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Battle for Humanity (Legion)


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The fallen Word Bearer sneered, blood oozing from his shattered skull. He'd targeted the Apothecary, assuming he was an easier kill. He'd been very wrong. Helviticus had gutted him like a pig and now stood atop the Berserker, silent, sword sizzling in hand. 


"Going to extract my Geneseed, Macraggian Dog? Scream about marching for Macragge?" He coughed, bloody spittle staining the pristine white faceplate. The Ultramarine shook his head, before extending his Narthecium and drilling into the man throat, extracting the small pod. 


"Oh, excellent, I'll be-" He stopped as Helviticus crushed it in his hands. and flung it away. 


"No, you won't be remembered. I'll make sure no one remembers you were here," he sighed, "And no I don't march for Macragge today." He taps his Pauldron, where two words are visible; For Calth. 


"Today, I march for Calth."



photo (6) by vazzy2012, on Flickr

photo (4) by vazzy2012, on Flickr

Nice fluff and apothecary, Vaz.


I tried out a paint chipping test for Scars tonight, but it went awry and ended up much more severe than I planned.




You can read my in my thread about it: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/278032-bcks-thread-of-stuff-v-legion-begins/?p=3466343

the start of a mkiv despoiler sgt



Ok, as I don't have any minis to contribute, yet, I thought I'd come up with a little bit of fluff. It ended up a bit longer than I expected, but I'm happy with it.


The Eaters of Worlds howled.

It was the howl of hunters that had found their prey, but it was not like the howls of Russ's Wolves.

It was the howl of pain.

The Eaters of Worlds howled. Then they charged.

Valek Libusen; Terran, Legionary, Death Guard,
Black Shield; smiled grimly beneath his MkIII helm. He knew the nails were singing loudly in the skulls of Angron's bastard-spawn. This band of World Eaters had been led a merry dance over several days, and now their rage was at fever-pitch. Valek ordered his squad to stand fast in the face of the charge.

Shields were raised. A wall of blasted ceramite faced the charging foe.

The Black Shields were outnumbered more than two to one.

That was not enough. Not nearly enough.

Once the bulk of the ragged pack of berzerkers were within effective range, Valek ordered his squad to open fire. The howls of the World Eaters were answered by the angry growls of more than a dozen bolters opening fire. Several World Eaters fell, but the charge never once faltered.

Valek flexed his power fist. It wasn't a weapon he was originally equipped with by his Legion's armourers but, like the breaching shields, weapons, and some of the armour used by the rest of his squad, he had made the most of the leavings of the dead. The power fist on his right hand once belonged to a World Eater sergeant, whose life had been ended by Valek's own bolt pistol. How appropriate, then, that in this first fight for its new master, the weapon would take the lives of the brothers of its former master.

The enemy were almost upon them. Valek's smile faded.

"Lock shields!" The order went up.

The lines came together. A deafening crunch that reminded Valek of two land raiders colliding at high speed.

"Ready flamers!" Another order, but this one was not to Valek's squad. A roar of ingition cut over the top of the din of battle. The smell of chemical fire pervaded the scene of the conflict.

Too late, the aggitated minds of the World Eaters realised they had been boxed in. Either side of them raged immense pyres. Behind them was another squad of Black Shields. Armed with salvaged heavy flamers, and scavenged checmical fuels, the squad had ignited the prometheum that had been poured upon the ground in preparation for this ambush. Now the World Eaters were blocked in by firey death to their left and right, and an immovable wall in front of them. Survival instinct kiccked in for a number of the berzerkers, and they turned upon the newcomers, only to be greeted with the searing agony of chemical fire.

Valek gave one more order, and the four flamers in his own squad added to the conflagration. The World Eaters were now boxed in, and more flames were being poured upon the growing inferno with each passing moment. The squad retreated; those Legionaries whose armour had caught fire rolling on the ground to douse the flames. Several had been badly wounded, but nothing that Morturg and that namless Cthonian apothecary would not be able to deal with.

The Eaters of Worlds howled.

It was the howl of pain.

The Eaters of Worlds howled, and they died.

That's a great scheme brother I look forward to seeing more.


Night I suggest a wash of druchii violet?


Drucii violet...hmm...I'll try that out tonight.


Forge World sent me their recipe for Alpha Legion. OH MY GOD is it difficult. Lots of airbrushing involved.


That's a great scheme brother I look forward to seeing more.


Night I suggest a wash of druchii violet?


Drucii violet...hmm...I'll try that out tonight.


