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Yep, AoS Lord, chopped at the knees to replace the fantasy greaves, and with lots of Mk3 around for my Chosen too, it seemed fitting.




I suppose I'm looking for an alternate load-out, more ranged perhaps ? He's a WE Lord, so an AoK is always up there as first choice, but there's the thought of combi-melta for some reason.


Think the BT hammer would be a tad large (and expensive, because I couldn't just buy that), and I'm not really keen on the WM hammers either. Glanced a pic of Sevatar(?), thon NL fella, while browsing and I'm veering towards skulls and chainglaive.

Might even borrow BCK's chainhalberd idea I've seen......yep. Definitely a polearm of some sort.


Early early shifts, and free afternoons next week equals lots of cutting, tiredness permitting !

@ Andvarr A


Thanks, and for the comments through the ETL.


So, whip boy needed some dregs, and dregs we have: gun crew, slaves, worshippers and madmen.




The polearms, honest, just because I hadn't noticed the crop of the camera..mumble. Every Khorne force needs one two-handed sword fella, if not more. The guy with the hammer (4th) was a happy accident who's grown on me somewhat.....




The shootas. Occasionally, slaves might scour weapons from the field, or retain personal sidearms with enough status. What's uncanny is the far right head, that looks like the old fella from Master & Commander, with the coin-fixed head injury......




And the last group, affectionately known as the scraps. Stocks on the left will have a Khornate plaque, with a back of grenades to be a human bomb, and Blindfold will be holding a skull icon, with glowing eyes to see for him. The rest ? Pfff, human detrius.....


There's clean-up still to do, but I think they'll work well as a group. They're only job is to absorb bullets after all.  :D




Mulled over this concept for ages, using the WFB CW torso, but bunny ears were (shock !) a hinderence, and wouldn't fit properly. FW were too small, and I compromised with bare Space Wolf heads......then the Wrathmonger/AoS solution appeared !


Definite improvement, and now I'm able to forge ahead. Mk3 all round huzzah ! 

Forge ahead haha..... yeah, you're more on the nose than you think.  ;)



"Do you know what it means to be chosen ?

No ? To be touched by the hand of Khorne ?

Then let us begin your education, brother...."

Oh yes, these seem to work:




A power fisted champion, and a quick glaive. Worry not, there'll be a big eviscerator again on someone else.




You'd think there was some sort of Chaos themed painting event sometime..... thanks AA & KS !





I did make an eviscerator, but it was only after I felt chuffed with the result that I noticed I'd made it the wrong way round. Relegated it to the Berserkers, who might be following shortly.


As if my fingers aren't in enough of a state, cutting the AoS up looks even more hassle.  :cry:

So, I've been badly ill last weekend, and still suffering the effects this week, there's been very little progress on anything bar ruminating over my two Knights to be.......


So I've settled on just a wee introduction of thoughts as I continue back to health, and figure out how the hell I'll achieve what I want.


First up - If you're buying a Kytan kit, or struggling to press the buy button, there's quite a few 'extras' not required for the specific build, including this:




Yep, that gorgeous front plough, suitable to chop in half for swivelling LR Dozer Blades, drilled to fit a Vindi cannon, or just left alone for a swank Rhino/Pred. I'm looking to modify it into a Vindi/Demolisher 'attatchment' myself, so I can stick it on the front of a Rhino if a second Vindi is ever required. An Empire mortar and other bits should help with a creative solution.


Secondly - Looking at a helm/head is tough. Do I use the LoS original ? The demon face ? The demon face with a raised faceplate ? Does it need a head at all ? Then the lucidity of my fever kicked in, and I remembered this:




Posters of a certain age will identify it quickly.  :D  The 40k version:




I'd love to see a version of this, and although it won't be my final choice, I'll keep him around until I glue the proper one.


Finally - two knights, one CC, one ranged. The Kytan/LoS will become a halfway house, armed as a Gallant with chainsword/P.Fist, charging through an IG line. Yes, there'll be someone crushed in the fist, and perhaps a belly cannon to support the rules. Reaper chainsword will be fused with the axe hilt, just to mix it up. Chopping the basic Knight legs/hips into the pose I want, and securing all the weight through one leg is the tricky part, but I'll suss it somehow.


The second will be the Kytan legs/Crusader blend, a mini-Warhound, absolutely fitting for the scout Titan origins of Legio Audax/Ember Wolves, just sheer firepower skulking around. Settled already on the dog-face mask, with jugger jaws protruding outwith, akin to the Queen(Aliens) 'second jaw'. Hoping to find something for it to be hunched up on, ruined tank or similar.




And my terrible sketching that translates around 10% of all that into barely legible drawings. Still find it helps though.


Phew. I must add, I haven't even built anything as large as a Rhino in decades. This'll be a major step-up.....wish me luck !

