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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, figured I'd tease what I'll be working on through my week off:




Deathwatch a-go-go, 22 in all to side with my Dread. A Medusan Son Captain and an Iron Hand Techmarine to lead (oooh, conflict), along with a JP assault squad and a 10-man Tac team. Pieced out and I'll be playing with poses to begin.


Now, given the excitement over Overkill yesterday, it seems a bit daft to have started my own Gene Cult fun just last week, but I seriously thought the game was further away, like months away. Seeing how good it's contents were was quite the shock, but nevertheless, I'll continue on my own lil' attempt for Space Hulk, which you can see here over at the Ammobunker:




And if you're not familiar with the AB, have a good look around, great skills abound with many a frater from the B&C.


Now, where's my glue......?

/deep breath


Righto, here goes.......


First up, random cobbled together Dark Angel Termie, Sons of Medusa Watch Captain, and an Iron Hand Tech, who'll serve as my Killteam command:



I love the idea of the SoM ruling over the IH, mutual distrust but begrudgingly obedient sort of relationship (there's some fluffy text rattling in my head) and it gets worse when you add in the deeply suspicious DA ! The latter was a quick bash using spares, and I wasn't sure what to do with him......but I've remembered I have the Termie medic parts on a GK sprue. Deathwing Medic ahoy !


Onto the first Tac squad:



Iron Hand, Solar Brotherhood (effectively a Dark Souls SunBro, of which I saw a thread somewhere since,) and a Swift Saber (made up). The Solar Sunbro is turning into a fave, borrowing Augustus' BaC leg steal idea, and he just had to have a combi-plas.



(I haven't neglected the bling)





Ultrasmurf, Wolfie and the aforementioned Imp.Fist. Nice clichéd looks.  :)




???? (suggestions on a postcard), Black Templar (the classic mini !) and a Carc....Char....Cacr....Space Shark Dev (y'know who I mean). The fella in the rear will be a standard bolter guy, with lots of sword insignia and a suitably cheesy chapter.


In fact, if anyone else is planning DW, I heartily recommend the DA Black Knights kit - the number of shoulderpads and heads that can be altered and subverted to other ideas is staggering, and that's before the clubs and drum-fed pistols.......


Finally, the next batch of guys, my JP Assault team:



???? (again, suggestions welcome), Death Spectre (for a certain dss), Black Shield (RG?), Wolf No.2, Angel Porphyr (again, a Black Knight pad easily painted). Just starting to tidy these up and add the pouch bling, before I scrabble through spares for a True Grit B&C squad. With a Mentor, maybe a Howling Griffon......oh ! A sniper Raptor, mmmmm. But no melta Sallie. No. Definitely not.

  • 1 month later...


They know of us......





....but they don't know us.





We shall drive our lances through their dark hearts.....





.....to refresh their memories of the Lion's Gate.....





.....to remind them they are Traitor mongrels, War Dogs no more.


- Vox comm:Attributed: Bho'su Khan / Bho'su Urdu (6th Comp.) / White Scars Chapter -


(And yeah, I'm going all Loyalist for the ETL, if you didn't get it.)   :)  Fifth for the Fifth ETL !

Going loyalist for the ETL? Boo! Hiss! Khorne is greatly displeased ;)


But beyond this almost unbearable heresy, I'll be trying to take the high road and be helpful, in spite of everything... ;)


I'll just ignore the egregiously big hair, because I realise that it's very much a part of the WS identity. Beyond that, I think the guy on the bike is probably the best of the bunch, because the pose seems very well done. The direction of the top knot bothers me a bit, although that's a pretty cool bit -- where is it from?


The twin LC guy would profit from having his read rotated clockwise by a few degrees, so as to make it echo the angle of his claws. I think you want his line of sight to run parallel to the angle of the claws, if that makes any sense.


Now, lastly, the Cassius-based conversion is pretty cool, but you really need to tweak the right arm: The way the shoulder pad sits just seems iffy, and there's too much room between the torso and the pauldron. This is what it should look, if you ask me:




Keep up the great work! :)

Thanks for the comments guys.




Yep, the Overkill box was a boon, but cutting the bike down to fit the Ravenwing robes was a nervous experience ! (Bought a second bike just in case)


As for the pair being the same guy, quite likely now. I was planning a fluffy jump pack HQ, but I've reverted to a legal bike HQ instead. That made my jump pack Vanguard and Assault elements leaderless, so I figured a differently equipped version of the Khan would suffice. (Bho'su on the bike was the previous JP Khan, so dual Dagan slots in)




Khorne will wait until the CoC, appeased by my remaining armour and (by then) trio of Knights. Renegade box arrived today.....


Topknots ! I'll agree on the bike topknot, and I'm hoping the Chaos Chariot I've ordered has the right one for the wind direction/movement. Tried thon to see if I want it on his head or backpack, and iirc it's from Skarr Bloodwrath ? It's not as if I have an entire bag of topknots for everyone....(cough I do cough !)


LC Khan does need work, but I'm limited by a lack of LC, lol. As I said above, he's a fix for Bho'su moving to a bike, but I'll see what I can do. I've just remembered there are LC on the RG in my Overkill box.......snip, snip. The head is moulded with the torso, and cutting would ruin that wonderful 'tache.


And the final concern is moot - just excessive blutack trying to get a pose for pictures. It'll be flush enough come glue time.

  • 3 weeks later...

It's that time of year again !


3 companies in 3 vows (I hope), focusing on a Tactical 5th, the Assault 6th, and a smattering of Scouts.


First vow: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/322376-e-tenebrae-lux-v-codex-strategium/?do=findComment&comment=4394895





And to celebrate 50k views, and to rustle up an old name, I've retooled my sniper fella with a more appropriate sized bird. 




