GuitaRasmus Posted October 18, 2017 Share Posted October 18, 2017 Wow, theres some seriously cool stuff here -I'll definitely gather some inspiration from your plague marines, and the terminator lord, sorcerer and the wormtongue guy are just inspired! Where are the "worms" from? Marius Perdo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 18, 2017 Author Share Posted October 18, 2017 (edited) @GuitaRasmus: Coming from you that is quite something. Given it was you and KrautScientist that inspired me to go cheerfully wading into the feculence of Nurgle's Garden in the first place it is nice if it has come full circle. I am glad some stuff is helping little maggots of ideas pupate into idea flies (I think I have been near my Nurgle models for too long). Seriously though, thanks very much. Now, regards the worms (don't get to type that too often in life). Short answer is the now defunct and atrocious Forsaken kit. Crap as models but amazing for bits. Why did I only buy one box? The following photo shows a few of my favourite things (cue singing Nurglings to the Sound of Music). I was having a rummage anyway so the photo should answer you and help remind me what I have (including some new bits). The wormy tentacle thing in the centre is the bit in question. I will use the larger worms on a daemon prince or possibly out of the side of a DV hellbrute, where the horns usually are.And bottom centre an idea for the hooked blade sword Relic of Decay: Plaguebringer.Whilst out the postman delivered some Ethrac bits which will be great for alternate corrupted staves, icons of despair, arms for poxwalkers, spell effect for Cadaverous Faminebringers etc.Also whilst out (walking the dogs on the beach), I noted someone hadn't cleared up after their dogs. As it isn't summer it wasn't swarming with flies.This got me thinking about Nurgle daemon fly swarms, and sorcerers who could control/guide them, and the various old Nurgle fly head champion/lord models, and the fly helm one in the new box set. Thus the Flyblown Swarmlord sect hatched in my increasingly diseased mind. Edited October 18, 2017 by Marius Perdo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 18, 2017 Author Share Posted October 18, 2017 Advice needed from the collective. Looking to his left or to his right? As an aside I noted I was not many off having 49 (7x7). With so many bits spare I popped on eBay and found 7 DI and 5 KNF plague marines mint on sprue for less than a seven man box (even with 25% off).So I bought them. Which means I'll have 49 and 3 spares.Even doing 5 gun squads I'll be a bolter short for a 20 man, so I'll have to have some sort of lost melee weirdo in there if I do that. Or build a spare.I really want to Overwatch with 20 D6 Blight Grenade shots using the Blight Bombardment Stratagem. Probably on a mate who uses a genestealer cult. That'll dissuade cult ambushes ;)Also tempted to get a foetid bloat-drone box as having looked at the sprues at GW I reckon I can convert my spare DI one's shell and weapons. DuskRaider and Biohazard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuitaRasmus Posted October 18, 2017 Share Posted October 18, 2017 Definitely right - he looks like he's looking for someone to infect, can't find any, and he's NOT happy. :D Seriously - right. Marius Perdo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 18, 2017 Author Share Posted October 18, 2017 @GuitaRasmus: Right it is then. It is an angry face.Oddly enough I had originally thought of using that head on the DI marine pointing the left handed boltgun as a PC, but using the attached plague knife on back pack DI pack.But as the boxed plasma gun had hands it would be an arse removing them, and it looked too long one handed anyway. I tried the other chaos space marines plasma guns but they didn't fit with the DG look so I abandoned it.So he sat in the naughty corner with the PB meltagun whilst I did other stuff.However when I decided all those melee weapons meant I had to do some melee squads I decided the PCs for those squads would have power fists, plague swords, and plasma pistols.So, I did the following with him, and used that head again from my second box.I made the plague sword from a spare plaguebearer sword, and the hilt from a spare bit of the weird wooden hafts that abound in the purtid blightking kit.When I attach it, when it is dry, it'll be further down like the DI pack shown for reference, basically hilt on nozzles. Dosjetka, DuskRaider and The Traitor 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sagentus Posted October 19, 2017 Share Posted October 19, 2017 I agree with the champ looking right. with the power fiist at that angle it would look great!  