Forge World sent me their recipe for Alpha Legion. OH MY GOD is it difficult. Lots of airbrushing involved.


What is it? Tells us, Precious! We wants it!

Epic bit of fluff, Cotys. perfectly captures the essence of the death guard. smile.png

Thanks. I must admit I was partly inspired by the charge of the World Eaters into the shield line of the Ultramarines in Betrayer, but I also wanted to give it my own touch. I also realise, now, that I did not mention any real fighting. I think it works without that.

Next up (when I get around to it): an initiation into the Black Shields.

To herald the coming of my Praetor.


It had been two Terran years since Istvaan V, and He could still hear his Brother's screams. He could still feel the blade of Treachery. His Heart was so..........hard now. It was not like him. he looked down at the Head of his War hammer. The Details shrowded by layer of gore that extend a third of the way up the handle. it was hard to believe how many of his Astartes Cousins he had killed this day. His life was violence now, unadulterated Rage filled Violence. before the massacre, his greatest joy was the Mechanical arts. He loved making wargear better. well, he used to. now there was only war.

 His thoughts where broken when he heard the approach of heavy war plate. as he turned, it was one of his Despoilers, Du'mar.


"My Lord Praetor Vex'tae" the Despoiler intoned. "we are gathering the Survivors now, we-"

"There where no survivors"

"............Understood milord"

"Put their heads to the hammer." Vex'tae commanded."then Gather their Gene-seed, and burn it. No one will remember them."

As the Despoiler moved to obey orders the Praetor returned to cleaning his hammer. "Sgt. Du'mar" he called without looking up. 

"Yes Milord" he returned.

"Tell the brothers to make ready, we follow the Traitors. We make for Terra." He looked up from his Hammer. " the Warmaster will Pay." 


these are the two first Named guys in my Army that I am currently working on. My Praetor(Vex'tae) and one of my Despoilers that will be prominant in my fluff.             (Sgt. Du'mar) 



probably pirimed and Base coat for the Despoiler tomorrow!

Here's a tentative list for my V Legion:


HQ guy on jetbike with killy gear


Destroyer squad  in rhino


Assault squad, sgt with killy gear


Tac squad in rhino


More jetbike guys


Regular bike guys


A couple land speeders or summat


Buncha guys with autocannons in a rhino



(Seriously though, spent more than an hour on actual list and I was getting aggravated, so here's this for now)





I'll you what I'm not impressed with: 30k tac squads! The only assault weapons they can take are hand flamers, and no heavies?! golly gee? I realize this was before the Codex Astartes came out and it was more about the giant legions of marines fighting huge battles, but really, am I missing something or do tac squads kinda blow?

Take breachers? msn-wink.gif

I assume you mean assault squads not tac squads mind, as the tac squads can't take any special weapons.

How bout having a couple of recon squads to fufill your min troops slots then go man with all the cool stuff? Tac support squads can have as many special weapons as you like msn-wink.gif

edit: Ignore me,recon squads are support only. What about basic 10man Tacs in Rhino's, 185 points each barebones?

some fluff


logar was annoyed the battle of Ultramar was going badly his forces were getting destroyed by The smurfs their was only one solution call in the secret regiment Cipher poll 9, they were a secret group of warriors that only he knew of. Their leader,lucci walked in Logar growled you need to destroy their legion you need to take out their leaders and you are the only option, destroy them. lucci replied I thought I was getting a challenge, too bad


First time at fluff how did it go

so I got the Salamders painting scheme emailed from forgeworld today...........hmmmm. not sure about it. I don't own an airbrush.


and Apparently FW is endorsing Tamiya colors now!

The guys at FW use every and any product that they can lay their hands on to make their stuff look fantastic.  There is a reason that they have their own modeling books.  They don't use any of the paints that GW posted for the painting guides for heresy era armies either.  Alan Bligh has an Alpha Legion army that he is painting entirely with a metallic base and inks.  I'll take a look and see if I have their two weathering books for you to borrow.

Let's see, The Salamnders......

airbrush Tamiya flat green.

blend in a highlight of loren forest green.

wash with 50/50 Lahmian medium and biel tan green

(brass) Waplock Bronze and Runelord Brass(not sure if mixed or layered)

wash brass with Agrax Earthshade and Seraphim Sepia 50/50

shade with Drucchi Violet

Brass edge highlight. 50/50 Runelord brass/runefang steel.

I will have to do a test mini. censored.gif this is gonna push my painting back a tiny bit. but if it looks good, It should be worth it.


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