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Artemid's WIPs - DA, Angels Ardent, IG (Steel Legion)?!


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Hey guys! Finally starting threads outside the DA section as I get to work on doing up my DV Tac Squad in my successor colors.


As far as the Angels Ardent scheme, it's basically this:



And here's the first squaddie, mostly done. Bone needs touchup/highlight, backpack's not done, etc. He's a bit washed out by the light.





I completely drenched his red parts in Nuln oil and it pooled way too much. Next guy will be more careful about keeping it to the recesses. I'm also not sure the Vallejo brown ink is dark enough for shading (went bone -> brown ink -> more bone), but I'm not sure what else to use. Been using a wonderful red recipe put up by Arkley of the DA forum for his all-red successors (hereand the Bone recipe from here.


I'd love feedback! I've got links to my DA subforum thread in my sig which has a lot of my completed stuff too.

  • 3 months later...

Finally tossing out a WIP thread because I'd like some more opinions, I think!


ETL vow is the Dark Vengeance Terminator squad. They're currently past this a bit as I've got about all the red bits on them basecoated with Mechrite Red now.




The armor is Scorched Brown on black primer, with a heavy drybrush of bone followed by white. Very much the ashen look - when I tested it on an old Termie I  had, it came out way more bone colored, but I like this a lot too. Now, eventually, they should end up looking much like these guys:





What do you guys think needs improving? I'm not the neatest or most technical of painters, to be sure. I'm really considering adding battle damage and wear and tear to this squad I'm working on, but i'm not sure how that will look given how I've painted them. I also have FW weathering powders coming. Thoughts?

Thanks man! sweat.gif

Took a break from blocking in basecoats and did up the Sgt's power sword in a new style, following valhouth's excellent guide:



Pretty good for a first go I think! I actually like the back side better because more of the basecoat is showing through, so it's a little higher contrast. I'd like to go back and redo all the rest of my non-Heavenfall blades this way I think.

Not sure I like the drybrushing on these.  It works a treat on small detailed parts with lots of edges (as it should) such as on the helmets.  It suffers a bit on larger, flatter surfaces though, like the front leg plates. If I can see the brushstrokes, it makes me itch.  The sargeant doesn't have the same problem though.


As a potential fix, perhaps try brushing up and down rather than side to side on the front legs.  The brush strokes will sell better as dirty/ashy streaks that way. Maybe.  I don't know for sure.


At any rate the color is lovely.

Not sure I like the drybrushing on these.  It works a treat on small detailed parts with lots of edges (as it should) such as on the helmets.  It suffers a bit on larger, flatter surfaces though, like the front leg plates. If I can see the brushstrokes, it makes me itch.  The sargeant doesn't have the same problem though.


As a potential fix, perhaps try brushing up and down rather than side to side on the front legs.  The brush strokes will sell better as dirty/ashy streaks that way. Maybe.  I don't know for sure.


At any rate the color is lovely.


It's a fair criticism, the technique definitely falls down on the bigger flatter areas - shins being the worst. The problem with going up and down on them is that really very little of the shin catches anything at all and I'd wind up with them being primarily brown. I have the feeling that building up a decent amount of brown or gray or metal (or all three!) through sponge "chipping" and some weathering powders may well help disguise it on the more plainly adorned shins.


Thanks though!

  • 3 weeks later...

This is where they are now. They're basically done, although I should probably get some weapon highlights on, and I'd really like some thoughts about weathering options or if I should at all (I know that sponge has been suggested).



Yeah, it probably is actually easier, haha. I also kinda don't really want to start now, so that they'll fit more with the rest of the army, and save even fancier and stronger themed bases for when I do more of my successors.


Paint same as the others, which is a bath of very watered down Scorched Brown to seep into the sand, a 50/50 or 3:2 Scorched Brown : Bone mix (I don't remember, it's an eyeball), and then a Bone drybrush. Rocks will get washed with an Agrax/Gryphonne/Baal Red sequence, also eyeballed, to match how I originally painted the first batch of rocks, details painted as appropriate, and then clumps of static grass added too :)

  • 1 month later...

