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Today in the hobby I...played a 30k Allied Detachment while drinking on an empty stomach.  My list:




1 Ordo Reductor HQ

1 unit of 3 Thallaxes w/ a plasma fusil

1 Krioss Venator

1 Myrmidon w/ Graviton Imploders (a kit bash, this one, will post in Hall of Honour later)

1 Macrocarid Explorator converted from a Land Raider (I call it the Platypus Pattern due to its beak-like front)

1/3 of a bottle of pretty decent scotch (I can no longer recall its name, begins with a "T")

1 Party Bucket of Maltesers


This was a completely illegal list and I'll own up to my ally AND opponent tomorrow when we'll meet up for D&D.  At one point I think I tried to use the whisky glass as cover, and I think my equally inebriated opponent was like, "you can't do that because it's completely transparent, so it can't confer a cover save."  That's how messed up we were.  We took cabs home after.


Moral of the Story - friends DON'T let friends Drink & Draft army lists

Today... well, last night in the hobby, I sorted out the acquisition of 15 more Custodes bodies and yet another squad of Terminators...




I have. like, a Company's worth of Terminator bodies already. I really don't need more. May have a slight bit of a problem. But y'know, whatever. It's going to work out eventually.

TITH I continued shaving off extra plastic on my fourth Rhino. This one will get Devastator decals because ... I have them. And I ran out of Tactical decals.


I'm looking forward to the ETL though. Big plans in the works for that. Hopefully more rumors of the rules for 8th appears so I can consider making more infantry models.

Today in the hobby I...played a 30k Allied Detachment while drinking on an empty stomach. My list:




1 Ordo Reductor HQ

1 unit of 3 Thallaxes w/ a plasma fusil

1 Krioss Venator

1 Myrmidon w/ Graviton Imploders (a kit bash, this one, will post in Hall of Honour later)

1 Macrocarid Explorator converted from a Land Raider (I call it the Platypus Pattern due to its beak-like front)

1/3 of a bottle of pretty decent scotch (I can no longer recall its name, begins with a "T")

1 Party Bucket of Maltesers


This was a completely illegal list and I'll own up to my ally AND opponent tomorrow when we'll meet up for D&D. At one point I think I tried to use the whisky glass as cover, and I think my equally inebriated opponent was like, "you can't do that because it's completely transparent, so it can't confer a cover save." That's how messed up we were. We took cabs home after.


Moral of the Story - friends DON'T let friends Drink & Draft army lists

At least you didnt proxy beer cans for drop pods whilst drinking. That game was confusing as hell. :lol:

The past couple days, I:

  • Found a Contemptor Dreadnought at Half Price Books for $25
  • Ordered some scion bits to kit bash some scouts
  • Ordered a 3rd party Thunderfire Cannon
  • Picked up more spray paint and glue
  • Found a good way to weigh down Celestine's base so she stops trying to actually fly
  • Built myself a ven dread and an attack bike (bike still needs a heavy weapon though, because I haven't decided which I want it to have yet)

It wasn't as much as I had hoped to get done this week, but a lot of crap get getting in the way of my hobby time, so I'm actually kind of surprised I got all this done.

This weekend, I had a great time at my first Warhammer World event, the Horus Heresy Throne of Skulls! Really enjoyed all my games and the Exhibition too. Today, I'll be putting a few bits together, and getting them sprayed for my Mechanicum.

TITH my crimson guard and revelirs pads came in today . My computer still won't allow my camera to download pictures . And I finished painting 4 Storm Lords a Castigator,2 Rainbow Warriors,a Death Strike , Libator, Disciple of Caliban and a Iron Snake .:sweat:

TITH put together some more Marines . While was at it took stock on how many Chapters I can put on the Table .  70 total .

Edited by deathspectersgt7

So there's no need to model ammo pouches just so that you can do something that's not even happening.

Suspension of disbelief. I know the 40K universe doesn't make sense as is but not having spare ammunition really grates with me.

Edited by Mikal Wolfheart

YITH I did some greenstuff work that was somewhat new to me...


1. applied greenstuff flames to a leg, something I've done one other time on a much broader surface area (a commander's cloak).

2. With a bit of greenstuff secured a short chainsword to a BoP marine and got a sort-of passable melee stance on him. Not really a fan of it but it worked.

3. Secured a lego sword to the back of an apothecary, as superglue wasn't doing the trick. Hopefully I got a believable holster for it.


And was ​once more ​reminded how much I hate assembling ebay boltermarine spoils with no sprue, but it led to no.2 so it wasn't all bad....

... I basically finished my 4th Rhino for the Chapter.  Letting stuff dry before I take pics and show off in the Talon's Reach event.


With my both my son's Spring Break all week next week (:wacko.: :cry: :pinch: :facepalm:), this may be the last project I can finish before the event ends.  Maybe.


I may also have figured out how to make a Spartan Tank for only $30.

Day-before-yesterday-ITH I finished my vow for WFFDN.


YITH I unpacked the photo studio package I ordered. Dug out my old (and I mean OLD) digital camera. Took pictures of the completed vow. Cried at the pitiful quality. Took pictures with my really old little tablet. Same result. Then spent several hours trying to figure a way to transfer pics to my little tablet from my bigger new one. That would be the one I can't put on the internet yet because I only have 2G of bandwidth a month. Gotta go to the library for that.


TITH I spliced two micro USB connectors together because I didn't have a micro to micro cable. Took the pictures. Stared in awe at the difference in quality. Posted vow complete. :sweat:


It turns out that if you are working from one of your previous models in order to get the scheme on the current one right, and you notice missing bits, your OCD kicks in and stops you from completing the current one until you've finished the old one.

Sigh, knights.

I realised I can probably get around my issue of not having enough space to stow equipment on my MkIV Marines by using the sheathed chainswords from the MkIII kit as they're designed to sit at a better angle than the combat knives meaning they shouldn't clash with the other stuff.


So I ordered some for proof of concept. And if this works it'll massively improve my build time. Since having Inferno I've assembled two models...

Edited by Mikal Wolfheart

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