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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby I...


Finished my first ever Terminator.


They are like Lays potato chips. :wink:



I was going to say that you never forget your first one :laugh.:

Check out Jaspcats blood angels in his wip thread sock. You might like them.

Jasp has found a very nice red that would be very suitable for Angels Encarmine :happy.:
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Noodled around with some lists and came to the realisation that as much as I love the *idea* of playing 30K, I just find the list to be really boring. I mean, I can do 90% of it with either the Marine or CSM codex and an Imperial Armour book. That said, I'd love Fury of the Legion in the CSM codex. That'd be fun times.



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Today in the hobby I logged onto the BnC for the first time in four days. Getting married is a huge distraction.

Yeah, cause of a wedding at the weekend I'm not going to finish the tac squad on my bench till next week. Damn other peoples happiness!

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...I was planning to start painting again, since I hit Paragon level 100 in D3 (and the portrait doesn't get any better), but I got the first piece of my set, and Blizzard buffed the drop rate on some crafting materials, so...


Yeah, painting will have to wait a little longer.

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Noodled around with some lists and came to the realisation that as much as I love the *idea* of playing 30K, I just find the list to be really boring. I mean, I can do 90% of it with either the Marine or CSM codex and an Imperial Armour book. That said, I'd love Fury of the Legion in the CSM codex. That'd be fun times.



Oddly. I feel the complete opposite.

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...I was planning to start painting again, since I hit Paragon level 100 in D3 (and the portrait doesn't get any better), but I got the first piece of my set, and Blizzard buffed the drop rate on some crafting materials, so...


Yeah, painting will have to wait a little longer.

Don't tell me that, I've got painting to do!

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I've done lots of tidying - and finished stripping 15 Terminators: 10 of those Nurgle Forge World and another five Cataphractii. Looking boss. I've now put another load into the solution, and so will need to clean that off at some point soon...

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Today in the hobby I finished Battle-Brother Victus of the Exorcists' First Company, bearing "Purity Incarnate"....

In other words, I finished the third member of my Sternguard with a heavy flamer; but I really need to up the ante, these guys are taking me forever!


Oh the torment of being a slow painter :sweat:

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I received a bunch of figures from ebay sales and repainted them into SM blue.   VBG   Also assembled the kneeling figure parts and now have more figures for my second sm company.   Glued together 6 torso sets for my Sterngaurd squad.     It was a good day.    I am still working on my SM command squad.    Very slowly........:laugh.:    

Also looked over new GW site.   It will take a bit to get used to but I think it is an improvement.

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Today in the hobby I.....:


 - decided that my Codex: Space Marine force will not be Crimson Fists, but will be a Deathwatch Stirke Force using Crimson Fists Chapter Tactics and invented a bit of fluff (read: created an alternative timeline) to make it work


 - got asked by the father-in-law-to-be to help him fix a paint chip on his cars bonnet (hood to you Americans) and did a pretty awful job of colour matching his dark blue metallic using Imperial Primer, Abaddon Black, Leadbelcher, Macragge Blue and Calgar Blue.


 - started working on My Deathwatch Honour Guard for Watch Commander Pedro Kantor before:


 - realising that super glue can go off over time and that it wouldn't stick the plastic bits to the metal bits...in fact it wouldn't even stick my fingers together


 - threw my arms up in frustration before realising I have an Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing and an Imperial Knight to build and my plastic glue works fine!

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Today I nearly finished the arms of my Angel Encarmine (settled on a red), and did one arm for my tactical sergeant. Unfortunately for my painting pile the pub and rugby were just too appealing to allow time for much else.

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