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Let The Galaxy Burn! Balefire Legion: 40k again!


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A very strong return to form, mate! The new Obliterator is looking excellent (I may just steal the weapons setup for my own next thamier-pattern Obliterator that I still need to finish) and the Knight is coming along swimmingly -- I have to admit though that your scratchbuilt Knight almost seems more interesting than the conversion of the stock model at this point... ;)


In any case, keep up the amazing work!


thanks, and steal away, i feel the same about the knight, not nerly as exciting, but diffrent, still fun doing a bit of light converting.



Yup, another awesome update. Yay a Knight, of course, but also: those spawn. Very original idea and VERY fluffy for your army. :tu:

soooooo fluffy!!! they are arnt they.




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a small update the chaos knight is ready to be painted, fiddlibgnwithnsmallnskullsnand chainsnfitting spikes and trim chainging the trim to be mor chaosy, but pretty pleased with the result









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He's looking excellent, mate! I think I do recall some of your design choices from somewhere, though... :wink:


What I especially like is how seamlessly you've molded some of the chaos vehicle spikes to the knight's carapace -- that is very clean and precise work right there!


There's just one small detail I don't like: I think that standard CSM icon on the knight's heraldic plate is a bit of a wasted opportunity -- you can do better than that! ;)

Edited by KrautScientist
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Yeah ok, I'll just go ahead and totally steal all these ideas, ok? I really don't care, because nothing I'll be able to come up with will trump this. 


In other words: :jaw:

thanks alot, you just steal all you want.



He's looking excellent, mate! I think I do recall some of your design choices from somewhere, though... ;)


What I especially like is how seamlessly you've molded some of the chaos vehicle spikes to the knight's carapace -- that is very clean and precise work right there!


There's just one small detail I don't like: I think that standard CSM icon on the knight's heraldic plate is a bit of a wasted opportunity -- you can do better than that! ;)



ahh you are refering to the chaos star at the back of the cannon, yup tottally stole that, i managed to glue the part upside down so needed to cover it to hide the mistake, why dont you like the heraldric plate? and what do you think should be there?


Just Awesome!!!!!



thanks mate :)



Awesome Knight dude!! I love all of the subtle conversions that you've done :)


thanks, was a bit worryed it woulden be chaosy enough



that knight=total brutality:wub: love it

thanks, really looking forward to painting it

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ahh you are refering to the chaos star at the back of the cannon, yup tottally stole that, i managed to glue the part upside down so needed to cover it to hide the mistake, why dont you like the heraldric plate? and what do you think should be there?



Well, that particular banner top really hasn't aged all that well, for once, but that is just my personal taste of course. It does seem like a wasted opportunity, however, since you could add an amazing freehand to that heraldic plate, or base the design around some cool, etched brass (as I've done on my knight) or even puzzle together something unique and excellent from plastic bitz, instead of using one of the more generic stock bitz from the chaos catalogue -- come on, mate: I know you have it in you! ;)

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ahh you are refering to the chaos star at the back of the cannon, yup tottally stole that, i managed to glue the part upside down so needed to cover it to hide the mistake, why dont you like the heraldric plate? and what do you think should be there?



Well, that particular banner top really hasn't aged all that well, for once, but that is just my personal taste of course. It does seem like a wasted opportunity, however, since you could add an amazing freehand to that heraldic plate, or base the design around some cool, etched brass (as I've done on my knight) or even puzzle together something unique and excellent from plastic bitz, instead of using one of the more generic stock bitz from the chaos catalogue -- come on, mate: I know you have it in you! ;)

perhaps, ill think about it not too fond of the shape of the heraldric plate, but if anyone have any ideas or suggestions i might redo it.

did alot if basecoating, now im building a bit more chosen experimenting and wishing i had more warrior cloaks and legs.

and soon i can start painting again, tournament time is getting closer and closer.

and as always i never feel prepared.

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I think you should check out the Knights done by skrundle87, DarkApostleXVII, InsanePsychopath and Nithril -- all on this very board, and each of them features a terrific idea for the heraldic plate, and most are pretty easy conversions, too!


Hope this helps, mate! :)

Edited by KrautScientist
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tiny update, kraut i looked at the others but i think ill stick with shield as is.


i finally got to paint stuff!! yay


so been working on the base what do you guys think?





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still preparing for war, been finishing up my builds and writing down my army list for the upcomming tournement.

i have finshed up my squad of 16 chaos chosen made from csm and warriors of chaos.

sadly ran out of the right shoulderpads and heads but did all i could.


have a look.











i like the one with raised bolter, but the idea of them marching in lockstep and showing fown anyone in the way.

painting my knight and will do oblits after

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Hmm. Just looking at the Knight base and it seems like it's lacking something. I think it's the lack of rubble and small debris as you've mainly got large pieces. Plus it looks a bit clean too. With the damage to the building there'd be a fair amount of dust in the area.


Please feel free to ignore that though. I've been spending too much time planning bases which has lead to a bit too much nit picking.


As always though it's all looking great so keep it coming.

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Hmm. Just looking at the Knight base and it seems like it's lacking something. I think it's the lack of rubble and small debris as you've mainly got large pieces. Plus it looks a bit clean too. With the damage to the building there'd be a fair amount of dust in the area.

Please feel free to ignore that though. I've been spending too much time planning bases which has lead to a bit too much nit picking.

As always though it's all looking great so keep it coming.


hmm i see your point, never really made such a large urban base before, didnt wantto cluther where the knight woul stand, and have planned to add some blood and maybe some wash

Very Regimental ;) They look good .:tu:


thanks alot, that was excatly what i was going for.

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looks like i been away too long and i am forgotton.


seems like there is less feedback, or it could just be me.


anyways i been working on my knight still a long way to go, more highlighs and effects.


but here are a cupple of pictures






still wip, what do you think?

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It looks great already, it needs more daemonflesh though. Except for the fact that arrow decorations never appear on loyalists, I would not think it is a traitor Knight.



oh im not a big fan of demonflsh, useually i try to keep that toned down, but there are subtle chaos himts on it alteady if you look closely :)


Heyzues wept that trim! Awesome

thanks was worryed it wouldent be noticed :)




The details you've added work perfectly. Hope they'll be a few of those OSL runes you do.

there will be on the plates already dlowly stared on the sides, will try osl on eyes and a fee of the wents maybe even the top excausts

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NICE !!!!:yes: 

hehe thanks, hopefully it will only get better, also doddled a bit gonna build a 5 man tatical chaos marine squad this is the first wip.





gonna have this one kneeling shooting over cover, 2nd one standing behind cover 2 of them advancing bolters blazing and a leader foing um, something, was thinking he should be signaling to hold but that wouleent make any sense.

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