3, I wont have any cherubs in my life, haha).


And thanks. Glad I'm getting the hang of doing banners now.

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16 hours ago, Father Mapple said:

I really want to see the Legions Imperialis stuff with pictures at "table" distance. I feel like they need starker highlights. 

But what you did looks great! The shading does a lot of work on those models.


Lets just say I can see the appeal of Contrast to paint these units! Next time I run Devastators, I'll get a picture of it on the table :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...



One twin lascannon, one twin heavy bolter. This put my Tarantula collection up to five (additionally have a Space Crusade twin lascannon, multi-melta, and hyperios).



7 hours ago, Jolemai said:

April Complete


8/8 complete

Two Tarantulas complete




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Deathstorm Drop Pod WIP


Currently unknown if I'm going to magnetise so I can run it as a third normal one...


Just now, Jolemai said:



I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of May pledge to complete 1x Deathstorm Drop Pod by month's end.


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To do:

  • Everything.




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What's on the cards for the next two months:



Just now, Jolemai said:

Vow One


"I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 3x Marines, 1x Baal Predator, Drop Pod central column, Leviathan Dreadnought, Sanguinary Priest for 17 pts for the Glory of Blood Angels sub-forum and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until my rage abates and salvation is attained."


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I should have the smaller stuff done by the end of June, and the larger stuff done by the end of July.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sanguinary Priest, Devastator Marines, Drop Pod Central Column


Part of my first Call to Arms vow complete. Sergeant's arms are magnetised, central column is so I can run my Deathstorm Drop Pod as a regular one.


2 hours ago, Jolemai said:

June Complete


Sanguinary Priest, three Marines, Drop Pod central column complete

5/5 complete


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Posted (edited)

Baal Predator WIP


Working on the Baal component from the Call to Arms vow this month.


1 minute ago, Jolemai said:



I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of July pledge to complete 1x Baal Predator by month's end.


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This is from my Call to Arms vow. The only additional progress on the Baal since this was taken is an undercoat.

To do:

  • Everything.




Edited by Jolemai
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  • 2 weeks later...

What did you do for the cream colour internal walls? I have a small combat patrol+ of Sisters of Battle I was considering painting in a creamy bone armour, my current thought is Seraphim Sepia over Rakarth flesh, but I'd like to play with that tone.

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20 minutes ago, Cleon said:

What did you do for the cream colour internal walls? I have a small combat patrol+ of Sisters of Battle I was considering painting in a creamy bone armour, my current thought is Seraphim Sepia over Rakarth flesh, but I'd like to play with that tone.


Currently, it's a (Halford's) grey undercoat -> Zamesi Desert -> Ushabti Bone -> Chestnut Ink recess wash (Agrax in new money) -> Pallid Wych Flesh edge highlight/drybrush. I use a large base brush (where possible) to ensure the two layer paints go on smooth, and with a decent coverage.

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Just now, Cleon said:

Ah thanks, I have Zandri dust, but I missed Zamesi desert, I'll have a look at that one next time I'm passing the store.


Zandri Dust should work fine for a basecoat to layer Ushabti Bone over. When I first started doing this, I wasn't happy with the Bleached Bone coverage over the grey on such a large surface, so I used Bubonic Brown for an intermediate - and then carried on from there with their newer counterparts. I never had a Zandri Dust (Kommando Khaki) paint...

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