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Today in the Hobby, my Character upgrade pack arrived from FW. Looks like I will have to resist temptation building my Steel Wing Iron Lord (Captain) over getting my first Chaos vow done for ETL... :laugh.:

The gods are unpleased by your lack of discipline.  


Today, I am Working on my vow by assembly line painting 30 bloodletters :/  

Today I painted 20 shoulder pads raised edges Vallejo Old Gold for a tactical squad, painted the bolter emblems on the casing for 10 bolters Old Gold, painted the chest emblem on 3 tactical squad members Old Gold and several back packs too. :teehee:    I  had to add alchol to the Old Gold as it was getting very thick in the bottle.     Still working on my first caommand squad  maybe tomorrow I finally paint the Casptain and Sargeant's  shoulder pads.   Then I have to free hand the large banner.     I stink at free hand.     :wallbash:


Still have not decided if i am getting an Imperial Knight.    

Today in the hobby, I played my very first game with a wholly-painted army. 1500 points of Ultramarines (Golden Sentinels chapter) versus Space Wolves. I lost 3-4, but it felt so new, playing with a fully painted army for the first time after 14 years of playing this game. It felt great.

Last night, I dreamed that I was kidsitting Mortarion's son.

It was awkward. Especially when I stabbed him to death in the eye while a fellow dark elf warrior kept him pinned to the floor, all just because a dark elf sorceress told me "it's better that way."


Mortarion was right to hate witches.

Today I've started airbrushing my first Imperial Knight (unfortunately, a commission). It's going to be a Teutonic Imperial Knight and I'm really scared that I won't be able to pull it off. Here's the progress so far (leadbelcher on chassis and two-toned white shading on plates):


Today I took a neat slice out of my finger while trimming a bit of sprue off the legs of my terminators.


Khorne might not care where the blood comes from, but I find it damn inconvenient when it's mine. :pinch:

This week was my first successful vehicle conversion, aposed to just hacking apart models and ending up with a pile of scrap. I switched out the multi-las on my chimera for a plasma cannon as well as added stowage, improved comms, gibbins and other what have yous. It looks great, just needs a new paint scheme (suggestions welcome) and a fancy wooded base. Here is the link for the WIP. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/291091-chimera-burloak-pattern-plasma-turretand-more-wip/?do=findComment&comment=3687928 Edited by WorldXploder

The other night I bought a bits bundle of Possessed Arms, and I have outlined a 1000 point Crimson Slaughter Counts-As Violators Mono-Slaanesh army list with a primary helping of Possessed and a Prophet Lord. 

Subject to change on my mood though.  Like say, my models are found and sent to me.

Today in the hobby I got outbid in the last five seconds on 3 separate Legion of the Damned items on eBay. So I said screw it and I've started a project to make a five man Legion squad for this summer. Ordered a load of bits of heresy stuff and gonna get my green-stuff on. 

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