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Brother Nihm

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Well, I am just going to post the first update for my Call, to show all the models I will be painting up. The allied Iron Warriors are still being converted so are not present but for now, I have all the World Eaters built up: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...t&p=3219604

Gods of Chaos hear my call!


I JamesG89 hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my troops', to Chaos Eternal.


I swear to you that I will paint and present A unit of Chosen, A choas lord, A hellbrute and 20 Cultists of the Pesilent Preachers, before January 18th, 2013.

I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.


You can follow my progress here: Preachers of Pestilence



NOTE: Link will be added when I provide my first update.

I'm afraid I will have to withdraw my forces due a shortage in resources, brethren - I won't have enough time to make sufficient progress for the competition due to the interferance of real life, so good luck to whoever replaces me in the Long War!

Gods of Chaos hear my call!


I, Strike-Commander Trevak Dal, hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my troops', to vengeance, looting and plunder!


I swear to you that I will paint and present 1 Chaos Lord with magnetized Jump Pack, 1 5 Man Raptor Squad, and 2 10 man CSM squads of Red Corsairs before January 18th, 2013. Edited due to not getting to the bit about not to start painting.


I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.


You can follow my progress here: (WIP thread to be added later)

Gods of Chaos hear my call!


I Thunder_god hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my troops', to Chaos Eternal.


I swear to you that I will paint and present 1 Lord, 1 Heldrake, 1 Helbrute, 5, Chosen, 10 Chaos Space Marines of the Disciples of Truth, War Band of the Most Righteous, before January 18th, 2013.

I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.


You can follow my progress here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...=0#entry3222649



We've almost reached critical mass.


It is just me, or is anyone else now just waiting for the 2nd of November? :)


You remind me of patience...





((see what I did there?))


If we get filled up to 100, can we move forward and start painting on the 31st/1st? I am th most impatient person ever.

We've almost reached critical mass.


It is just me, or is anyone else now just waiting for the 2nd of November? :P


You remind me of patience...





Patience is not something I'm accustomed to as well. First squad has been built, just waiting to prime them and start painting. However, we must allow everyone to prepare for total domination.

Wait were not meant to have started painting yet oppps. I swear I've seen others having started painting already?


Will I have to withdraw if my OCpaintingD doesn't let me wait till 2nd Nov?


Also can I change my warband name to Preachers of Pestilence. It just sounds a lot better lol.





Pah papa Nurgle cares not what his children call themselves only that his great gifts are spread.


Hmmm ok well then I'm goign to paint a test model from the Chosen unit and not touch the rest is that ok?






EDIT: Also if the number in brackets next to my name on the list is the amount of units were painting shouldn't that be 5?


1 Choas Lord, 1 unit of Chosen (minus one guy that I'm currently painting as a test model) 2 Units of Cultists and a Hellbrute :P.

The Chaos Gods do not like indecisive servants. :P

They also do not like paint on models entered into the Call - until the 2nd of November.


Any such items will not count towards the pledge.


Hmmm... I will try... for Khorne's sake...


Also, a quick question: If I have a 5 man chosen squad as part of my call and I finish my entire Call... Would I be allowed to add on more members to the unit? Also, I am adding an item to my call, because you have me listed as making 5 things when I only signed in doing 4. I will register in another character for the 5th item, probably a raptor lord.


I missed this in the first go.


BrokenGlytch of The Cult of Flesh.

The same fate as Neigorath applies to you as well I afraid, as you also fell in the fourth Call of Chaos,

You fell in the past.

What will you do to redeem yourself in the eyes of the gods?


I have heard whispers that if you either paint up a Chaos Spawn before the Call starts, or add an additional item to your pledge - then you might be allowed to partake in the glory. Should you fail this time however - woe unto you.


Very well. I shall add an additional item to my pledge - one Defiler, dedicated of course to Slaanesh. Original post has been amended and said Defiler has been placed in the bath to remove the incomplete paint job I wasn't happy with anyway.

O ye great Gods of Chaos hear my call!


I, Thrashard, hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my troops', to Chaos Eternal.

I swear to you that I will paint and present:


-Fabious Bile

-10 'enhanced' Chaos space marines

-8 Chaos Space marines

-3 Chaos Spawn

-Chaos Hellbrute


...of Fabious Bile's personal warband, before January 18th, 2013. I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.


You can follow my progress here: The Contamination Corner


Blog will be updated with Wips over next few days, just getting it started. Almost got them all built, there will be tonnes of scratchbuilt/converted models in this army so be sure to check it out! Also using this as my introduction to B&C, I've lurked the thread for years and figured there's no better time to join in and contribute! Looking forward to following everyones progress, All priase the might of the dark gods!



The Chaos Gods do not like indecisive servants. :P

They also do not like paint on models entered into the Call - until the 2nd of November.


Any such items will not count towards the pledge.


/Twiddles thumbs .../Sits on hands.../Has someone put her in the pain glove and lock her in a padded/sound proof room.

Gods of Chaos hear my call!


I Devil's Sonata hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my troops', to Chaos Eternal.


I swear to you that I will paint and present a Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour, a Unit of Terminators, A 15 man unit of Cultists and a Unit of Warp Talons of The Night Lords before January 18th, 2013.

I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.


You can follow my progress here: <link to come later.


Just a kind reminder to everyone.




Balls, I couldn't sleep the other day (I work 3rd shift), so I painted some (laid down the Chaos Black over the Primer on the CSM Squads, and Khorne Red where it needed it.) November 6th is going to be...a return to another Long War I've longed to get back to since the Disappointment two years ago. I hear they're bringing My Sword back from the 3rd installment. I look forward to proper sword matches in Halo again so I can get my Achilles on. The Fish is new(er) too, with a fully customizable Custom Class system...so November and December are going to be pretty soaked in blood for me (digitally speaking of course).


In light of that, I wish to 'downgrade' my vow to 1 Lord with magnetized Backpack/Jumppack and 5 raptors, who need sand and priming.


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