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ETL II - WarriorFish's Tanks

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That shadowsword kit is quite handy, but a pain in the :censored: to build if you're doing every single variant of it. I got one that can do so, so if you need some pics to help with that, I'd be more than happy to oblige.

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The more forward mounted Stormlord, Doomhammer and Banehammer are too different so probably a bit too much work for variants I might not even use. There seems to be very little between the others - just cannon ends - so it shouldn't be difficult to swap and change. Maybe not even requiring magnetising?


The only difference between a Shadow and Banesword appears to be an attachment on the end of the gun! I'm not expecting the Lascannons/Targeters to be difficult to magnetise. If you could create a topic to detail how you did it I'm sure many people would be very grateful besides myself :biggrin.:


Is it worth nothing that on the back of the case the paint schemes for the various tanks are identical - so is this GW doing the same or an example of them using Photoshop right? Oh, and I'm sure as others have noticed the new Baneblade is indeed a multi-kit box for all variants as expected with a price increase to cover this, so I'm glad there was a current box in store for me to grab for the current price :smile.:



To more ETL related matters I started to part assemble the Vendetta so I can start working on the exterior only to discover another issue with the Heavy Bolter gunners. The right hand slot for the arm upright seems to be deeper so it doesn't fit properly with the top connector to the side...


I might fill it with a little glue but I feel it could go wrong easily, does someone has a better idea? I think I'll busy myself with painting some more green while I decide. The Emperor sees fit to test me but I will not disappoint!

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The more forward mounted Stormlord, Doomhammer and Banehammer are too different so probably a bit too much work for variants I might not even use. There seems to be very little between the others - just cannon ends - so it shouldn't be difficult to swap and change. Maybe not even requiring magnetising?


The only difference between a Shadow and Banesword appears to be an attachment on the end of the gun! I'm not expecting the Lascannons/Targeters to be difficult to magnetise. If you could create a topic to detail how you did it I'm sure many people would be very grateful besides myself :biggrin.:

To be completely honest, I didn't make it. My dad did, and he didn't take pics. Hopefully sometime in the future when I aquire another shadowsword kit though, I will attempt such a thing, and take pictures.


But if you want, I will go quickly take some pics and post them up, to give everyone a general idea of how it was done.


Edit: Pics are up. Hope they are helpful.

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That should still be enough, seeing where/how it works will at the very least give everyone an idea where to start. I'll keep an eye out for your topic on it :)


Light is still good so I'm busy with the first coat of green. Good job I've got another pot of Castellan Green ready to step in as there's quite a bit of surface area to do.


I might try and find something of similar diameter to stick on to the end of the upright for the HB arm, would be less of a disaster if I got it wrong.

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Thanks Sviar, I'm following your sterling example and working hard. Even if I can't make a second vow at least I'll know I gave it my best shot :smile.:


The Vendetta looks really nice, but I'm afraid the kit leaves a few things to be desired. The instructions are poor even by GW standards and the Heavy Bolters have been a pain in the backside. Cutting down the handles so they fit isn't a big deal but I shouldn't have to do it, same with the ill fitting upright pole. It'll be worth it in the end, I've been keeping an eye on other Vendettas and I can't wait to get it done.


I linked to one of the topics in an earlier post, so go and have a look if you've got the time. I'm sure you'll be more than tempted to get for yourself one after that :wink:


Had a busy day so I'll finish up the second coat of green tonight ready to set to work sorting the interior out tomorrow. I'm looking forward to glueing the body together, it'll finally start looking like a model rather than a pile of painted plastic :P

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Another wonderful day to spend indoors modelling and painting :tongue.: I'm busy with the Vendetta and I've reached a breaking point for curing. Also lunch.

I ended up filling the rogue socket for the HB with a bit of glue and that worked, I don't think they're ever going to be perfect so measuring up properly is good enough! I'm going to leave the mount and gunner off for easier transport and that also lets me paint them up later.


I was all prepared to get the glue when one of the pins for the rear ramp just fell off. No stress, no snapping - it just fell off as if it was held on by spit and a prayer :ermm: I've no idea how it could have happened, but I've already drilled a small hole ready for inserting a replacement Just got to find one somewhere.


I've green stuffed in preparation for the nose and wing weapon magnetised mounts, just got to let it cure a bit more before I can tidy it up and set the magnets in.


