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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Imperial Guard Strategium+++

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The weather is still so humid any attempt to finish my vow will make those tanks fuzzier and fluffier than a tasty delicious baby bunny and we sometimes have random thunder showers pounce from nowhere just to keep me from saying "damn the fuzzies and full spray ahead."  In other news my not-a-vow of Deathwing Terminators is almost done.  I only need to figure out how to get those cords just right (Click here if you can help!), paint some blue lenses, and assemble.

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Well done Uberwolve, and great to se another vow too. smile.png

Huzzah! Now the Captain can stop telling us off in the ETL updates! laugh.png

Made me laugh laugh.png

@ Nicodemus Dolorosus, great initiative to support your fellow guards, and we're happy to have you with us.

@ Captain Semper, Well I promised you that I should annonunce what my penance vow is before the week is up. I though about it, and it can't be anything I field. My fellow guards will not fail the 100% goal, but if they do I shall paint Pedro Kantor.

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Well, it was not something that was included in the rules or anything... :lol: It was a spontaneous thing that came to being from the friendly rivalry between factions. In effect is a from of extra motivation, either personal or collective. People can vow whatever they want as penance in case their goal is not achieved. Goals can be anything: your faction fails to come first, your faction loses to a particular other faction, your faction has more points than another faction on a given date, and the list goes on... The object of the vow should be something that is humbling for the vowtaker to do (like paint a Special Character of the opposing faction for example) but it will be less valid if you plan to start an army from a rival faction anyway... The penance vows themselves are supposed to start after the ETL is over (although not even that is written in stone).


Penance vows are outside the ETL rule-system and are purely honour-based. I'm registering them for fun but I'm not going to either follow them or enforce them in any way. There is no penalty if you do not fulfill them and do not affect the performance in the ETL in the least. But the honourable thing is to fulfill them.

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Quick with help as always Captain, thanks! It's a good idea, I rather like it. Does the penance vow have to be something from a different faction, or can it be anything so long as it isn't silly or easy? I'd make a penance vow but I don't have such the luxury to get and paint a model of an army I'll never play...

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Well, I have no idea really. unsure.png Maybe I'll regulate it in a future ETL..

I suppose the basic idea is that it should hurt - so to speak. If you vow to paint up more of your army, you're making a gift to yourself really... While if you spend your precious time and cash on something you never intended to play or build a force around, all the more motivation to not fail - I guess... unsure.png

Follow your heart! smile.png

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That's what I was pondering, how much of a "punishment" should it be? I have my own sort of vow system I run with my brother, we call them oaths (see my signature for my list :) ) that features penance oaths (green) should you fail but they're still of your own army/models. In this case my brother would choose the model/s I must paint as part of the penance oath. It's a good way of making sure you keep to your aims and get models done, but still keeping your focus on getting your army painted up.

So my heart says that since I was planning to do the Baneblade as my second vow before I realised I likely wouldn't get the time it seems like a suitable dedication, but obviously not if it's not much of a "punishment"... wacko.png

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I can't believe someone vowed a Reaver - and finished it. I popped in to the Sister's topic to see what's going on and suggest they do something similar to our 100% declaration to help motivate them. We're all in it together and as a Sister player myself I want to see them succeed! Maybe others could venture into the hallowed cloisters of the Sister's forum to offer support too?


I've been busy and pretty tired for it the past few days but the rest of the week is shaping up to be good for my vow. I hope to get a lot more of the painting done on my Vendetta so I can concentrate on the magnetising as that's going to be a bit time consuming I think. Need to get it right!


Keep up the good work everyone, let's get that 100% completion :D

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looks like as a collective we (the Vive Imperium faction) is getting some good nods our way. i'll be honest i've just completed my rough riders, and with the work load i have i'll easily get my first vow finished but i probably won't be starting up a second, but we shall see. i only have the advisors, storm troopers, platoon and tanks to do, but it will get done and we will achieve our goal as a sub-forum. it's gonna be an interesting few days ahead lets put it that way thumbsup.gif good work so far chaps

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Forgive me for I have failed the Emperor... I spent last night working on my "blog" rather than painting as I should have been. I'll redouble my efforts this weekend and aim to get all painting done on my Vendetta barring anything still being magnetised!


Looks like the Sisters are getting some fire in them now, just waiting for some pictures for their first vow to be completed :)


Is Apoc out this weekend? I ordered the rulebook and put a blister in for my second vow when the time comes...

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Captain Semper, can I add a Hunter Killer Missile on my Scout Sentinel? Witch brings my Points level up to 51 points.

I you give me an approval, you should visit this page tomorrow...

That was an awesome Reaver.

I have pledged a penance vow, now it is time for a different vow. I feel so confident that we achive our 100% goal, that I'll do a victory vow(it hasn't been done beforemsn-wink.gif) to honour my fellow Guards. I have something special in mind, but more on that later.

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Thanks Fasha, that would explain why there's been no despatch email. Oh well, I wonder why I bothered now - GW always used to make sure you got it in good order by pre-ordering sad.png

Sounds good Sviar, I'll be checking back tomorrow to see what you have to post too! Your "Victory vow" sounds interesting, could it be a more "positive" version of the penance one? I'm still pondering how to do something suitably laborious but without being useless to me. Unless I paint some of my brother's detestable space elves, but I'm not sure if he'd rather paint them himself?

Maybe I should just declare something Guard, but make it fantastically stupid to do at once..? Truly we of the Guard have it tough, racking our brains to find a penance vow so we can demonstrate our resolute faith in our cause laugh.png

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  • 4 weeks later...

The work of Chaos I'm sure.

 +++ Please instruct the war effort +++

  +++ warp storm reported to be moving into the system +++

   +++ communications braking down  information lost +++


I'm sure we will get it all worked out though. Just let us know what we need to do. to correct for statistical drift.


You know if we role back fare enough We can all get cheaper mini's !

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Here is a picture of what I've done over the last few days.





Horribly overexposed as the lighting is bad, but gives a good enough idea.  I ended up painting a Ravenwing biker in addition to the Dark Angels as I realized that I had two guys with power swords in the full squadron and had never gotten around to correcting.  The Engineers were the most fun to paint of everything I've done thus far and my only lament is that I have to wait for the group to get a Forgeworld order going (probably in the late Fall or early Winter) so I can order a squad of Grenadiers and maybe a quartet of Thudd Guns.


So, you ask, what else have I done?  Well, Yarrick got started as did the Master of Ordnance and Fleet Officer.  Then there is the six pack of Librarians I got distracted by...  I also found the plasma cannon that belongs to one of missing Servitors on the stairs, confirming feline the feline incursion.  I am not too sure what to do about those two missing minis yet as there is plenty of house to cover.  I'll think of something if the wayward models are still in cat possession when the deadline approaches. 

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True. Let's hope the admins will be able to recover the lost material. Whatever happens though (and whenever it happens) the ETL moves ahead! All of your completions and vows are recorded in my private records so nothing is lost. I just wont show on the first page anymore. But the new weekly is coming so be prepared! ;)

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So many worthy posts and pictures lost to the warp... Looks like Fasha is on top of it though, good work there!

I got quite a bit of painting done over the weekend, lots of fiddly irritation as there was a lot to paint before I could apply the wash so I decided to concentrate on the Psykers for now as they're nearest completion. I just need to give their robes the camouflage pattern and pick out some details and paint their heads and they're done bar the bases smile.png

Ten days remaining including another weekend so I can keep going at my current pace without any concern biggrin.png

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