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Skeletoro's Great Company motivational thread


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Great stuff, Skeletoro!!


I've started a bash-u of a mounted Iron Priest as well. Mind is not as FW intensive as yours...


I am looking forward to seeing this guy progress!! Will you be adding some 'wolfy' bits to this guy??


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My schedule was pushed back a little and now I am aiming to have the apocalypse army including the iron priests ready for the big game by mid Jan. This means it might actually be possible to get the champions of fenris mega formation done in addition to the thunder wolves. If I really pull finger, anyway.



my plan with the iron priests is to mount forge world iron hands models on to a thunder wolf. Then I will fashion servo arms out of the servo harnesses that techmarines have. One techmarines ought to be good for a few servo arms.



oops, lunch break over. Will try and get the rest of this post done later!!

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  • 5 months later...

ok... waay too long between updates!!






Here's a WIP that I've just started putting paint on today. Too much sculpting has gone into this guy. Good practice though!!


So I put it out to you... should the Iron priest be grey or red? What do you think?

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So anyway... red or grey for the iron priest? smile.png

id say normal grey. keep it looking slick with the rest of your stuff, with maybe some subtle hints of red here and there :)

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I am highly impressed with your Wolves! …and it is very hard to impress me! Can’t wait to see more. As for the Iron Priest – go red! Strictly speaking IW probably would keep grey for his armor but your army is very unique and red Priest will only add to it!    

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For the bloodmaws company markings, i downloaded a transfer sheet the bolter and chainsword, and played around with it a little to get a bunch of different sizes. Then i printed it out on some testors inkjet decal paper (transparent). Gave it a few good sprays with the testors sealer, and then applied them just like you would with any decal. I find micro sol and micro set absolutely necessary with decals on shoulder pads, and gloss varnishing before and after decal helps too. Also, it helps to cut the decal out quite closely. The smaller the decal, the better it will be able to fold around the pad. A circle will be a lot harder than an hourglass shape (where you skirt quite closely around the blood drops and maw, as well as the top of the head between the ears.)

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Lovely work as always brother, you always put out such inspiring work thumbsup.gif I will throw my 2 cents in for the IP and say red armour, or at least partly red, I think a nice crimson complements the wolves armour really well as a spot colour and will make him look suitably different, I look forward to seeing what you do with him !

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Thanks. Sooo wanted to base coat the rider today. But he has a LOT of brown/greenstuff work ahead of him. It's going to be a multi step process.


On the plus side, my wife's very first warhammer 40,000 model - an Imperial Knight no less- was just dispatched from Mighty Ape. Hopefully it'll arrive on Saturday. She's going to trial a knights/skitarii mix, possibly with some mechanicum krios tanks on the side (making her unbound unless she gets more mechanichum but hey, they're too awesome to leave out).


I'm super keen to build and paint her mech force. I've wanted one of my own and in fact the deal is that if she decides to collect a different army instead, i'll have to 'buy' the mech models off her by taking them out of my 40k budget ;) I'm sure she could be a great hobbyist - she has a high geek rating and is very artistic - but she wants her time free for her other hobbies. So... i'll be it, as far as painting these guys goes.


Other than the knight, we're likely going to get a bunch of Rangers, Ironstriders and Onagers. She's a fan of big robots. It'll be interesting to see how they perform on the table, both as allies and as opponents for my space wolves.

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Thought I'd just dump some pics of the next two WIP Iron priests, along with today's progress with sculpting. I wanted to try my hand at a viking style helmet on my space wolves, and seeing as I already gave the thunderwolf one, I figured his master is not going to want to be outdone...WP_20150410_10_01_34_Pro%201.jpg?psid=1WP_20150410_10_01_00_Pro%201.jpg?psid=1WP_20150410_10_02_45_Pro%201.jpg?psid=1WP_20150410_10_02_51_Pro%201.jpg?psid=1WP_20150410_12_01_02_Pro%201.jpg?psid=1WP_20150410_12_01_40_Pro%20%282%29.jpg?p

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Transfers scare me too. But if you properly varnish under the transfer and print your own, there's no reason you can't just ruin a few until you're happy with the result (and confident with the process).


Green stuff is even more scary than transfers. But even then, I've found... best thing to do is just start using it. If something ends up bad, just rip it off and do it again ;) add and subtract sculpting, it's the way of the future . :P Practice practice practice and practice some more!!

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  • 10 months later...


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