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@ pauljam: try washing your hands in really cold water for a few minutes (not so cold that you get frostbite though;) ) then using a nailbrush (or even a scouring pad if it's thick enough) usually shifts it for me:D

Cheers mate. Thanks for the tip. I'll keep that in mind when my fingerprints grow back :)


Tith i preordered overkill. Am stoked because it's all plasticy wholesomeness.

My ML2 biker Librarian's right arm's magnet is installed. I just need to give his left arm a pad and to make an awesome right  hand "force sword" out of a dark angel sword. I WILL wash my resin MKIV land speeder crew and assemble my magnetized gunner and commander crest driver.

Edited by DerekLee688

TITH, after having him in a box in the basement for about a year, I pulled out Vulkan and started more-easily-painted subassembly. Hands on arms, portions of both bases, halo attached. Some more clean up to do, but primer should fly this weekend. Then comes the :unsure.: painting phase.

TITH, I tried the new 32mm bases for the first time on a squad of Iron Warriors Legion Tac Marines. Well, crap, I actually like it better. :wacko.:


Now I'm staring at 120 more (already based 25mm) marines of various legions and wondering how long it's going to take me...

TITHI Stripped the blu tak out of all sixteen of my first XIII legion tactical squad and replaced it with glue after painting all of their shoulder trims, eye lenses and bolters, Then went back and added combat blades and pistol holsters


Next ITHI I'm going to be doing the grenades and ammo pouches while keeping my fingers crossed they'll fit:laugh.:


@Orangebob: I too dissed the 32mm bases but after doing the B@C marines I'm liking them a lot more (not enough to redo the rest of my 40k armies though so the 32mm will be heresy era only for me)

Edited by treadhead

Today I stared at the 23rd, fixed a base, magnetized a melta for one of the Contemptors and did a rough draft of a list for the upcoming ZM campaign.


I also added more miniatures to my building line up, thirty one more miniatures to build.


Because I hate myself.

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