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Let The Galaxy Burn! Balefire Legion: 40k again!


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Promising start, I agree that the tatoo was a good idea!

thanks traitor, gonna go for a big finish too, and now for something completely different!


havent had much maloghurst time becuase a friend was teaching me something new hobbywise and i spent what little warhammer time i have on testing this








so a group of friends did a sort of workshop and tested building some silicone moulds and do some resin casting, was fun to try and hopefully ill be able to design more things thensculp/build and then cast them.


what you see above is the sonic weapon i made for my converted noice marines gonna make a full set of them with all the upgrades i need, also planning on myaking a mk II of model i use as a obliterator.


and the defiler upgrade kitt i made to change a defiler into a two legged humanoid one :) could even be used as a count as chaos knight.


but it needs to be gone over and a litte more details added like a ton of rivets.......


but im out of matrialmatm so it be back to maloghurst as soon as i have more hobby time.


looking forward to hear what you guys think and thoughts and ideas.

Edited by thamier
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I have never tried getting into serious silicone moulding as I see it as too cumbersome and maybe even expensive in the short run, but if you have a group of friends with which to do it and the space needed you should totally go for it, being able to duplicate bigger or more detailed bits you've converted should be a lot of help for your conversions. Can't wait to see this defler upgrade kit ;)!
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I have never tried getting into serious silicone moulding as I see it as too cumbersome and maybe even expensive in the short run, but if you have a group of friends with which to do it and the space needed you should totally go for it, being able to duplicate bigger or more detailed bits you've converted should be a lot of help for your conversions. Can't wait to see this defler upgrade kit ;)!

most of it is learning a new skill, and the main reason is to be able to produce my very iwn model from idea to actual playable mini, or make my own custom bitz! its awsome and then there is always other people asking if they can buy the things i made or where i bought them

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no pictures yet still working on maloghurst, and been testing true metallic metal techniques, but its brand new to me and might not be all that great, whats really getting to my atm is the chains.. trying to do a good paintjob on each chain link so it pop is not easy, been trying to read up on nom metallic metals and the theory. gotta evolve and learn, but its not easy.
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  • 2 weeks later...

heya eveyone, havent had much time to paint but slowly been working my way forward, but got a little stuck and im hoping for some help.


any of you good at the true metallic or non metallic metals?

i been testing true metallic on maloghurst to learn something new, but trying to paint the gold on the chaos star eye i come to a dead stop.

mainly i think its bexause i have more than one lightsourse one from each side and that might messed it up, so dont know how to fit in the highlights and the contrast.


here is a picture of the area






any help or suggestions very very welcome.




on a completely seperate note there is a local tournament comming up and if anyoe wants to come by and play in northern sweden you are welcome to atten while spots last :)


its the fantasia fanatic the 6-7th may 2017 ill be attending too if you are curious you can check them out here http://www.fantasiaspel.se/tournaments/fantasia-fanatic-xxx

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I use true metals all the time, but I only drybrush highlight. I would try to take a picture of the whole model, and we might be better able to judge the metallic highlights you are doing.

hehe was trying to avid taking a picture of the whole thing since its gonna be one of the finishing touches, was hoping to show it off once complted .


none would want to see it twice one with gold details done and one without , was being really sneaky about it too

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Don't show it! Now it's better to see it finished! About the true metallic I think that it's fine, the only problem would be the blending which is maybe too harsh.

i tryed getting the blends better.


how is this then?



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Much much better, though it now seems to be missing some silver highlights on the most shiny zones. Can't wait to see more!

i simplified the lighting a bit and added more silver to the highlights.


and he is getting very close to done, it might not be golden demon standard but for me im pretty happy with it.


as soon as he is done ill try and get some pictures up.


maybe even tomorrow if im lucky

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okay this have taken forever but hopefully ypu find this worth the wait.

and of course he needs his fluff text introduction too.


                                                                                               FOR THE WARMASTER!

                                                                                                        GLORY TO THE XVI

Known as "the Twisted" for the complex workings of his mind, Maloghurst was Horus's chief adviser and public voice, and a shrewd manipulator. He was also a formidable warrior, and was a speculated contender for the First Captaincy (the post held by Ezekyle Abaddon) when Horus made him his equerry.

During the Battle of Sixty-Three-Nineteen, Maloghurst was dispatched to the surface to parley with the "Emperor of Mankind", the impostor leader of the planet, but his Stormbird was shot down and he was seriously wounded in the crash. He was recovered from the surface, and the remembrancer Euphrati Keeler's pict-records of the rescue spread through the 63rd Expedition, making Maloghurst into a war hero. His body was badly mangled by the events (thus truly making him "twisted"), but he remained willing - and quite able - to serve his Warmaster. He also boldly stated that he was aware of his nickname among the rest of the Legion and had no wish to abandon it: his mind was as deft as ever, and if his body was now twisted to fit it, then so be it.

                                                      Maloghurst The Twisted






well here he is, i did my best, and got to experiment with some new techniques, i still have lots to learn as you can see, but im glad to see im making progress, the project taken forever now i just need to funish ip the rest of my sons of horus army and incan run some more 30k games :smile.:

as always im eager to emprove so i love to hear feedback, ideas, suggestions and more !

thank you for all the help with this guy your all great!!




Edit: i need a better camera ^^

Edited by thamier
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Maloghurst is looking amazing, mate! A fantastic conversion, and a great paintjob to match! I am weirdly fond of the red sword scabbard and almost wish you had used a dash of that red somewhere else (a red Eye of Horus jewel or something similar).


But anyway, fanastic job! Well worth the wait!

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WOW, Maloghurst looks amazing painted up! All your effort painting him really shows, I'm completely blown away! I don't really see anyway forgeworld is going to beat your model, definitely looking forward to seeing the rest of your sons of horus army!


Nice thanks! im not fast but as i said im pretty happy with the result, maybe i could land a job at forgworld if i get a little better. right now the next that needs to be built and done is 15 warp tallion + jump lord and 5 bringers of despair for the fanatic tournement.


Maloghurst is looking amazing, mate! A fantastic conversion, and a great paintjob to match! I am weirdly fond of the red sword scabbard and almost wish you had used a dash of that red somewhere else (a red Eye of Horus jewel or something similar).


But anyway, fanastic job! Well worth the wait!


Thanks KS! quite a few of the others here at the local gaming store keeps telling that i should do blood angels or something, they like the way i paint red, i tought about adding something more red, but i didnt want to overdo it ither. might add a tiny something later on.



A fantastic conversion and paint job make this a very, very impressive miniature. Well done, dude! :thumbsup:


I'm looking forward to your next project!


thank you Augustus, as mentioned above i hope you like warp talons, need to convert the poses so that take a while, and then do some elite chaos terminators for bringers and a awesome chaos lord with jumppack.


I love the quad vent backpack on him. How did you make it? I want to steal the idea for some of my black legion.


if you go back to page 76 there should be a picture there, its basically a 30k backpack as base then i cut the vents off two chaos space marine backpacks and coverd the gaps with greenstuff and added a bit on the top to match the artwork, i really hope that will help you, feel free to write me if you need anything else.




Well, he is awesome dude, definitely worth the wait :biggrin.: I see you managed to get a rotating stand too :biggrin.:




very happy to hear that Nemac, and yes i did get the rotating stand, tryed doing a video, but i need a better camera..


Very nicely done.


thank you mate :)

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