So minor setback aside things are going well. Once I've finally glued it together I can highlight the green and feel like I'm making some progress :smile.:

Edit: fixed broken image

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A nail with a 2mm diameter was a perfect replacement:


Turns out it might have been beneficial in the end, the door now fits snugly and stays closed without any issues which is something I've heard about from other people. All glued now too, the Omnissiah has blessed me!


I've also been working on the magnetising bits, the pods have been shaved down ready for magnetising. Here's a before and after shot:


This involves chopping one of the fins from the missiles too, I've not measured it properly yet as I've not decided exactly where the magnets will go so I've only removed a bit. I've drilled the nose weaponry out and put in my good friend Mr Nailhead so they're ready.


Feels like maybe too much effort as I doubt I'll ever use the Lascannon upgrade or the missiles but if you're going to do something you should do it properly. I've done a bit of work on the Forge World resin ready for cleaning tomorrow, I'm undecided if I'll use the large nose mounted array. It might not look right when it's magnetised as a Valkyrie and I'm not sure it's going to be a great fit.

I'll make the most of the remaining sunlight and do the green highlighting, leaving the metallics for tomorrow :smile.: I think I've crested the hill now, I was about to make a second Valkyrie as my penance vow as it hasn't been enjoyable so far...

I aim to post some pictures up when I'm finished for today, but I might be out celebrating the Lion's victory :biggrin.:

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Thanks uber, it's starting to come together nicely now :smile.: Highlighting all done, I did a quick dry run to make sure I didn't miss any bits that are visible when assembled and it seemed to hold together (more or less) so I nabbed a couple of pictures quick:



I'm very pleased that I can finally see what it will look like, and turns out it was all worth it as the HBs work as intended too:


Today I will finish these bits and undercoat the rest (in the box in the top picture), then I can swap between painting and magnetising to keep things fresh.

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Looking very good.

It's nice to see someone else putting one together stage by stage -and the problems they find- as I'm planning to get a couple myself in the future (one for a straight Valkyrie and one for a Vendetta with the FW upgrade).


Planning any nose art?

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Thanks kier, I figured that the Valkyrie is a fairly large model and since I'm magnetising it I may as well chronicle the task properly. I didn't find anything from my searches to the problems I've found so if this topic helps people then I'll be very happy. Speaking of which when cleaning the sprue of bits so I could get rid of them I did find the hands free HB handles which are thin enough to fit properly. I think the Guardsman handles are just a copy from the tank sprue.


Regarding the FW kit I've seen people use plastic bits from Dreadnoughts and HWTs that look just as good as the resin so if your bits box is bountiful enough you might do better with that. I think I've got the resin nose attachment to fit properly but I won't be able to find out until I've mostly finished the nose as I'll be painting it in parts so I can get to the pilots easier.


As for nose art I'd love to do something but I don't think I'm good enough to pull it off. My eyesight gives me enough trouble so any fine detail freehand might be too much. I've got the FW wing transfer that I plan on using (if I can remember where I put it), but any nose art will have to wait until I've got the time to practice... a lot!

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Regarding the FW kit I've seen people use plastic bits from Dreadnoughts and HWTs that look just as good as the resin so if your bits box is bountiful enough you might do better with that.


I have two different thoughts on that.


First would be, if you have a ..used kit or a traded for kit the a conversion would be more realistic to me. from a cost point of view.

If you have a brand new kit or one in very good condition the I would go with the FW parts.

I know we all gripe about how much the models cost but for me at least a good looking model is worth the cost. I also do not recommend braking the bank over it either. Plan out how you want to build them and how many you think you want. And then let it happen but don't rush. 

Again I have recently had 3 of them come to me in trading and not in the best condition. and some creativity was needed to make them "Serviceable" . 


Still looking good! 

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Well, it was mentioned in the first post... :tongue.: I think it's a bit late for me to change how I'm doing it but another Argun topic detailing what was done would be good :smile.:


I've done some more work on the magnetising, mostly drilling holes for the magnets to sit in so nothing worth reporting back with yet. Mostly I've been finishing the main body, just got to do the final scorching on the engines and a couple of lenses and it's all done!


I'm resisting the urge to glue it all together, I want to make sure everything will fit properly first. I've deviated from the instruction order enough to warrant waiting for the nose to be more complete before assembling.


Not long until it's finished, hopefully I can get most of it done next week :D

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if you want to put weathering on tanks, here is the process i follow:


1) Paint tank flat colour

2) Wash the tank with 'nuln oil', with patches of 'chestnut ink'

3) Dab with tissue

4) Highlight the edges with original colour

5) Use 'rhinox hide' and a sponge, and dab it over the tank.  Thicker on places that accumulate rust.

