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++Marines Malevolent/Knights Vermilion++UPDATE: Ironclad

Monstra Sumus

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Aaaaand I'm finally out of bitz. I've built the last Marine I am capable of building without buying new boxes. I've put together Knight-Sergeant Maximilian who'll lead the sword vanguard. The shield is a place holder until my Anvil Industries heater shields come in. The small army will be fluffy and if I enjoy playing it, I may even bulk it out another few hundred points.





So on the cards now is a Tactical Box, a Vanguard Veteran Box and 2 Razorbacks. I'll sort the Vanguard Veterans first and get the "Fore-Guard" up and running.


That Typhon looks a real Beast!!! Especially next to the two vindicators. Great work.


I am enjoying your little Knights Vermilion project too. An interesting idea. That Choice of helmet was inspirational. Looking forward to seeing them progress.

Thanks guys, I really enjoyed painting the Typhon. I'm going to be trying to add a lot of character to each Knight Vermilion. Today I worked on the tactical squad, which I'll post below (4th time in a row because my browser keeps screwing up). I used some Malevolents that had been packed away and weren't likely to be used in anything smaller than Apoc to form a Battle Company, so they've found life as Knights Vermilion. Each is armed with a close combat weapon, a bolter and a pistol, one is armed with an assault flamer. Here is Knight-Sergeant Virgil and his Combat Squad, their primary role is to support the main battle with whickering bolter fire before providing a valuable counter charge against engaged enemy units.











I'm gonna get some Resin Rubble bases for them to add a bit of flare. The only thing I'm considering now is changing the Chaplains torso and legs. I've realised one of the Tactical Marines has a very similar chest piece, or maybe I'll just sculpt a gorget onto the armour and make it Mark 8.

Cheers for looking


Also, I have a question to put to the forum. The Knights Vermilion will be accompanied by a Baron of Athena clad in a Contemptor battle mantle. These guys are pretty blingtastic so which Contemptor chassis would you think fits them better?

The Imperial Fist one?


I can shave off the Imperial Fist legion number and greenstuff a lightning bolt into the fist.

Or the Emperors Children one?


Again, shave off the Legion number. It has lots of Imperial markings and a Barbute helm which is very 'Knightly'. What do you think fits better? Regardless of which Chassis I go with he'll be armed with dual power claws with plasma blasters.


Hmm, I shall have a long old think about which will suit them best. I've already got a Relic Contemptor in use with my Marines Malevolent so I wanted to steer away from that one a touch as not to have identical Dreads.


Threw up a test scheme of the Knights Vermilion today, what do you think?





And here he is next to the old incarnation of the Knights Vermilion. What a difference 6 years makes, huh?




Test scheme looks good! I also like Maximilian. I think the current shield looks good on him.

Thank you Hushrong, can I get your thoughts on Maximilian now? I've posted a picture below.

Like the Test Scheme and the Chapter symbol.

Thanks Sarge, unfortunately it being stupid late at night the colour washed out. I've got a picture here of what the scheme /actually/ looks like. It's much less....flat.


The one on the left is the photo I snapped last night under my lamp and the one on the right is the model in the sunlight.

My Anvil Industries shields came through, they cost a pittance so if they don't work well no loss. Below is Knight-Sergeant Maximilian with both shield types, I'm leaning more towards the heater shields because they give me the chance to do some free hand on the faces but I do admit the stock storm shield does look imposing. Thoughts?




Loving the test scheme!

Thanks fella!

Go with the Anvil shield, IT looks the part thumbsup.gif . now if they would re-stock their spartan shield.yes.gif

Yeah, they're more fitting with how I imagine them.

Yo Tyrax, I'm happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but that scheme and chapter symbol are already on the record.


Thank you for pointing that out. Mine are a deep red with iron trim and Aquilla, the Rampagers are red with a black Aquilla. The only thing my scheme has in common is it's red and the chapter symbol is mostly the same. However, the thunderbolt is yellow where as mine is red, plus this is far from the first time Chapter symbols mirror another. There are multiple examples of identical symbols with differing colours throughout established, canonical, Chapters. So, my scheme isn't the same as the Rampagers at all.

I'm gonna put a question to this plog and the people who follow/comment. I've been toying around with giving my completed models a bit of flare. I played about a bit with image editing and this is the result. Should I continue to do this for my completed units/vehicles?




Should I continue to do this for my completed units/vehicles?

Abso- censored.gif -lutely!

Taking the time to learn photoshop type stuff for 40k will have the added benefit of being able to take and alter cool photos of your marines malevolent kicking in the teeth of whatever ticked them off that day should you do any sort of battle report in the future.


That settles it then! Haha.

Should I continue to do this for my completed units/vehicles?

Abso- censored.gif -lutely!

Taking the time to learn photoshop type stuff for 40k will have the added benefit of being able to take and alter cool photos of your marines malevolent kicking in the teeth of whatever ticked them off that day should you do any sort of battle report in the future.

I'm already working on a few more. I'm looking to get a painting/hobby page up on Facebook where I'll be adding this sort of stuff regularly. I'll also do a Hall of Honour thread here once I've got all the current completed units done.

I think I'll start snapping some shots for battle reports and giving them a bit of flare. I've got a game Wednesday I can do a few bits with. As long as people don't mind some unpainted units being thrown into the mix.

Okay, so I've been working like a busy bee on photo editing but I'll put up the rest in a HoH post and a link to my Facebook hobby page. For tonight I went a bit mental and threw together 1k points of Sons of Medusa which you can check out in the Back to Badab thread here in the WIP section and I also finished another three Veterans of the Knights Vermilion.

Here is Knight Hoss


Knight Straun


Knight Haegr


And the assembled Sword Veterans led by Knight-Sergeant Maximilian. Just have to order some bitz to finish off the last Veteran and the squad is done.





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