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Today in the hobby I....


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Pariah will make you lose your :cuss at the end. Like, throwing the book across the room, pointing at it and screaming "That :cuss did NOT just happen!!!!!".You've been warned.

That's a good thing, right? :P I mean anything to do with the Hydra and Dan Abnett has to be, at the very least, damn awesome.

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What? The ending for Pariah was awesome.



Didn't say it wasn't. But it sure as hell was a shocker. I haven't physically yelled at a book since Colm Corbec died.



Pariah will make you lose your :censored: at the end. Like, throwing the book across the room, pointing at it and screaming "That :censored: did NOT just happen!!!!!".You've been warned.

That's a good thing, right? :tongue.: I mean anything to do with the Hydra and Dan Abnett has to be, at the very least, damn awesome.


Insanely. You'll love the book, man. Just make sure all breakables in your line of sight are put away.

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You may want to spoiler that part about

Corbec dying.
You kinda spoiled it for me ;)


But thanks for the confirmation that I'll love Pariah. I have been looking forward to reading the book for a long while :)

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You may want to spoiler that part about

Corbec dying.
You kinda spoiled it for me :wink:


Dude, that was in 2003. Over a decade ago, literally. If there's a moratorium on spoilers, 10 flippin' years should be it.

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I would hate to imagine what state I'd be in if I started drinking while being so fething tired :lol:


(so no, no uber-Nog for me. Perhaps next year if I'm still around)

Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic
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Then you'll not only love it, you'll probably burn every other book you own afterwards, knowing deep down that nothing in your life will ever be as amazing as Pariah.


I did that, but it didn't help. It wasn't until I built a time machine and burned down some library in Egypt that I felt well once more.


Today in the hobby was day 3 of my assembling my first of the new tactical box along with some bits from the Ravenwing BK and DA company vet boxes.

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Today in the hobby I watched Pacific Rim while converting my Deathwatch counts-as Tigurius.  Trying to sculpt a psychic hood with green stuff and crying as I failed was less disappointing than the movie.

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Today, I've managed to arm my twenty Forge World Plague Marines, along with more tidying - huzzah!


I went on a bit of a mending spree, so have put a fair few things back together post stripping - which feels good! I've also sorted two boxes for spraying, one white, one black.

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Today in the hobby, I succumbed and tried to buy the new SM codex. But the local GW was closed (taking the non-public holiday 31st as a holiday?) and the FLGS was out of stock. So I'll just keep my $90 and hope that my insanity has passed before I have a chance to buy it again.


So instead, I spray undercoated a DW Command Squad, DA captain (the one with the big head-dress), a land speeder, some Khorne berserkers, two squads of CSM, a squad of Raptors, some dirty xenos (squad of Dire Avengers), and some Infinity stuff (who were at least wearing power-ish armour and might be the basis of an =I= henchmen band).

Edited by Aegnor
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