6) paint black chips along edges, and then fill in with grey (not boltgun metal) to make paint chips.

7) final patchy wash of 'ogryn flesh'


That makes you tanks look really crapy, rusty and beaten up - if that is the look you want.  If you want them to look new, you still need to wash them as the paint colour as it stands is far too flat and unrealistic I think.


Sorry to be punchy, I like the tanks, but I think they need to look dirtier.

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I'm not sure if "punchy" is the right word, but thanks for the method. I've experimented with something similar before to give a rusty and worn appearance but I didn't like it and it didn't fit the Regiment.


I'm planning on doing more general weathering to them, stuff like some wear and chips on the paintwork and some mud but I'm still undecided on how I'll do it. I'm noting down some ideas from everything I see though so I'll get round to it once I've settled on a method. The models can be weathered at any time after they've been painted :smile.:


If anyone has any mud methods they'd like to share I would be grateful, as I'm a bit short on ideas for that.

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but any nose art will have to wait until I've got the time to practice... a lot!


I heard something of another Vandetta, and as you know, we Guards are very patient:biggrin.:


Great work so far, I like that you posted the stage by stage pictures to show your progress. I'm really looking forward to part 2:yes:

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Thanks Sviar - and don't worry, us Guardsmen may be slow to get going but we're unstoppable when we are :wink: That 100% completion is as good as ours, waiting for the confirmation at the end of the ETL is just a formality :thumbsup:


I am dedicating most of my free time this weekend to the Vendetta so most of it should be painted and assembled ready for an update by Monday evening BST :smile.: Then I've just got to do battle with the remaining magnetising for the weapons and I'll only be a little bit of painting and glueing away from completion :biggrin.:



Rest assured that should I ever feel brave stupid enough to do some nose art I will post it to the Guard forum for your discerning eyes... unless it's really awful in which case I'll pretend I never had a Vendetta... :laugh.:

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  • 4 weeks later...

The roll back took a hefty chunk from my WIP, including a lot of pictures. Last post had me still working on the Vendetta!


Considering those that care would have already seen the images I don't think I'll bother uploading them again. I'm still working on my second vow (6 Psyker PBS + Overseer, 2 Commissars + PF, Enginseer) and made some good progress on all the basics over the weekend.


I should have the Psykers finished this week :)

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Good news in that I have the lost pictures so I can upload them again. Will be useful for the completeness of the WIP as well as should anyone want the reference for magnetising the Vendetta and such. I will set about doing that after the ETL is complete as it'll be a bit time consuming to upload them and conjure up the descriptions once more.

I thought it was time I provided an update to my second vow too. They're starting to come along nicely now, and look much better now I've done the faces :biggrin.:



Probably not the best idea to take pictures late at night when tired, but you can see what's going on. It's true what they say about "faces and bases" as I wasn't that pleased with them until I painted the faces. Even managed to do some of the preparation for the basing. I gave the psykers a bit of a black wash on their eyes to enhance their haggard look :smile.:

I'll get back to work on the Enginseer when the other models are done, he's a bit too different so didn't really fit in with painting the others up. Still not quite decided on which beret head to use, or how to do the aquila - something for the weekend!

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Today was most productive, I've almost completed my vow! :biggrin.:

As is tradition, some poor photographs to show my progress:



Tomorrow I'll do all the gems and the light on the Enginseer's backpack along with the last little bits on his axe and backpack which won't take long. Once that's complete I can glue the Enginseer together and the modelling sand to the bases. Then I can spend the remaining days until the deadline painting their bases at my own leisure :smile.: Oh, and the ork skull of course, can't forget him :wink:

I'm really pleased with how they've turned out, I'll try and remember to get some better pictures during daylight tomorrow so you can see some of the details and the camouflage but no guarantees :tongue.:

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Thanks Kier, part of the regiment's ethos is the collective over the self so the more uniform they look the better :smile.: Even the Commissars wear a camouflage overcoat to fit in!

I took a couple of extra shots, hopefully showing some of the detail better:



Time to get back to work. I think I slept funny so my back has a slight twinge in but I've plenty of time to finish my vow so I can take it slow and take regular breaks. The next pictures I post will be as part of completing the vow :biggrin.:

Afterwards I think I'll take a small break from painting, should work out as a nice rest before the new Space Marine codex and models are out... Though I should really complete some of my other ongoing projects first.

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