So much awesome work going on in here, I'm really tempted to give nurgle a go myself, but i have so much khorne stuff to finish haha Marius Perdo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 19, 2017 Author Share Posted October 19, 2017 (edited) @Sagentus: Ta mate. Basically the kit's bits and the ranges design cues inspire a lot of it themselves. Being plastic some decent glue and a razorsaw and scalpel does the rest.So...the bit the kits don't directly inspire.  My daughter is ill with the cold/lurgy and has been for days. I have managed, praise Nurgle, unlike mum and daughter, to not catch it. Until last night, when I awoke dripping with sweat at 02:30, coughing, and all blocked up. I had had some rather demented Nurgle themed dreams.  After a desperate tinkle I quickly went to my office and scribbled them on my whiteboard, lest I forget.My fevered dreams had decided I needed to make a total of seven sects of sorcerers of Nurgle for the 4th Plague Company. GW has given us one, and named two. I had started on others. I now have a rough idea for all seven. In game terms they will just be Malignant Plaguecasters whose Smite and "Pestilential Fallout" can be visualised as being themed but in game is the same mechanic.Malignant Plaguecaster - spore clouds, viral/bacterial gases & mists & corpse gases Slopmaw Maggotmancer - daemon maggots bursting forth & relentlessly consuming flesh - daemon maggot parasite in belly popping out to say hello/biteCadaverous Faminebringer - starvation & hyper-metabolism rapidly catabolising/consuming tissue - skeletal attributes - hooded skull face of a skeletal plaguebearer with ironic re-breather maskWormtongue Rotmaster - writhing masses of tenebrous snaring & strangling worms, literally enemies dragged down & "food for worms" - Kyuss themes, Grimes WormtonguesFlyblown Swarmlord - daemon fly swarms, biting & stinging, clogging mechanisms/weapons, endless droning & buzzing driving enemies suicidal with despair, large flies as familiars & hunting "hounds"Gluttonous Butcherfiend - literally eating lives for the Eater of Lives, butchering rotting meat or still living prey, "meats back on the menu boys" & "it all adds to the flavour" & "I likes it raw and wriggling", coagulated & rancid blood, corpulent & jovial, butchers aprons & kroot/chaos marauder/blightking hooks & knives/haunches of flesh dangling from corrupted staveTumorous Cankermage - elephantine legs & cankerous tumors, carcinogenic aerosol weapons, great big curly steampunk pipes attached to corrupted stave & hookah re-breather backpack & smoke mask, billowing vaporous fumes  Luckily I have enough spare plaguecasters and blightbringer models to do this.But today I need to finish off the first three gun squads. Edited October 19, 2017 by Marius Perdo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted October 19, 2017 Share Posted October 19, 2017 The sorcerer sects sound great and your conversions are so inspiring! Can't wait to have a go at some myself when I get some more Plague Marines in (only have the DI ones at the minute). Marius Perdo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 19, 2017 Author Share Posted October 19, 2017 (edited) @Reyner: Thanks mate. It all starts with DI...the the disease spreads I have actually first cut finished the gun squads apart from the two blight launchers. It took a while building icon poles and positioning them so dangling chains etc looked natural.However I had been looking askance at the flail of corruption, which I didn't like being dragged along the floor and just too primitive compared to the blightlord one (which conversely I find over the top). I also don't like how the great plague cleaver is held.Given the 1st strike PC stance I had a few ideas. Just tests at the moment, and the axe is very rough. The hands will be easily swapped but I'll need to cut in a flat chest. I am going through my DI instructions to remind myself how the bits look on sprue and deciding what can be made into melee blokes, but also what will then look good having done so. I have a stinking cold so I feel less creative than I have been. Edit: Having built the reversed great plague cleaver I will probably use the body from the DI guy that I used in post #330, when the spares arrive. Edited October 23, 2017 by Marius Perdo DuskRaider and The Traitor 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 20, 2017 Author Share Posted October 20, 2017 (edited) The reversed great plague cleaver. Note I will actually attach it to the DI body shown on the PC to the left, when my extras arrive. I think it will look cooler. Started on the concept icon bearer using the DI mini whose helm that is as a base. With a sheathed plague knife at his left side it means I won't have to use one of the plague knife back pack ones (only dual plague knife or plague knife and boltgun Plague Marines can carry an Icon).Happy with how the flail is coming along but I really just need to finish off the blight launchers today as then the first three squads, whilst not finished, will be usable on the tabletop for drunken streethammer.Note