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Today in the hobby I....


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Finished my Interdiction Squads with Raven-Pattern Light Lascannons!

Those are neat, but look incomplete without a power source. At least a guitar string connecting them to the backpack would make them look better. IMO, FWIW.


I'm going for the anti-material rifle look.

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Today in the Hobby I started assembling my first Tactical Marine. And God- Emperor it's annoying to get the parts to stay together.


In time young grasshoppa.


I built half a battle company in two days. With great numbers of Marines, comes great precision cuts from modelling blades. 

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Today in the hobby I deployed the Deathwatch in their very first game (two librarians, a unit of Sternguard, a unit of Tac Marines, and a command squad).  They accounted for a Maulerfiend, a unit of Obliterators, a unit of CSM, a unit of Chosen, my first Librarian Psychic Shrieked a Daemon Prince to death (yeah, you read that right), and my Warlord Librarian force weaponed the enemy Chaos Lord to death in a challenge.  A very good day for the Deathwatch! :thumbsup:

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Last night in the hobby i finally got round to building some of my new tactical squad, love the new kits, adds some extra variation to my force and very little mold lines. All this leaves is 2 more tactical squads, 15 assault marines and 1 ten man dev squad to complete 2nd company, well and alot of painting but its well underway.
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Today in the hobby, I..... committed to a project I probably shouldn't have. Again. *Sigh* Ah well.....gonna roll with it. What is it, you ask?



"I come bearing the word of the Emperor, beloved by all. The truth of rationality is his gift to the city-state of D'troi, the clarity of sanity and reality. Accept these gifts, and you shall be welcomed into the arms of Unification. Deny, and your works shall be ash and dust, your mighty city cast into ruin. Choose."

- Herald Anaxagiris Laeuix, deceased, (XI Chapter, XVII Legion, Imperial Heralds) to the Priest-Kings of D'troi (Razed)

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Today in the hobby I continued to work on two diorama flying bases. One just needs highlights, then it's ready for the models to go onto it. One is nearly ready to begin painting, just need to grab some greenstuff when I get chance to level out the ground and fill a few gaps.

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Today in the Hobby I started assembling my first Tactical Marine. And God- Emperor it's annoying to get the parts to stay together.


Loctite gel and washing the oils off before hand are the way to go. Today I am going to try out the 4 player mission.


Thanks for the advice Nusquam! 


Today in the Hobby I started assembling my first Tactical Marine. And God- Emperor it's annoying to get the parts to stay together.

The first of many I hope!

Where about in the great white north are you?


It will be. I'm in Saskatchewan, the boonies.


Today in the Hobby I started assembling my first Tactical Marine. And God- Emperor it's annoying to get the parts to stay together.


In time young grasshoppa.


I built half a battle company in two days. With great numbers of Marines, comes great precision cuts from modelling blades. 

Half a Battle Company? I wish I had the money and time for that.

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Well last night in the hobby put together 2 chaplins and put together 6 Brothers to fill out 2 partial Tac Sqds.And dropped one of my bits containers on the floor ,Bits everywhere:wallbash:

. I have been there my friend, I've yet to find my sternguard powerfist from the new plastic box... Btw it's spelled chaplain not Chaplin, unless you are referring to the movie actor.
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A chapter with cloned Charlie Chaplin chaplains... that would be something to see.

I don't know if you've seen "The Great Dictator" starring charlie chaplin- but in my opinion, it's one of the greatest speeches ever recorded; A chaplin chaplain? watch that speech and tell me you wouldn't follow him into the eye of terror itself in the name of unifying humanity. 

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Today in the hobby I sat at my desk at working thinking about all the hobby I really want to do when I get home, but then realised when I get home I will probably think about it some more and wish I had more time to do the hobby

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Today in the hobby, and after an extended time away- between the holidays, a trip out of town to take care of urgent business, and a bout with a cold- I am finally home and well enough to be back at my hobby desk!  


Time to start whittling away at that backlog of projects I've amassed- I've got about fifty ideas for new projects, but no space! 


I've also learned that a wood gouge is surprisingly efficient at getting rid of trickier premolded detailing on vehicles.  This craft/hobby tool set may have been the best impulse buy $20 has ever gotten me- I'm finding a use for everything in it, haha! 

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Today in the Hobby I started assembling my first Tactical Marine. And God- Emperor it's annoying to get the parts to stay together.

I recommend glue.

Lol. I am using glue. I think I am being super impatient which is causing the problem

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