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Skeletoro's Great Company motivational thread


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I played  a tourney last year and had 3 TWC.   They are awesome but one thing that you don't realise is the actual amount of space they take up on the board,  those bases are HUGE!  So you are either taking dangerous terrain tests every 2 mins or have them out in the open.  


However I will also say I ran 3 with a powerfist on one guy and they are seriously deadly.  They pop tanks for fun,   have a stupid amount of attacks,  especially on the charge with hammer of wrath.     As awesome as 10 would be,  even on an empty board with no terrain I doubt you'd be bale to use all of them very well.   2 units of 3 would be great I think.  They are dirt cheap for what you get as long as you don't upgrade them.  

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Crimson Fsts are Codex Marines, could he not take a storm Raven to mitigate the loss of the Fire Raptor?


The you could "borrow" it and drop a dread and some troops on your opponent, cheaper points wise than a Fire Raptor and you could bring some serious firepower with the hurricane bolters, turret and nose weapons.


It isn't a dedicated transport, so by borrow, I just mean load your guys into it, but it still belongs to the Rimson Fist FOC.

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If that does happen and we get the storm raven, I could see my Blood Claws swiping the keys from the GK  techmarine at the bar and acquiring me a new unit for my SW army!!


A pity about allies of convenience :( So are you or yuor ally taking any Aegis defence lines for quad gun/ intercetor lascannon and cover goodness?

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Remember the guy with the highest ballistic skill should go closest to the guns as he will be the on firing them if you need them.


Plus making fliers jink from interceptor fire which means they can only snap shoot at you with their fliers (they have to declare if they are jinking or not before you shoot, so doesn't matter if you miss. Plus if they don't call it and you hit they cant't then jink to avoid the shot! Watch out for tricksy Eldars trying to pull that trick on you because they "forgot" the change to the jink rule).


Not sure how that would affect the Necron death ray though as it draws a line!


So interceptor them and force jinks... watch them try to hit on 6's and any that get through you get cover saves on from the ADL :)

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hmm true.


I'm actually thinking that if he went Pedro and sternguard in pods and I podded some grey hunters, that might be kinda awesome. I am not sure how the turn structure works in doubles tourneys? Would we share a drop pod assault or would we make 2 separate DPAs? If separate... we could both take an odd number of pods (e.g. him with 2 scoring sternguard and 1 tactical, me with 1 GH) and drop almost all of them on the first turn (everything but the tactical, I guess it could grab objectives).

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Take 5, with 2 empty. Drop pod assault you drop half in the 1st turn and the rest as reserves, so all 3 come in at the same time.


Alpha strike and use the other 2 to land and contest objectives when they show up. 70 points to guarantee you all arrive together.


Pedro makes Sternguard scoring I think, or he did in the old codex

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Pedro plus 9 honour guard ftw.   Basically a unit of 10 terminators podding in turn one.    I really wish space wolves get something like honour guard in new codex,  they are ace !

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gulp, just ordered a heavy fur mold from MAS. Hoping it arrives in time, but the beauty of it is that I can make loincloths entirely out of GS (meaning I can attach after painting to table top quality) and also save money in the long term.
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OK, I thought the pressure was off. Boy was I wrong.


Yes, the 2000 points is split across the doubles pair. So I only need 1000 points of wolves.


But my doubles partner has generously offered to pay me to paint his whole detachment. And get this? It's a 100% rogue trader army, which he wants painted up as crimson fists...!


We spent some time working on a list, here's what he's going with:

20 beakies in rhinos with flamers and teleport homers

5 tactical terminators with an assault cannon (may have been CML?)

A devastator squad with missile launchers and maybe a couple of extra bodies

Predator with lascannon sponsors

Terminator librarian, ML 2, bones of osrak (going with sentinels of terra supplement, this is considered legit even if they're crimson fists, right?)


So yeah... got my work cut out for me. But what an opportunity!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The terminator second left (beside Njal), How did you do his chest plate? Was that Carab Culln's? and the cloak?

The terminator with the helmet, again how on earth did you do his chest and the terminator at the very front, how on earth did you sculpt the wolf on him.


You put my models to shame!!

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Thanks, hehe :P


Terminator second left: I dremelled out a bit of a gap in the chest piece, and then stuck an aquilla from the space wolf brass etch from forge world. I needed to pack the gap with green stuff. For the cloak, I started with the chaos lord plastic kit cloak, added a wolf paw I'd lopped off a space wolf cloak, and then connected the paw to the fur on the back of the chaos lord cloak (can't see it in this pic, but it's there) by sculpting more fur with green stuff... I definitely need to improve my fur sculpting skills though!


Helmet guy: There's a space wolves icon (maybe in the wolf pack box?) with a wolf-skull, wings and a runestone. I chopped the wings off, filed them down to slivers, and dremelled out the collar of the chest piece a little - then I put the skull and wings into the recess (packing with green stuff) so that the wings were angled back to follow the contours of the armour.


Guy at the front: I cheated a little and used green stuff to make a cast of the wolf on the front of one of the power armour space wolf chests (I think that one was in the space wolf accessory sprue from an old blood claws box, now an online-only item on the GW store)

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amazing terminators Skeletoro!!! I second the questions from dantay plus one- What colour did you used in the gold?


Guy at the front: I cheated a little and used green stuff to make a cast of the wolf on the front of one of the power armour space wolf chests (I think that one was in the space wolf accessory sprue from an old blood claws box, now an online-only item on the GW store)

Isn't it from the old long fang?

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TDAs look awesome! Love those sculpts and you've made them suitably wolfy. Have you thought of getting some white or grey card and shooting your pics witha plain background, more standard lighting etc? Would be great to see some more finished shots of these models smile.png Personally I use black sandpaper as it doesnt reflect highlights but there are much better solutions out there.

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Haha, interesting you ask because I just noticed that we seem to have gotten somewhat similar tones with our golds, though yours have an amazing NMM effect!


Mine isn't really NMM, it's just airbrush zenithal. Here's the colours I used:


Rhinox Hide

Mournfang Brown + a little Balthazar Gold

A mix of Zamesi Desert and Bugman's Glow (to make a kind of salmony colour to match the metallic) + a bit of Gehenna's gold (larger proportion metallic this time)

Mixed in more Zamesi, and some Auric Armour Gold

More Auric Armour Gold (but still a bit of Zamesi in there).


That's about where I'm up to but I think I'll probably end up dry brushing pure Auric Armour on top, followed by a bit of Golden Griffon. Hopefully at that stage there will be a real contrast between the metallics in the highlights and the relatively "chromatic"(?) shades.


and THEN I'll be pushing the hue around quite a lot at the oil wash stage. At least, that's the plan. Same goes for everything really - the yellows will get a lot deeper (they're kinda radioactive now), the faces will get reddish brown and purple (as will the golds) and I'll hopefully fix the armour hue (unfortunately it's looking quite bad at the moment - it might need a bit of a highlight too before I get to oil washes).

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I actually made a really crappy light box the other day but didn't have time to pull it out because I was trying to get as much done as possible before heading to Auckland tomorrow to pick up the Rogue Trader stuff to paint (and maybe fit in a game, if I can get these guys on bases!! tongue.png)

Here's some other pics I managed to take with the light box...




Should probably tweak the brightness etc, but my tablet is out of battery and waiting for microsoft to send me a replacement charger sad.png

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For Russ!!! Love your models, skeletoro!

Do you make this proccess for gold with the airbrush?!?!?! I was looking for a quickier method than mine but I think that if have masking the others parts would be more time consuming.


About the lightbox, I'm not sure but the shot has something like a mist (very fenrysian :) )

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