I am still pondering the DI stuff that is to come for converting. Just swapping a bolter arm for a bubotic axe is fine, and works, but I think some of the stances and positions of the stock models are telling a story that works better with other bits. Might need a wee bit more work, but probably will look better. However I will have a play with the plaguebelcher and remove the hand holding the foregrip as it is rough wood and will be easy to carve in afterwards. I want the model holding the gun and a plague knife.The Call of Chaos had sort of missed my notice. I won't pledge as whenever I do it all goes wrong It did get me thinking about the paint scheme though. Apostles of Contagion Necrosius art in Vraks looks almost too sandy/yellow ochre. The DG Codex art is almost too bone white. Or in other words not the same.However the Death Guard booklet from DI had what I want, and seems a blend of the two.So my idea is to lightly undercoat grey primer spray. Spray very lightly in short bursts from above with white primer spray for a sort of zenithal effect. Spray from below at lower parts with something like Bubonic Brown (I have seven odd Vallejo Golden Browns I was going to use as a base for Imperial Fists). Paint all metallics a mix of a dark brown (all sorts possible here) with a copper based metallic (Warplock Bronze/Tin Bitz etc). Lightly drybrush/highlight the copper based metals (bronze/brass) with Vallejo Bronze. Lightly drybrush the ferrus metals with boltgun/chainmail/gun metal whatever (I have loads of paints and using similar but different ones should create subtle variety). Use my old Brown Ink to do deep recess wash/lining on everywhere I think it needs it. Wash the whole lot with Devlan Mud thinned with X51 (remember how cool this looked over grey on my Chosen/Havocs) Use neat X51 to streak the wash/glaze. Maybe a wee bit of Badab Black over the ferrous metals, then a suntle highlight. Do some streaks of green like on my Minotaurs (but on the ceramite/ferrous metals too too). Rust weathering powders for the ferrous, verdigris/calcified white from steam residue on the antiqued bronze/brass. Furthering weathering to taste. Serve whilst festering and noisesome.And I own loads of all these paints/materials.I also ordered a bloat-drone box at a 25% off web-shop. Due to P&P I also got a plaguecrawler thingy as, well....Nurgle made me do it.That really is it now as the PL of everything is past 200 with daemons which is just way too much Edited October 20, 2017 by Marius Perdo Sagentus, DuskRaider, brettfp and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sagentus Posted October 20, 2017 Share Posted October 20, 2017 Really like the 4 latest models, the only thing i would change it the head on the one at the front. Something about it just doesnt look right for the model, maybe a bare head would work, not sure. Â I look forward to seeing you put that paint scheme into action and seeing the final product ;)Â Marius Perdo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 20, 2017 Author Share Posted October 20, 2017 (edited) @Sagentus: Ta mate. The one it that front isn't happening, it was just to build the axe after swapping the head and hands around (most likely lost in my walls of text). I'll be adding that weapon to a body like the one on the left when the eBay order comes. I think what is bothering you is that it has a large lump of blu-tac pushing it up high with giraffe neck above the raised gorget on that chest plate, so it doesn't look sunken and recessed. He'll be striding forward menacingly and swing the axe from the rear position if I use the DI model I intend to.Blightlaunchers done. It amuses me to give a lethal projectile grenade weapon to a guy with one eye and no field of vision or depth perception. I envisage the bloke on the left saying to shot where he is pointing as far worse is coming from that direction Same idea with the flail guy. He can swing about madly at enemies he can't see properly nor work out how far away they are Edit: Forgot to mention I have been looking at the small ring loops on the bottom of Chaos Warrior hand weapons and reckon when carefully cut off they'll attach nicely to cut away blight grenades as ring pulls/pins. Edited October 20, 2017 by Marius Perdo Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 20, 2017 Author Share Posted October 20, 2017 (edited) A note on hiding things.In the picture you can see on the bottom left a boxed set body and legs. He has a torn flesh-metal tube/intestine/tube that dangles down with a exit hole.On the bottom right there is a stock build DI/KNF who has a similar intact tube running to a forearm socket.Top left you can see where the same model is missing the complete tube as I converted it and nicked his grenade holding arm. So I have drilled a small hole in it to make a tube.Top right is where that grenade holding arm ended up. I attached