Big post for small amounts of work incoming!


1) I've asked the mods to consolidate my Successors split-off WIP thread here, if possible. Going to be converting up their late Chapter Master for Grot's challenge, ideally. I have a very specific pose and weight in mind, let's see if my skills are up to it.


2) I got an airbrush for my birthday mid-July. I've been testing it on an ancient Eldar Falcon I had lying around, so no pics here, but things are generally working alright. Thinning is pretty easy really, roughly 1:1, then you fight the tip dry. Vallejo air-on primer was working nicely until I went to tape mask patterns.. then it peeled a lot. Gloss varnish seems to help a bunch. Not quite wanting to hit up my Deathwing's Land Raiders yet, since I care a lot about those, I've started thinking about hitting up some other stuff for more practice, stuff being...


3) ... my old IG! Especially a black-primed Chimaera I've had lying around for years (painted in high school at the latest, and my skills have developed a LOT since then). Now, there are some problems here. I've got about a platoon of Steel Legion, who are painted up in Medal of Honor-version Wermacht colors, and then a platoonish of new Cadians, in a weird foresty camo I made up. I've also got a Leman painted in some weird jungle-forest-splotch camo. Pics:


http://i.imgur.com/70gSLBss.jpg http://i.imgur.com/s2umJtls.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JdzoLeIs.jpg  http://i.imgur.com/OKWbe2Ns.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4B0ADess.jpg http://i.imgur.com/938fgJBs.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NG4AUPhs.jpg


I'd like to get at least the Steel Legion painted, since they're cool models, might make good allies, and stuff. Wouldn't mind getting the Cadians done too, but I don't like the models nearly as much. But I can't bloody decide on a scheme! I don't like the official SL scheme much, don't much care for the one I came up with on the Cadians either. I'm kinda torn between continuing them as-is or adjusting them to look like proper Wermacht (darker jacket, German Grey pants and helmet, Sgts look the same), ripping off this artwork or or going full effort Flecktarn:



The Cadians and the tanks are a separate issue, as I'm not very happy with the Leman either. But I know even less what I want for the tanks. German grey? German grey with green striping, or the Panzer scheme that everyone thinks of, or classic SL colors.



Then I had an idea about theming them along with my Successors (below), who in my loose fluff have written to be more considerate and everyman in their relations with the rest of humanity. Maybe the Angels Ardent deployed to Armageddon? The first go at their writeup is here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252078-brotherhood-of-angels-competition/?p=3286687.


4) Actual DA stuff I've been doing?




Plastic one will be magnetized between Godhammer and Crusader, the salvaged one (from my ancient days) will get glued on Crusader treatment. They should both wind up in Deathwing livery.


I know that was huge, but I'd really love any thoughts you guys have at all!

Mocking up Chapter Master Machiu Troyan of the Angels Ardent for Grot's challenge.


Have the Sverin Loth kit on the way, hopefully will be grabbing a helmet and maybe a torso from it. Shoulder pads are not set but I think are close. Did a whole bunch of work to the hammer to make it look more correct to me.. and then I realized I should have just used a GK hammer and arms set. Oh well.


Thoughts on the forearm pad to hide the mangled Angelus Bolter?


http://i.imgur.com/ou3BCxil.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xfb5lbZl.jpg

http://i.imgur.com/QyfkdRNl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hA7AJxXl.jpg


Not actually that huge a fan of them, although they are nicely thinner. I do have the normal Termi crest shields and the DA Vet ones available as well. I could shave one down to sit more flushly, I suppose. I think what's on there right now is kinda too bulky and doesn't flow that well though, yeah?


other considered bits:


Wanting a change of pace, I tried painting up a Flecktarn Guardsman.






The yellow/khahki color really didn't come out brightly enough at all, I don't think there's enough medium brown, and the dark blends into the two greens too much. Additionally, the gloves and boots feel utterly dominating, but I don't know what to do about that. Thoughts?


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