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TITH I managed to get some paint on my TS Sorcerer. :smile.:



Looks good! In my eyes though it seems like its missing some kind of pop to it. But it looks real clean!

TITH I managed to get some paint on my TS Sorcerer. :smile.:



Looks good! In my eyes though it seems like its missing some kind of pop to it. But it looks real clean!


Thanks! Yeah, I agree. There is something a bit plain about him, I need to figure something out to make him a bit more HQy.


TITH I managed to get some paint on my TS Sorcerer. :smile.:



Looks good! In my eyes though it seems like its missing some kind of pop to it. But it looks real clean!

Thanks! Yeah, I agree. There is something a bit plain about him, I need to figure something out to make him a bit more HQy.
The two things that come to mind are the power staff and the robe colors on him and the munchkin. I would even say make the robes different colors as they seem to get lost in one another.

@totgeboren. Maybe a touch of white, or a bone/white mx to the very edges of the horns to make them pop.


A glowing effect for the open hand or eyes and a hieroglyph on the tabard. That would make the T-Son pop a bit more.Also the design would help to stop the familiar from blending into the sorcerer.

TITH I finished painting my Sergeant Telion (converted for Crimson Fists) and I'm very pleased with the results.

Counts As Telion


I also did some work on my bolter Scouts for my Kill Team, picked up another box of Scouts (I'll need to get a third when I can find one) and repurchased the Space Marine Codex and a Start Collecting box of Marines.  In a few weeks I'll buy the Demi-Company box and I'll be able to finally get back into 40k with a Crimson Fists army.

TITHI received my copy of Overkill. As nice as the Deathwatch models are, I'm finding myself laughing at the conversation between the team in the mission pages, marvelling at the relatively large amount of fluff, and gluing the Patriarch together because I've never seen a more beautiful Tyranid model.


On a side note, I've been finding myself debating on whether I want to go back to my old habit of making models and then painting them, or trying out painting before assembly since I just don't think I have the patience for the latter.

Xenos! Xenos! Alert! Alarm! Xenos! Mods quick! Unsanctioned Xeno reference detected! Xenos! Xenos! ... ...

Tith on a whim i got the deathwatch graphic novel thing. Am wishing there was an open copy. The artwork is ok but the story is a bit primary colours.


[edit: after a thorough perusal... never again will i purchase something without an open copy. and i'm really going to have to do something about whim shopping!!]

Edited by paulJam

Today in the Hobby I'm finally taking the plunge and buying a couple of the Horus Heresy books from Forge World. I'm just not sure if I should start with the first three in order, or just start by purchasing the books with my preferred legions.


EDIT: Well, just bought Massacre, Extermination, Retribution, and the Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List book.

Edited by Reldn

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