the spare bit of tube, re-positioned, and with a hole drilled in it looks to be dangling/swinging and avoids me having to try and remove the socket from his forearm.My belabored point is by looking at the new box models you can get design cures to help hide hatchet jobs on DI/KNF models. As an aside as I am doing Apostles of Contagion, who are in the 4th Plague Company, I have decided to go with 4th Plague Company/7th Sepsis Cohort/2nd Maladictum/7th Colony, or 4/7/2/7.A small Colony of 7 squads of 7 with 7 sorcerers from 7 sects. I'd envisage that Necrosius (if I ever do him) would be up at Sepsis Cohort command or Maladictum command level (or wherever the Eater of Lives wants him and where he can stay out of Mortarion's and Typhus' way).Note the Deathshrouds in my army will be very much there to keep an eye/eyes (probably a cyclopean one or a cluster of three) on what the warband of the self-proclaimed Hand of Nurgle is up to at the 4th Outbreak Arcanum at the Siren's Storm.I quite like the idea that they are attacking from the space hulk "Mother of Miseries", so that after a day of spreading death, plague, and pestilence they can go back home to mother. Edited October 20, 2017 by Marius Perdo Reyner and Biohazard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 20, 2017 Author Share Posted October 20, 2017 (edited) Whilst still fiddling I really need my extra DI/KNF models to full explore what I want to do.For example, I reckon the Plague Belcher will work far better on the model on the left, which I converted from a DI guy (the one normally holding a slung bolter and throwing a grenade). However the guy on the right, with a spare sawn off bit from a DI guy, and a backpack with a plague knife from another DI guy, will probably do as a start for the second melee squads icon bearer. However, he does look quite good with the LoC sigil combined with a Glottkin banner. Maybe aiming a boltgun in his right hand he could do as the 1st squads icon bearer. I just wish Blightlords or Deathshrouds could have them as this would then be theirs. I also agree with GuitaRasmus about nurglings on most characters. We also get a few now in the character blisters. I have used some nurglings in battles and they are great at annoying things. Also the 4th are supposed to be accompanied by loads. I will build my six bases as twelve system agnostic (I dilute them to create a bit more story than a nurgling pyramid), but with the new ones whimsy overtook me. The one in the middle thinks he is a lord with the Fugaris helm. His standard bearer waves some snot on a stick, whilst his grenadier charges the enemy as the blight grenade is too big and heavy to throw (and he doesn't know how to pull the pin anyway). His musician rides the back of his sorcerer, who guides the bell ringer and censer bearer/waver in some incomprehensible, ineffective, and pointless (but squeaky) ritual.A Death Guard themed nurgling swarm. I need help. As an aside my extra marines won't arrive until late next week, and my bloat-drone and plague crawler until mid-next week. I have a biolgus putrifier to build (that won't take long), and I can finish off maybe three models from the melee squad and then... Hmm. I think I'll nurglify the two spawn I did earlier and never finished (lucky I never put heads/faces on them), and I have had an idea for a spawn using the plague drone abdomen (and bits) and a spare maggoth head for a unique spawn to use if the Chaos Boon Stratagem snake eyes. I am saving the sorcerers and hellbrute for myself at the end (when I have loads of spare bits) as a reward/treat. Edited October 26, 2017 by Marius Perdo Draakur, The Traitor and Spaced Hulk 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lord gunthar Posted October 20, 2017 Share Posted October 20, 2017 WIP on second malignant plaguecaster. I was going to swap in other horns but the stock antlers are growing on me. Love your work, lots of great conversions. It's nice to see what can be done with the snap fit minis. Where is this head/antlers from? I'd like to use something like this on a nurgle chaos lord. Marius Perdo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 20, 2017 Author Share Posted October 20, 2017 @lord gunthar: Ta mate. Putrid Blightkings kit from WFB/AoS. Whilst looking at bits for my spawn I started farting about with the second demon prince. Think Lovecraft illithid with Gutrot Spume wearing a malignant plaguecaster style hood with a pandemic staff with bells and censers on chains and it might make sense. The glands under the maggoth neck will become his buttocks. Obviously very early sketch in a sense, but I like his bulk and mass. I was going to give him wings but I don't think so now. Azekai and ElDuderino 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 21, 2017 Author Share Posted October 21, 2017 I continued to rummage for bits for spawn and daemon princes.My