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Brother Nihm

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this picture about sums up where im at right now. I got back from my underway late thanks to that hurricane, so tomorrow will be spent making molds. need to make 4 bike faceplates, 14 bike bolters (7 sets) three banners, 3 auto cannons and about a dozen biker legs. but on the plus side i am almost done with 5 tanks for my upcoming tournament? haha anyway hopefully sunday or tuesday i'll have pictures up of actual models. Also this isn't really a first post, so much as a reason why it may take me a bit longer than most to get shots of the primed models.



Do we post a link here every time we update our Call? If so, here is a link to my first update: Link to the Update
No not every time. You can post as much as you like here and in your WIP thread, as long as you remember to post the two updates minimum in the main thread.


Also, do we have to have all of our units modeled before we can begin painting? I modeled a few of them but, I was planning on just modeling and painting them as I go
No, sorry for being unclear. As long as you post up a pre-painted shot of the unit/item you're good.



Also, do we have to have all of our units modeled before we can begin painting? I modeled a few of them but, I was planning on just modeling and painting them as I go


Seconded on that question, I'm receiving my second, secondhand army lot today to be able to do my ideal conversions for my guys, so wasn't able to do any modeling work barring my Rhino up till today.


Mission Statement


To assist players in the building, converting and painting of their army. By using open project threads, each player will be able to inspire other players with what they are doing, and at the same time receive feedback on the progress of their army. Each player is encouraged to provide constructive feedback to her/his fellow participants throughout the Call.


Call of Chaos Requirements


1. Your army must be a supported Chaos faction on the B&C (E.g. Power-Armored and/or under an Existing Sub-Forum). e.g. Codex: Daemons is allowed.

2. The Call will last for 3 months only. Please be aware of this when entering what you will paint. From past experiences, time management is key to success.

3. You are allowed to submit between 2 to 5 items; no more, no less. An item is defined as: a single character/squad/vehicle from your relevant codex.

4. You are expected to submit a minimum of 2 updates in this thread, per month, for the duration of the call. There will be consequences if this is not followed. Making an update here is quite easy, you simply post a reply in this thread with a link to the relevant updates in your WIP thread.


From that I inferred the modeling would also be an ongoing part of the Call, not just the painting.


Edit: Amended question with quote from OP.

You are correct, see above.



I too must amend my vow as I am not stripping the guy I started accidently to get this done. All it is is just one less Chosen. Also I haven't got all my models I intend on painting yet so does it matter if I submit a pre-work photo of those before I start on them when I do finally get them?
No harm no foul, as long as your item's model size still fits within what is allowed for a squad/item and it is just one model, it's OK.



Hurricane Sandy took away my power, internet, and hot water. So I will have to see when I can start this. Sorry all.
Damn. I wish you the best of luck to you and yours.



Soooo I have updated my two day old blog...






so if you want to add this blog to the front page

Gotcha, thanks.

Models posted in my WIP thread. Just wanted to point out that the warpsmith has been primed using Metal coloured primer from Army Painter and is just primed, not base coated!




Here they are in this thread as well:



--------------------------Update ---- Bymis ----- Call Of Chaos--------------------------




Other Image and Information on my main thread.



Call of Chaos

++Update Two++



I finish painting my Maulier Fiend this weekend, just varnish it about four hour ago? Now I started work on the Cultiest models






Just gather bits so I can start work on both Havoc units over the next few days.



Can I use a different codex even if I don't add chaos bits and only use the paint scheme? I.e. painting Grey Knights the black and white of Malice?
Please see the FAQ on page one.

I looked at it, and just double checked. I was just wondering if painting it alone to match one would count, or if you wanted some actual chaos bits on the models, which sadly I don't have any of and won't be able to get any in the near future.

Hurricane over, still cannot get to NYC due to flooding. So, plenty of time to convert and paint. Well, not paint as I have to go to NYC to pick up my paints.


You can follow my progress here: Linky


First update for november: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...=0#entry3229699

Is it still okay to enter this?
Should places become free via the above two listed methods, you can try to sneak into the Call, but keep in mind, it's first in best dressed, and you may need to work twice as hard based on how much time is remaining.



Can I use a different codex even if I don't add chaos bits and only use the paint scheme? I.e. painting Grey Knights the black and white of Malice?
Please see the FAQ on page one.

I looked at it, and just double checked. I was just wondering if painting it alone to match one would count, or if you wanted some actual chaos bits on the models, which sadly I don't have any of and won't be able to get any in the near future.

Do you have any pictures (e.g. of test models or finished ones) to show us?

Thanks Nihm.


Gods of Chaos hear my call!


I HeraldsofExcess hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my troops', to Chaos Eternal.


I swear to you that I will paint and present 1 squad of terminators, 1 helbrute and 1 terminator lord of The Corpus Brethren, before January 18th, 2013.

I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.


You can follow my progress here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=265058





I would like to add 1 to my Call, the Chaos Lord from Dark Vengeance.


I've also submitted my initial update/thread here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...p;#entry3228875.


I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's work, now I just need a few minutes free.






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