Cut up an eagle from Overkill, and used some vulture wings and GS to try something different. So I present Sokhor Nachin, who'll make a nice Vindicare-counts-as. The name translates as Blind in One Eye/Falcon roughly, and I quite like the matching head/Mk6 helm reinforcing the one eye theme. I figure he uses the spotter birds to compensate.


So, yep, he's in honour of One-Eye, whose Horus Heresy themed Scars can be seen here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/285942-only-victory-is-honorable-white-scars-siege-of-terra/page-1


That's all for now, and hopefully I'll start getting some completed stuff up on a weekly basis. (Yeah, right.) Good luck to all in the ETL !

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Week 1 update, and my white-fu isn't as strong as I'd like.


Still, here's a Khan and his Command squad barring a few details and touch-ups:






They're okay at that distance, but not great if you look too closely, and I'm trying to subdue my inner perfectionist in order to crack on. It's a struggle........


Fired onto the Qorchi Sternguard and auxiliary command (Tech, Libby, Chapl.) next, and hopefully I'll be back with some more 98% complete shots, and possibly some fluff next Mon.

Very nice work on those Scars! I especially like the yellowed look of the banner -- it seems like a proper Chapter relic that way! For once, I also think your approach to basing really works rather well -- maybe you should brush a teeny tiny bit of that sandy colour onto the models' feet and greaves? Just a subtle effect to show how they have the dust of the plains on their feet, and all that...

Did......did you just complement my bases ?  :ohmy.:


A mix of cracking stuff and sand (and a zig-zag on the Std.Bearer) with a bit more wash, but unfortunately, I'm saving it for the HQs, so the line infantry will be back to rudimentary block colour......


Jar of weathering powder is lurking somewhere, so I'm sure I'll be dabbing that everywhere when I can do the majority at once.


I'll be glad to get back to red after Aug though !



vvv@Race B


Tomb King/Vampire Counts standard ?  Not sure, but definitely an Undead accessory.

  • 3 months later...









+++.....searching.......76% match/display/....+++

+++.....Ignis Diablo/Knight/Carniboros---.....+++

+++....--Excommunicate Traitoris/CAUTION/+++

Well, two of us can play with Pixlr ! 


Needed a break after ETL burnout, and deciding on the lore of my Knights. Once that was sorted, I could crack on with their themes and loadouts, not to mention the selection of bits and tools I've needed. More green stuff fun, hot salt to modify plastics, new needle files......I'm trying to up my game just a tad, trying to be more adventurous. Unfortunately, Dogface is no more, but reborn anew !


And in typical fashion, there's yet another idea forming after this - two, if you include rejigged Khârn and entourage...... 


For now, another teaser of bits in the making.....and yep, I wanted my new Knights to match the Kytan legs in height. http://i68.tinypic.com/4rs2lk.jpg

Are those defiler bits added to the legs!? If so brilliant! I've got a load of bits gathered to bui a Kytan and was thinking of adding bits like that. Glad to see they work. Liking the look of a lot o that stuff you've got kicking about there. Is that a plugged in ghoul as a pilot perhaps? And that's a wicked looking addition to the rocket launcher

Cheers for the comment Bio, and yep, some sharp eyes picking away there. Hoped someone would.


The sad Defilier (that I never loved, nor painted) was indeed sacrificed to enable a growth spurt. If folks are curious I could cobble together a few pics and ideas, as they both use separate pieces. The "ghoul" pilot is probably a River Troll (?) and I've no idea whatsoever on the head, typical bits from yet another random bits box. The cables were easy enough - two combs for £1 to roll the GS.


And I'll expand on the "rocket pod" once I've ironed out the mounting of those bits. I spy something beginning with "U".......

I'd like to see what you did with the defiler bits, I have an old eBay defiler I'm willing to sacrifice for my Kytan.


Looking forward to the Ursus claw taking shape.


The ghouls head looks like one of the crypt horror heads. Nice touch with the comb cables

The Knights are looking really promising! Love the extended legs, and the one resting its foot on the rhino is especially excellent!


Looking at the various weapons and doodads, it seems like you are carefully individualising and tweaking each and every part of the Knight, which I love. Could the think starting with "U" be continuing with "rsus Claws", by any chance?


Possibly the best part of the photo is the flesh hound nonchalantly strolling into view in the background, though ;)



Crypt Horror/Vargheists/The big things that make NL Spawn ? That's a great shout, think there was a pair of wings in the pile, so yeah, makes sense.




Having sorted the lore (coming soon) I decided to simplify things to our three main tenants - kill, maim, burn, hence the giant Magma Cannon looking like a flamethrower. And that flesh hound may well be taken for walkies by a few friends on the third base. ;)


As for the Ursus 'Pod', I was heavily influenced by this Nurgle chappie on the GW Blog:




....but rather than a rusted relic, I thought a working (not sprung, just loose lol) harpoon would be a nice project.


Worky worky, so I'll return after the weekend with those sexy (pwhoar) leg shots.









+++.....searching.......76% match/display/....+++

+++.....Ignis Diablo/Knight/Carniboros---.....+++

+++....--Excommunicate Traitoris/CAUTION/+++

That's just frightening! :D

  • 7 months later...



The sleeper......




......has awakened !


(After a break filled with Fallout, a mild Star Trek Online addiction, and a lacklustre Spring anime lineup, I figured I should return to the knives and glue.....)

With some careful trimming on the lower limbs, and some hips donated from the free WD Slaughterpriest. Still a lot of work to tidy up his waist, especially at the back, but worth it.


Really, really didn't like the original pose. Just toying with a few things to get back into the groove, and a whole lotta side projects in mind.


What's that ? Knights ? Who mentioned Knights ? :p


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