Good God! You're not going dark crystal on us! Are you?....or would it be labyrinth? Or...or...gah meltdown!!!!


Big shiny spanky armourness....love it love it love it!!!!


Oh and get better soon....And if you are running out of fingers...use an unwillling....err I mean ...unwitting stand in.....like family....or...someone you don't like very much.....Yeah....

Actually looking at the torso with pilot...I just had the image of masssive body....teeny tiny head....with squeaky voice too

Labyrinth. I watched it just last week. I'm educating my daughter properly haha. Great idea OSS.

Great idea with the Kytan. Liking the hound idea.

Top banana Bio.... Better than the tripe that's on tv these days..I've got my kid hooked on transformers, loony tunes, and Tom and Jerry so far.....


But here's hoping that oss pulls out a magnifico

Thanks for all the support !


First rule - Theory is theory. In practice is completely different.


As you may have seen in the dodgy sketches, I was looking at a raised leg reaching forward.....




Cutting the knee joint is easy enough, but there's barely any scope for the lower leg to flex back. Cutting off the lugpoints was a bit moot because there's still a cable socket that can't be blocked.




Problem two, is that the legs are actually a bit too stubby. Even if I could raise it slightly, there's not enough room. Good for the traditional "standing on something" pose, but hardly conveying motion. Plan B time.......




Tilt the entire leg back. If it's good enough for the old Berserker sprue, it'll work here. Certainly better looking, and also avoids additional difficulties with the second foot. It's almost exactly at the correct angle.




From the front, yep, that'll be imposing ! It also has the hidden benefit of leaving more room on the base for a better wall, and more terrified, traumatised Guardsmen.


Onwards ! 

You'd think there was some sort of Chaos themed painting event sometime..... thanks AA & KS !





I did make an eviscerator, but it was only after I felt chuffed with the result that I noticed I'd made it the wrong way round. Relegated it to the Berserkers, who might be following shortly.


As if my fingers aren't in enough of a state, cutting the AoS up looks even more hassle.  :cry:


There is brutal and there is BRUTAL! Lovely work OSS!


Now let's see that Kytan coming to life! :devil:

I actually picked up a scrappy conversion on eBay a couple of weeks ago to build my own Kytan proxy. I ran into the same issues you have with the legs. This is as far as I've got. Still got a LOAD of work to do though.



You look like you have found a decent solution though. Looking forward to the progress buddy

Thanks for all the support !


First rule - Theory is theory. In practice is completely different.


As you may have seen in the dodgy sketches, I was looking at a raised leg reaching forward.....




Cutting the knee joint is easy enough, but there's barely any scope for the lower leg to flex back. Cutting off the lugpoints was a bit moot because there's still a cable socket that can't be blocked.




Problem two, is that the legs are actually a bit too stubby. Even if I could raise it slightly, there's not enough room. Good for the traditional "standing on something" pose, but hardly conveying motion. Plan B time.......




Tilt the entire leg back. If it's good enough for the old Berserker sprue, it'll work here. Certainly better looking, and also avoids additional difficulties with the second foot. It's almost exactly at the correct angle.




From the front, yep, that'll be imposing ! It also has the hidden benefit of leaving more room on the base for a better wall, and more terrified, traumatised Guardsmen.


Onwards !


From the depths of demon hell, it rises....or he rises....or...well...you get the idea ...*waves banners* go OSS go

I actually picked up a scrappy conversion on eBay a couple of weeks ago to build my own Kytan proxy. I ran into the same issues you have with the legs. This is as far as I've got. Still got a LOAD of work to do though. http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n235/Stovie_2006/Biohazards%20Worldeaters/79076595-5EB5-4EF7-ADE8-FDF34C896C38.jpg

You look like you have found a decent solution though. Looking forward to the progress buddy

Oh snap....crusader helm topped beastie incoming!!!!

So, from where we left off:




Legs, or more accurately one leg, which'll bear the weight of the entire thing. So I reinforced it using a screw along with washers placed inside, and added copious amounts of glue on top. Just for lulz, I managed to find a wee bolt the right size to fit the other.


Just in case. So that leaves us with this:





A slightly ungraceful, awkward pose, but it works for this monstrosity. Next job was to convert the hip/torso joint, in order to allow the resin connection. Warmed it with a lighter (don't try this kids !), and went to town with a Stanley.




Khorne must be smiling, for it turned out to be an absolutely flush fit with the ball. Perfect. Next, his big choppa:




"Everyone will use the axe" I thought, so I wanted something else. Hello Reaper, chopped to fit the hilt, and scraped off the gothic work, to be replaced by filed down runes from the Wrathmonger backpoles. The fist/gatling conundrum is more of a hassle, but I think I have a solution......






What the hell have I created ?  :D  BLOOD ! SKULLS ! KHORNE !


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