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Today in the hobby I....


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Personally I reckon it looks garbage, but I'll reserve my final judgement for when he's painted.

Modelling almost always looks better when painted!

Today in the hobby, I have been as productive as ever.

Like a bolt'a oil-slick'd lightnin', t'ain't no stoppin' you, is there!?


But hey, look. You posted here. That counts as hobby.

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Today in the Hobby I painted a Chaos cultist. I also converted my first (old-style) tactical marine into an 'aiming' pose. I'm pretty chuffed with the results! It's not perfect, but it looks better than that funny aiming-at-the-sky pose the arms had when I started.
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Today in the hobby, I started reading the Rulebook .pdf.... I have a LONG ways to go....


So much reading, and I should be doing my homework for my politics class instead....but...I just cant help it.  I'm so excited to get started in this hobby/game.

I should probably get back to work....maybe

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(last night) Started painting my commission payment of 3 RWBKs and stopped myself and thought I maybe ought to work on the assembly commission first since I've been paid for it already....


Quite pleased with how it is coming on as it was rather badly warped and igknot had already straightend it quite a bit....



I hate working with greenstuff, because I am not any good working with it....  cause I never work with it......   cause I hate it....

Edited by Brother dean
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Yesterday in the hobby, I vowed (resolved, whatever :P ) to assemble and paint the following by the end of the year:

Fortress of Redemption

Aquila Strongpoint

Firestorm Redoubt

Vengeance Weapon Batteries

3 sets of Imperial Defence Lines

2 sets of Imperial Defence Emplacements

Imperial Bunker

Skyshield Landing Pad

Honoured Imperium set

Aegis Defence Line


Luckily, the fortress of redemption is about half done - so I'm aiming to have it completed by the end of January.

In the name of the Emperor, I will not falter! ;)

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YOU CAN DOO EEET!  The fortress took me a month of painting but it is worth it as I have only seen one other fortress painted (in person...  Seen like three unpainted) and it is done badly...

Edited by Brother dean
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Yesterday in the hobby I...


...ordered some micro beads for rivet/stud work on my bike, vehicle and older armor mk projects.


Today in the hobby I...


...have been reading a bunch of hobby related blogs/articles/etc. because the train I am on decided to crap out on us- excuse me, "mechanical difficulties"; including but not limited to the heater being stuck on full blast, yeesh.  Gotta distract myself somehow right?  Thanking the god emperor the wifi has held out though! 

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Today in the hobby, I am working out a 500pt list for a game that the local GW is running (1 HQ, 1 Troop + whatever else). It'll be the fifth game I've played since coming back to the hobby and it will only be the second time my Rainbow Warriors have been fielded without allies :happy.: Edited by Aquilanus
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Yesterday in the hobby I...


...ordered some micro beads for rivet/stud work on my bike, vehicle and older armor mk projects.


Today in the hobby I...


...have been reading a bunch of hobby related blogs/articles/etc. because the train I am on decided to crap out on us- excuse me, "mechanical difficulties"; including but not limited to the heater being stuck on full blast, yeesh.  Gotta distract myself somehow right?  Thanking the god emperor the wifi has held out though! 


What size beads, and from where if you don't mind me asking? I'd love to have some that would work for studded Mk. 6 shoulders… 

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@jefftibetts: desnyder<?> the guy who made the templates to turn a rhino into the old pattern with plasticard had a thread, pretty sure it's on warseer, where he said he used halcraft brand beads. I got some labelled as tiny glass marbles or something along those lines off eBay. I'm supposed to get them around Monday, ill update my confessor thread with pics of them before and after I use them for you if that helps?
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@jefftibetts: desnyder<?> the guy who made the templates to turn a rhino into the old pattern with plasticard had a thread, pretty sure it's on warseer, where he said he used halcraft brand beads. I got some labelled as tiny glass marbles or something along those lines off eBay. I'm supposed to get them around Monday, ill update my confessor thread with pics of them before and after I use them for you if that helps?


Yeah, that'd be great! I'll have a look around while I'm at it. Cheers! 

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Pwnd a non noob player so hard he bought an Cryx banes , before I managed to leave to store . har har



But what am actualy working on right now is a standin FW demon prince for a friend . Am using the WK body , but without the head and the jump jets/weapons . I actualy got inspired to build it after finding some old citadel journals with harlequin army rules . An eldar dreadnought there had its "head/body" fused with a wicked smile . Am doing the same only chaosfied. The body got upgraded with the maw from a WFB chaos beast , to make it look as if the warp itself exploded from inside the wright knight [or at least will look like it when my wife paints it] . Left hand got upgraded with a green sttuff wip sculpted on a long bras rod , that ends with WFB imperial asrtroloabium . the arm is pulled back , to make it look like as if the DP is using the wipe to make it spin [realy old people like from the 60s and under know what am talking about] . The sphear took a lot of [oddly] time to resculpt . It was the proper size and looked cool/magical enough , but not slany enough .So I added some straps of skils to make it look less tzeench and more decadent . My wife had the idea to put a serafin inside , but the model didn't fit and I would have to either resculpt the whole leg section or find a different model [it also made the model even more heavy] . The right hand is outstreached and armed with a shoty weapon[yes I know they don't have any ,but I needed a counter weight and it looks ok] , I wanted to make the arm look like an old [again my WFB roots come back] sorc of tzeench flamer arm. I did that by triple linking guns from forgefiends and extending them a bit , as the forge fiend guns seemed to be too short[to me , my wife told me they are ok]. Now all that is left to do , is only to finish the harm section carried on the WK back [classic stuff everyone used DE , slave , ukrain slave girl model and guards for it in the form of dark elf witch elfs , but with legs swamped with demonetts]  . Another month or two and it should be ready to be painted.


When I finaly can unpack nids , I will also added some parts of the uber maw model[the tongue and the predator maw endings] to the central maw/head of the WK .

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Finished my Interdiction Squads with Raven-Pattern Light Lascannons!


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Today in the Hobby I...


...will be picking up my 2nd Baal Class Predator, and debating on what else to pick up for under 30$ CDN. I have been drooling over the Master Executioner model for a while to try and convert it as a "counts as" Dante for my Successor Chapter.

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Very interesting, Nusquam.  Are they counts-as, or are they really lascannons?


They are count-as lascannons, so I think that's the same thing...


Today though I played against Crimson Fists at 2k using a bunch of the Wall of Martyrs stuff. It was fun.

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