current plan, when I noted Spined Chaos Beasts and Giant Chaos Spawn have the Daemon Keyword and can be Summoned , is to use my old Mutalith Voretx Beast to make a Spined Chaos Beast. I'll add the face of an Araknarok spider, and with Nurgle Faction Keyword they get Disgustingly Resilient.I'll put a Maggoth face/maw on the Araknarok for another Giant Chaos Spawn and I'll build a maggoth without rider as either I guess.I'll use the snapping maws from the Mutalith's removed tails as faces for the chaos spawn. I have never been happy with whatever else I came up with until now. The Mutalith's tentacle maw can then be a source of large tentacles, especially for a captured and corrupted land raider like the art in the codex. I have decided to do the land raider and two rhinos use mint sprues as I have quite a few spare.I'll use the lower belly maw from Orghotts Daemonspew's maggoth for the daemon prince side arm/tentacle mouth Gutrot Spume thing, as the main maws are just too large.I also perused my last un-built poxwalker sprue, looking for mutations for plague marines that fit with codex art. I reckon I can hack them up but by using spare plaguebearer arms I should be able to still use the models. They will be handy for all sorts as well, even vehicles, so when I rationalise the 70 odd to be unique, and the extra 12 1st Strike ones, I should end up with all sorts of spare bits. So I need to build my 10 plaguebearer and look at the plague drone sprues to establish what bits will be spare. This will be an ongoing process. Building and converting stock kits to free up spares bits for things that need more serious converting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 21, 2017 Author Share Posted October 21, 2017 I wasn't happy with the cyclopean blightlauncher bloke.Whilst swapping in a box set "bloat belly" into the 1st Strike box blight launcher body and legs worked, transpoing the MKIII style hip plates with the cloth and chain attached to the box body was way too wide.This put them at an odd, almost waddling like angle. So I cut them out, cut out the loincloth, and then substituted in some narrower chainmail (trimmed and filed to fit) from a putrid blightking, and then re-attached the MKIII plates. Much happier. Measure twice, cut once I guess. Biohazard, Urauloth and Spaced Hulk 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sagentus Posted October 21, 2017 Share Posted October 21, 2017 Great work as always! The dp looks crazy! The last one i think the blight launcher needs to be pointing downwards if possible, so in a more rested position. Keep up the great work Marius Perdo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 22, 2017 Author Share Posted October 22, 2017 (edited) @Sagentus: Yep, lumpy seems to be staring at me, and by happy co-incidence I reckon I can do a face within a face. Regards the blightlauncher, no, not possible. The gun "butt" and magazine are already flush, even after moving the hip plate to a thigh plate position. As an aside the raised angle is to mirror the 1st Strike one, as that is raised as it has one of those wee fly token things dangling from it. I also quite like how he could be hefting it to turn to his left and miss shooting at the target he is pointing at but has trouble working out how far away it is with one eye.  Full of the cold and up all night due to storm Brian howling about my house (I live very near the sea), but whilst I lay their counting plagues it occurred to me that once again I am avoiding dealing with making cultists unique. I did the same when doing Crimson Slaughter.  I do have a Deathwatch Overkill in the attic (well, two, one opened), so I might have a look at doing some of those mixed in with head swaps as they have auto-guns and 7 unique sculpts/poses (surely a sign). I might also mix up some flagellant legs with zombie bodies for very emaciated Tainted cultists as being a bit smaller looks less silly when dying of a plague. I also need to start thinking about mashing up my poxwalkers, and possible simplifying a few to nick some mutie bits and hide any damage with GutiaRasmus' Britta ball technique.  I might have to find a plastic ruler and see if static electricity picks up the plastic but leaves the carbon bits behind.  Also maybe the occasional marauders bits for alternate "heavies" carrying a bigger gun. I think I have a Lord of Plagues somewhere that might look good carrying a heavy stubber. I also have a few mechanicum bits I can look at for alternate heads, and if the stock cultist heavy stubber barrel looks like an M1919 Browning machine gun, the phosphor blaster barrels look a bit like a MG42 barrel.Also when pondering them I started to think about the spare grenade launders I'd have from the genestealer cultists, and the trenchcoat /greatcoat/robe and mask wearing extra cultist leaders, and then Necromunda, and House Delaque and the Redemptionist Cult.No wonder I didn't sleep. Edited October 26, 2019 by Marius Perdo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 23, 2017 Author Share Posted October 23, 2017 Attic raided (various bits like flagellants and zombies) and two rhinos and a land raider (on sprue) retrieved.  Having looked at art I am going to go with recently captured Imperial vehicles that are starting to mutate. Just going pure plastic will make them much easier to Nurglify, so no FW stuff. Art driven, I am not going to make rotting mounds/decaying coral reefs of madness on tracks  I ordered some FW renegade body/head conversion kits, and I'll mash them with DV cultist autogunners (I have 40) and robed champions/flagellant legs so create the elite Gifted cultists that 4th Plague Company have. I want a unique looking 40 strong autogun squad, so I'll also nick autogun arms from Overkill Neophytes.  I saw someone on here mash poxwalker bits with the Neophyte environment suits so I'll do that to for variety, sort of warped starship crew/miners or Dead Walk Again neophytes.  I'll do close combat cultists generic (I have 100) and run them as a The Tainted Battalion and make a Plague (Dark) Apostle, an Exalted Champion, and a Sorcerer with three squads of fodder (mainly to get access to Tide of Traitors and Prescience). I have played this once alongside my Death Guard and with Dead Walk Again is was just evil. An ongoing relationship with the Apsotles of Contagion since the Siege of Vraks.  However once my DI/KNF stuff arrives I'll finish of the Plague Marine squads, as I want those seven units squared away. Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 23, 2017 Author Share Posted October 23, 2017 (edited) The postie arrived with things days earlier than I was expecting (plagueburster crawler, foetid bloat-drone, and 7 DI plague marines). So the razorsaw was out in a jiffy and I quickly tested the axe-man idea. It'll need positioning "just-so" but I think it will work. The arched shoulder pad is giving me Gutrot Spume vibes. Then I got the first melee squad together to have a fiddle. So I'll continue to work on these, and then the second squad. After that probably the new vehicles (new kits to fiddle with!), and then their rhino transports and the land raider. Once again I manage to evade doing cultists However when the renegade FW torsos arrive I might be more enthused. Edited November 29, 2018 by Marius Perdo Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted October 23, 2017 Share Posted October 23, 2017 Mate, I’ve just spent an hour or so poring over this thread. You have some fantastically realised conversions here. I have two sets of the DI Nurgle guys, 2 boxes of the easy build guys and the new box set to work with and I just want to thank you for showing what can be done with these kits. Fantastic work. :tu: Marius Perdo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sagentus Posted October 23, 2017 Share Posted October 23, 2017 Your attic seems to have tonnes of surprises, wish mine had more than just spiders lol. Â Really liking the first squad. The only thing that doesnt quite seem to jell is the one on the right. If its possible i would bring both arms lower and then have the head facing forward, slightly tilted down. That would hopefully give him a more of a menacing look. Â Look forward to seeing whats next! Marius Perdo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marius Perdo Posted October 23, 2017 Author Share Posted October 23, 2017 (edited) @Biohazard: Glad it helps. Razorsaw! Also with careful cutting, and using the plastic chunks and powder from sawing and clipping, and a good glue, you can fill and soften stuff, and then have 20 seconds or so to blend and sculpt using a stainless still modelling tool (before it goes all wispy and spider web like), so no greenstuff filling is required and everything is glued together. All of these are glued, no gaps, and no greenstuff. I have surprised myself. Â Works well for Doghousing the necks on fixed models, which I still love doing as using a cordless power drill with an 8mm titanium drill bit on plastic miniatures is absurd. Â @Sagentus: I also forgot to say I brought a mint Knight Warden down too. I sort of now what you mean but I added in a fume flowing flail head (in green, from the backpack of a DI marine) that is rarely in shot. It'll also be quite high off the ground so he looks like his is swinging it. The tac keeps failing every time I take a picture and his dangly bits droop. He does look better looking further down now though. Â Been so busy talking to recruitment agents, and pondering a home move, that I haven't even opened the foetid bloat-drone or plagueburst crawler boxes yet. 1st world problems. Edited October 24, 2017 by Marius Perdo Sagentus and Biohazard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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